Well this looks like a beast of a map. I like every structure I see in this map. I havent seen anyone build anything like this yet (at least this good), but I come to expect that from you Ace, I like alot of your work. Then again, cerberus beast must be good too, I dont know who built what but its nice. Seems like it would flow nicely and it looks to have a solid weapon layout. You got my DL and hopfully the gameplay is as good as it looks. One question though, in the pics it seems like the red team starts at blue base, and blue team vice versa. Why is that? was it on purpose?
Those pictures you see were taken from a Team Slayer game. For some reason, the teams get switched for Team Slayer. For Capture the Flag and Assault though, the teams are assigned to their correct bases.
We are at least going to do a version with updated spawns, maybe other things if necessary. Do you have any suggestions or ideas? Rather, why do you ask?
I have don't have anything at the moment that I could give, I would have to play the map more. Perhaps tonight we could if we could round up a big enough party. Maybe some geometry changes or something? I don't know, we'll see when we get there.
Right, I can't go online tonight, but if you get a big enough party and find any problems, I would appreciate you telling either Ace or me about them.
This map has a great look to it, I especialy love the claw. I also really like how you used the walls as ramps and platforms- the "octagons" for instense- it thought it gave it unique feel. Its hard to pull of a good asymetric map, and you defiantly did it. 4.7/5
Spawns for the map have now been updated. The updated version is on my fileshare and titled Tetradymite .1 (There may a 'v' in there, not sure.) Ace will have his updated by Sunday or Monday.
very nice downloading right now. i very lie that you interlock your objects and also geo-merg some of them. very good 5/5
The current version of the map has four objects left until OLN limit is reached so there is not much in the way of geometry that we can do. I was considering adding Oddball to the compatible gametypes. Or if we could delete a few unnecessary objects, KOTH. Some of the geo-merges were a pain but thanks for the input.
This is the sort of map halo needs more of, aesthetics and funcionality blended together. Apart from the ground level possibly needing a touch more cover this map is perfect. Although I rarely download competitive maps I am certainly downloading this.
exactly dude thats what im saying, these kinda of maps really make sandbox's bad map reputation go up. I mean just about everything is perfect about this map execpt for the little spawn problem, but ace is fixing that.
Alright I just have to ask...where you aiming to create a new sort of Halo style of gameplay Lol....one that plays with EXTREME openess.....this map is good and bad at the same time.. Firstly I'll start off that, when I play ctf never tried slayer, NO one went to The Claw. k thats out i was afraid to play this with people because of how open it seemed, but its very strange this map plays pretty well. I did BR starts btw, i thought it would be fitting....but the open open walkways is really really cool. The first thing I thought with this was was MARIO KART 64. Actualy, that multiplayer level that is 4 blocks, I cant think of it at the moment....but yea the openness of this map is decieving, it looks like it would be open to the point of unplayability...but you created a unique style of gameplay here, fun and cool strange etc...the subtle Base Structures really help the map otherwise i think it would look so plain that people would quit.. plus your towers out back help too... overall nice map
*UPDATE* Tetradymite is the winner of the May Forgery Challenge over at xForgery.com. A map video has been added to the OP. The new version with the new spawning system should solve any problems of people not going towards The Claw. There's one open part on the whole map and it's not even that incredibly open. Stop saying that. Towers out back?
cmon buddy. c'MOWN buddeh. who'r you trying to fool? the walkways from base to base have NO cover...theyre just floating walls....however nowhere did i say that was a bad thing. thats what I asked if you were trying to create a new type of open gameplay...this map is very very open, dont kid me or yourself. i take back what i said about the Claw, a couple more games and i found MYSELF going to it, for cover, and I found myself and teammates being blown up by the rockets but yea the walkways are very open, the lines of site I think are what help people avoid getting shot. I know you have the a (potato) wedge here and there, but other than that i think the elevated walkways are very open. but i think its cool because i rarely find myself getting totally OWNED on those walkways, or getting mad getting shot at. usually you can make it halfway where there is some sort of cover. and if your up there usually people below wont be able to get you...but you can destroy people on the bottom from the walkways...they have no chance, unless theyre maybe below you and the towers, no i meant the upside-down base things, Red base has one, idk about blue. and you can go inside it...very neat
It's all true, I seen the video on youtube and gameplay looks amazing. Now I know what you're going to say "But you haven't played it." But I'm going to believe the majority of people that say the map plays amazing rather than the one person who doesn't like 90% of the maps on here. But anyway, Congrats on the win Ace, you deserved it. The map plays well while still looking amazing.
I played probably 4 or 5 games on this map a couple of days ago. I had a lot of fun. We played one flag CTF almost every time and it didn't get old. I didn't find any problems with lack of cover. The large size of most of the structures on the map blocks enough lines of sight for you to be able to advance, but leaves it open enough for BR battles, which is really what these large team games are all about. Some unique structures are included in this map, too. The claw looks cool, especially up close, and the slightly curved walls jutting into the sky at the entrances also add to an original feeling when playing.
There's a risk vs. reward factor for higher ground. Higher ground gives you an advantage over the game for many different reasons, but there is a risk to be up there. That's why they don't have as much cover as other parts of the map. Red base got a tower because it is the Defending base so it has a little more 'defense' than blue base. Fixed for you. Please people, stop giving me all the credit for the map. One Flag CTF is the gametype that excels the most on this map. Glad you liked it.
I think you should put more cover on the blue side neutral base and also put more cover on the Red side tower