Will Valve try adding more guns this time around? I was getting tired of the same old shotties, hunting rifle, machine guns, and pistols. I wonder if there will be like flamethrowers or grenade launchers? I mean there was a military resistance at first, so there should be weapons of these types...
If you guys didn't see already, here are some game play videos, which seem to be legitimate. Unless someone took the time to re-skin the health bar, character identity along with the picture, and the health pack for different weapons. I'll leave the thoughts to you guys, for I don't really know what to make of it right now. YouTube - LEFT 4 DEAD 2 ALL GAME PLAY 2/2 YouTube - LEFT 4 DEAD 2 ALL GAMEPLAY 1/2 One thing though, weapons are epic. Spoiler Actually there's alot of game play videos released already. I'll put the rest in spoilers. Oh, ****ING INCENDIARY BULLETS. These couple of videos look a little beta-ish judging from the codes under the characters names. Still, looks awesome. YouTube - L4D 2 Gameplay 1 YouTube - L4D 2 Gameplay 2 YouTube - L4D 2 Gameplay 3 YouTube - L4D 2 Gameplay 4 YouTube - L4D 2 Gameplay 5 YouTube - L4D 2 Gameplay 6 YouTube - L4D 2 Gameplay 7 YouTube - L4D 2 Gameplay 8 YouTube - L4D 2 ShackNews Gameplay (Cam)
OMFG!!! Incendiary rounds r u kidding me! I thought there will just be some extra guns added, now incendiary rounds are also add!? This game is going to kick so much ass! L4D was fun enough even though we are playing the same 4 scenarios, but L4D2 looks like its going to be 10x as fun...
Well, you're going up in arms over incendiary bullets, when there's even more then that. Axes, chainsaws, urban-shotgun, etc. Something a zombie game really needed to compete with Dead Rising, and so they did. Though even then, I can compare the sequel to the original very closely, leaving me to ask why couldn't they just host an update. I don't know about you guys, but they're going to have to sell me more then just the utilities they've given us so far.
I think the reason for the new game is because they screwed up the original so badly. They took the idea they had and didn't think it all the way through completely. You have to take a look at the changes they added to the game engine to really understand why they made a new game instead of just updating the original. Just from the gameplay videos we can see three huge additions that are very hard to add to the 360. We can see that the engine now changes time of day and weather effects, we see melee weapons and we see incediary rounds, which to my understanding, mean that you can switch types of rounds depending on your circumstances. I've also heard that they are making the engine capable of changing the level layout on the go depending on how well you are doing. Also, I can compare the original Halo to the newer Halos. What did Bungie add to the Halos along the way? New guns, new maps and a few gameplay mechanics while removing one. By your logic, they should have just updated.
Very smart rebuke on your part. Upon saying the Original versus squeal thing, I immediately thought of Halo, realizing the bias. Though, Halo: CE was a quite a big hit, and around the time it was released, those type of things were oblivious, and Halo made its way to fame. But lets not focus on a different series altogether. My reasoning for feeling light-hearted on seeing the new Left 4 Dead was it was too comparable from the original. Being it's a linear game-mode, advancing levels and such, no real cut-scenes besides opening scenes, I now realize the game almost feels like a complex arcade genre. I comprehend what you said about the reasoning for changes, but....I don't really see much changed yet. Weather effects, new weapons, and new skins aren't exactly noticable to a newly-founded gamer. They might appeal to someone, justly off the Zombie fact, but....to me a person who's been addicted since the release of the demo...it feels to familiar, and way too soon. I'm not suggesting there's a need for a time regulation between an original game and a sequel, but not even a year's time? They could have spent excessive amounts of time building the game, which I'm sure they had, but I blame the games engine for the familiarness. Being it's Valve, they have the best possible engine for a game once the actual game is released, so no need for updating. Being graphics didn't change, that could be a downturn for me.
I think these are the exact things they are updating for the game and the reason for the brand new game. I'm guessing that these changes are things you'll notice more when you actually play the game rather then actually watch the game. Back to Halo if you don't mind, if you were to watch gameplay videos for Halo 1, 2 and 3 you'd barely see any difference other then graphics update, weapon addition and maybe dual wielding or equipment use. I'm sure if you played the games you'd notice the difference a lot more, especially if those gameplay videos are montages. And I think the reason they're getting the game out so quickly is the complete lack of focus on graphics.
Last thing about Halo series, I promise. I feel graphics patching is a crucial cause in the demand for a sequel also. Changing an engine is always good for containing attention. But due to Valve's near perfect engine which I noted before, that obviously is going to stay static. Another thing I'd like to mention is the sequel term. To be honest, I wouldn't even compare this sequel to a Halo sequel. A leading cause of Halo 2's demand was Master Chief's new circumstance, and old personal liking from the community. They've made a connection with the story campaign, and it attracts them. In Left 4 Dead 2 it's entirely new people, with the same engine. There may be different guns, and different levels, but imagine if it were Loius, Zoey, Bill, and Francis back in one of their predicaments. There would be a personal connection, and a possible higher demand. The fact that they inherited new characters doesn't exactly justify the term sequel in a sense, even if they're to make a late appearance at some point. New weapons may be fun to play with, and maps will be cool to play around, but an underlying connection isn't there. An entirely new one must be originated.
Well, as a multiplayer person, I can't say much about story so if that is what will change your buying of L4D2 then I can't change that. A little bit extra on Left 4 Dead 2 that I found.
Teaser Trailers are created for one thing; to tease. I have analyzed many teaser trailers in the past and have discussed them with people, but usually around 90% of the assumptions are incorrect when either a. The company reveals more info or b. A real trailer is released. So don't go all off on the teaser. All you can assume is the addition of melee which they made obvious and a few new enemies. The fact of daytime means absolutely nothing. What comes after day? Usually a brief point of darkness we refer to as night. Let's be excited for the trailer, and wait for valve to finally drop the source engine ;-). -Donuts
Telrad, your argument about Halo's releases doesn't quite make sense. Bungie was basically forced to release new games. They waited 2-3 years between titles, and at the rate technology is moving, 2-3 years is an extremely noticeable advancement. In the day's gaming community they had to release a new game for almost the sole reason of better graphics/tech. It was what everyone was getting used to with new releases, and Bungie had to keep up in order to make money. L4D2, on the other hand, is coming out roughly a single year after the original's release. They are using the same engine with some extra weapons that may peak some people's interests, but they don't have me sold. I'm with Playa on this one, they need to release more info for me to make a decision. Also, I've heard nothing about weather/time changes in levels everytime you play(Ex. One time you play the swamp level at night, next time it's at dusk). I'm fairly certain that feature is not included with the info we already know, so you'll need to link a source of some kind.
Also, don't bullshit with 'Bungie were forced.' Bungie released it to make money and the main things they chose to use the time with are graphics and redoing Single player again. Bungie wasted huge amounts of time with Halo 2. E3 whenever showed that. That level was made in a month and we never saw that. Check out the gameplay videos. You can see it. One game is at dawn the other is in fog. And I'll find the source for the level thing. Link 1. And more interesting link 2.