Sandbox Blast Off!!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Ell3ment, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    Map Name:
    Blast Off!!

    Supported Gametypes:
    Fly High

    Player Count:
    2-16, Works best with 4v4 or 5v5

    Zachary9990 made a video for this map already. Thanks Dude

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    YES!! That is correct. I have finally finished testing and Blast Off!! is finally released to the public. Some of you are thinking, "Ell3ment, WTF is Blast Off!!", well my friends your answer is sitting right in front of you. Blast Off!! is the next hot topic mini game to hit your custom games and should fill your lives with at least 12 minutes of pleasure(more than your "alone" time). And by mastering the simple concept behind the basis for this game you should be able to put up BIG points for your team... assuming the other team doesn't rain on your parade.

    Blast Off!! Consists of two teams of however many people you had to divide up at the start of the game. Those two teams will be given 4 rounds, 2 defending and 2 attacking, of 3 minutes each to score or stop as many points as possible.

    You will spawn with a pistol in one of two "observation" boxes up above the main platform where you are unable to contest the hill.....

    Did i mention the brute shots? RIGHT! Your given brute shots to rain down hell onto your opposing team with as many brute shot exsplosions that you can possibly muster. These bruteshots are especially effective against the grav lifts when rained down rather than following them up unless your skilled with leading your targets. Don't forget your pistol though because it can come in handy to take out a falling enemy who already lost his shields.

    But when you losing HARD and all else fails don't fret, a ROCKET LAUNCHER spawns 2 minutes into the round(1 minute left in the round) for one of your team members from each defender box to add a little more chaos to the board.

    Attackers spawn with there pistol and grav lifts that instantly respawn in front of them. Your ONLY goal for the entire round is to toss that trusty grav lift on one of the blocks from the platform in front of you and ride that baby into the sky to gain hill points.
    Sounds easy Right? Well that truly depends on your skill and the skill of the defenders. Also take note that the hill area ONLY covers the broken block platform and is raised like 2.5 box lengths above it to remove any cheating. OH, and not to mention once you start flying those little blocky bastards into the sky you will soon realize that the glowing stuff below them are killballs waiting to blast your face off.

    Truly theres not to much more to explain that there pictures can't answer.

    Outside this massive structure(yup, not the skybox)

    Defender Spawn

    Attackers Spawn

    Looking Down from the ceiling

    How high you really can go

    Specialty Ships ARE named:

    Rocket Ships (a Block standing straight up)

    Boat(A block laying on it's side)

    Cargo Ships(Flying 2 or more blocks together)

    A few more action shots

    Falling blocks do hurt and sometimes kill

    Mid game mayhem

    I also would like to add a special thanks to Coyote for helping with the origional concept design, and thanks to all my testers for playing and adding viable input.

    E - Forgings
    #1 Ell3ment, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  2. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Holy Carp! This is really cool! love the originality, The asthetics, Gameplay, Its just perfect, Your awsome, if you're new around here, (Which i think you are)
    i can just tell you're going to end up with a Respected rank pretty quickly, Then premium, Cause this map deserves a spot on the Front Page, And not just in the Latest Maps box, 5/5, FEATURE NAO!

    EDIT: Do you want to join my Mini-Game group, Arcadian (Mini) Gamers?
    #2 GR4V3mind117, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow... That's almost all I have to say... This is amazing dude, I think you may have just created the most fun minigame on the planet. Its just beyond anything I've ever tried to make.

    I love the excitement and laughs you get out of this, getting killed by falling blocks whose rider falls into the killball... Funny as heck, wow if I was forced to give this a number rating I'd give it the highest number possible.

    Great job, I hope to see this get featured soon.
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Woah dude, this looks so intense! I'm downloading this and I'ma play it with my friends tomorrow. This has to be the most amazing concept in Halo's history. You achieved liftoff dude, congrads! 5/5, I'll give more precise feedback later on. Seriously...the overview caught my attention. Perhaps make the opening paragraph more presentable thought =D.

    EDIT: AWESOME YOU MADE THE FRONT PAGE GREAT JOB!!!! And yes this map is SUPER fun I was so addicted that I played Three games in a row!!! That's about 45 minutes of non stop fun!!!!

    EDIT 2: Woah holy crap this got featured! Great job on becoming loyal!!!!! :)
    #4 Gollygeeanelite, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  5. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Finally posted, great job Ell3ment. I really like how the movable objects on Sandbox are the first that can be carried up high by a grav lift (yes, you can fly up high enough to kill yourself XP).

    This map was fun in every single testing game for both the attacking and defending teams and no one in the party had anything negative to say. All I can say is that this will be on my hard drive for a while.
  6. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I've been waiting to nominate this for like two months! But i' glad you took the time to work out all the bugs. This is my favorite Sandbox mini-game. Its very creative and a blast to play. Undoubtedly a winner, my friend! Oh, and thanks for all the testing invites!

    Can't wait to try out your big base map next!
  7. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh My God. I love playing this. It was a great idea to utilize the special properties of those broken columns and turn it into a whole game. It's a lot of fun to be the people down on the bottom. It's kind of boring to be the people on the top with the Brute Shots but it's alright.

    I think I've played the CTF and the KOTH versions. I like the CTF version better because it's more of a challenge for the people on the bottom and it's a little bit easier for the people shooting.

    Overall, this game is very fun and it's one of the few mini-games I've ever liked to play.

    EDIT* Why no CTF gametype?!?!?
    #7 AceOfSpades, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  8. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    i had at one point set it up for CTF but i didn't have enough items to make it how i wanted it, it's not money glitched i just didn't use the right canvas when i made it.

    On a side note this game works best with 4v4 or 5v5 since it relies on the 4 instant respawn grav lifts, you can ride other peoples blocks up but it does make it more challenging.
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    This looks so epic. Never seen anything like this before. The game play is so original, there's no way I'm NOT downloading this. If the gameplay doesn't work for me, I could always still use the map for a screw around, looks like it has potential.
  10. Ahogan11

    Ahogan11 Ancient
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    hey this looks like a great map i have never seen one like it you even did a good job at the design of the rocket ship lots of detail, but i found only one thing it is that you should make it so the huemans have to spawn on the blocks or they could just stay there the whole game unles you could kill him(not shure) but i really like the map and im gunna dl it and play it nicely done 5/5 very creative
  11. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    ?? did you even read the post? The whole purpose of the game is to move from that platform and fly those block into the air and score hill time, while avoiding being hit by falling blocks, brute shots, and rockets. Maybe you missed it, idk, but try and read posts fully before you comment on things that may be wrong.
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Okay, play tested for a while, great game. The way the grav lifts are used are incredible, I didn't know about it up till now. Some times me and my friends would be able to get even 6 platforms. The only problem is, I can also get out of the map sometimes. I recommend that in a V2, you raise the wall height to make SURE that there's no way of getting out. Other than that, top notch map, awesome job.
  13. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    When I tested this map with you, people kept spawning outside on a 5v5+. I assume you fixed this, correct?
  14. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Wow, I played a few games on this and it is so much fun! Like everyone else said, this is very original and I have never played a mini-game like this. And the aesthetics of the rocketship are awesome too. This should keep my friends and I entertained for quite a while. 5/5.
  15. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    Getting out is possible, it's not easy to do but you are able to get out. To get out you would have to try to specifically get out since i made walls covering all the main areas you should be floating through. The only thing i can say to that is your wasting your teams time trying to do anything other than take flight into the hill. I doubt I'll make a version two considering i would have to completely remake the map.

    And as far as people spawning outside the map, that problem shouldn't be an issue anymore.
    #15 Ell3ment, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  16. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    I agree, people will get out no matter what you try, unless you remake this in the skybox, which I DON'T recommend. It only ruins gameplay if someone gets out, plus they will regret it in the end, so it shouldn't be a problem.

    As for the gameplay, this is something I haven't seen yet, it uses something similar to the flying containers on Last Resort but is much more fun and creative. It makes you feel like you are walking in an asteroid belt when lots of blocks go into the air and when you fall you get that exhilerating feeling. This is really one fun game and the map itself seems forged to perfection. I'd give this a 5/5 for a map, and actually, that seems to be the first I've ever given out. Congratulations. This should be, in my opinion, featured.

    And lots of maps have been escapable, such as help's on the way. There are many ways to escape but it only makes it worse for you because it ruins gameplay. So for this map, it shouldn't be a problem either. Great map!
  17. stringcheese91

    stringcheese91 Ancient
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    This map is pretty cool and looks like you worked really hard on it but i dont see the point to it.... it's not really all that fun

    This map looks pretty cool and it looks like you spent a lot of time forging it, but i dont see the point to it... it's not really that fun
  18. Blep1337

    Blep1337 Ancient
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    this game is so fun and it plays well...the only thing that happend was friends suck with bruteshots so it was an easy win for me lol, but i love this game its so fun and all my friends keep asking to play agian.
  19. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Way to say the same thing twice.

    Anyways, this is one of the most innovative minigames yet. We need more forgers like you with these kind of ideas. The way it is built is outstanding as well. Everything was laid down so neatly and evenly. Having the map breakable is a small issue, but it ends up harming your team in the end. Maybe you should have a teleporter taking you back inside the map (if possible)...great fun, nice but not overwhelming aesthetics, 10/10. If you ever need any testers, I'll be there.
  20. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
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    The innovative of the map is amazing. The design is incredible. The gameplay is addictive. The results are funny. Like this!


    My favourite minigame of all time. Incredible. Well done. 10/10

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