Sandbox Contortionist

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Canadians360, May 31, 2009.

  1. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    by Canadians360

    Map Size:
    8 or 4v4

    Compattable Gametypes:
    Assault, Capture the Flag, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Territories, VIP

    This is my map Contortion. The concept behind it was a map that was built for sheer gameplay not asthetics. I wanted players to know where they were, where they were going and where all the weapons are located at all times. I also built this to dispell any claims that a vehicle map would be impossible in the Crypt. I have spent a long time on this and tested it quite a few times. The map runs in an "S" shaped pattern and fetures two main bases, two sub bases, and two side bunkers. Players on foot are not at that much of a disadvantage to those in vehicles for the map has several routes for players that a vehicle cant take. I have placed anti vehicle weapons around the map in strategic places. Players who take the quickest rout from base to base will find little to fight off the vehicles but those who go a few feet out of their way will find themselves armed with plasma pistols, energy drains and even rocket launchers. As I said I have been working on this map for a long time but I am already making a V2 to get under budget by geomerging the walls behing the bunkers to save on cash while maintaining its inescape-ability. So any suggestions would still be considered and I am always open to your advice.

    Now For The Pictures!

    Birs eye view

    Base View

    View From The Base

    Weapons On Base's Bottum Floor

    Sub base

    Side Bunker


    Equipment/Power-Ups (sorry working on pics)


    Bubble Shield-2x

    Energy Drain-2x


    Side Notes:
    • This map was mainly maid for two team games.
    • I preffer CTF multi flag and Assault
    • Games should be played with BR starts.
    • I havent played a full game of territories, Koth, or VIP yet but they are compatable.
    • Each sub base has a lift up, a ramp up and a jump up on the side.
    • Vehicles can only get inside the bunker from the side closest to the base, making it easier to deffendyour teams but harder to attack your opponents.
    • Rockets are atop of the obolisk structures with fusion coils in front.
    Gameplay Shots






    I would also like to thank the members of the testers guild who helped me test the map.
    #1 Canadians360, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    I like the feel of this map as well as the layout. It is very basic, but many of the most basic maps have the best gameplay. I know that you said that you didn't include aesthetics, but if you have any money, i would like to suggest you making it look more pleasing to the eye. In each of the corners you might want to fix it up a little bit just because you used up a lot of pieces just to make that tall wall. I would recommend keeping the basic design of the corners but just getting rid of the wall and putting something in behind it.

    Overall great map-4.7/5
  3. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    As I mentioned before I am replacing those walls that are so high with a few geomerged double boxes. Im actualy working on it right now. I posted it to absoarb any other advice so I dont need to make three versions. With that wall gone I will have more money and objects for asthetics and any suggestions would really help.
    #3 Canadians360, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  4. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Hey canadians360, you posted this! Pel showed this to me one day and we played a 1v1 on this and it was a lot of fun. Just the shape and style of elevation on the map make it win. I think the lifts are also cool, they provide a more technical side to the map instead of just a ramp. idk if vehicles are overpowering, i got rocketed so many times. But team games will definately be a fun vehicle battle for sure. It seemed as though there was only one way up to the sub-base right near the middle, and that really annoyed me that i had to go all the way to the elevator to get up. (BTW your weapons list spoiler is blank). Fix that. Overall i give it a 4.75/5. Keep it up!

  5. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Wonderful. Simply wonderful. This is amazing and I'm sorry I couldn't be there to test it with you. All you need to do now is fix those bunker walls so you can submit it to Atlas. I'd love to see this in Matchmaking(Cubed=fail. You should put a picture of Cubed in your Epic Fail Slideshow thread.).
    #5 Pel, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  6. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    The layout is great. It looks like it plays very well. My only concern is the Choppers. I think they're a little overkill. Nice job, though!
  7. Id3ntityCrisis

    Id3ntityCrisis Ancient
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    Is it just me or do people pick names for their map that just sound cool to them without knowing the meaning at all?

    A contortionist is a person who can bend their body in ridiculous ways, Not a map, or a place.
  8. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    i loved this map durring testing, it is really well thought out and fun to play. The aesthetics are fantastic, and while it can feel a little small, its nice for close quarters and long range play.


    also your weapons list spoiler is empty

    way to contribute to anything in this thread...
    #8 Runic Aries, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  9. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Um this has nothing to do with my map but I will adress this statement anyways. The map has a twisted or contorted path in an "S" shape pattern in between the bases. This map is a contortionist for it takes it's main path between bases and bends and twists it. My map names are all logical and sound awsome. I think you should stick to critisizing maps not names. If you have advice or opinions on my map I would love to here it but this argument is a discussion and does not belong here.

    There should be an awsome picture of all the weapons and a medal next to them to represent their number. Example would be mongoose overkill or carbine double kill could someone please verify that they can see the weapon list pictures since both me and my friend can. I did it in paint so maybe it's a mac thing idk I will work on fixing the picture and get a text list up in the meantime.
    #9 Canadians360, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  10. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    wow. i believe this is the map you showed me to download before you released it, I loved it then, and still love it now! As before where you said you were finding ways to get money for aesthetics, I believe there is a thread 'Ultimate budget glitch' on forging 101 that shows you how to glitch specific items, even half-way through a map built on a normal canvas, therefore, I believe you could make it so double boxes and arches cost no money, etc. someone correct me if I am wrong...
  11. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Well I'm glad you love my map but Im in no way trying to budget glitch it. I actualy am already over the budget limit with the walls. I am trying to get under budget and have already worked out how I'm going to do it. Why? I am thinking about sending this to atlas in the near future. However thanks for going to all the trouble of explaining a place that budget glitches maps. I actually know how to do it myself but I apreciate that kind of effort.
  12. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    quick noob question: what is atlas? sorry Im so new, Im still working on my first map lol.
  13. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Ah it's no big deal. Atlas is the official bungie group where members may submit maps to bungie. The comunity looks at them and can give opinions on them but the main deal is that atlas has the power to put maps into match making. If you've played on maps like utah mambo, cubbed or punisher they all made it into matchmaking through atlas. And there are never any noon questions, for looking for answers is the most un-nubbish thing I can think of
  14. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    i have never seen a crypt map like this before, it has a unique, good looking layout, and it uses objects in ways that i have never seen before. i can see how it would work out with territories.

    great job, great map 4.75/5
  15. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    thanks and on that note I actually put in some considerable effort into the decision of the territories. Both asymetrical and symetrical maps play very different on the account that I used many asymetrical or symetrical only territories. It took up a few objects but I feel that it was worth it. Before I get out my final version I'll be sure to run it over at the testers guild to tweak anything and everything to perfection. So far I get the concensus is that my map is about a 4.75/5 so that's great news and again thanks to the testers guild for such support.
  16. Muffles

    Muffles Ancient
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    Lol, naw, if it sounds cool, why not use it? I understand trying to make the two relate, but if you can't find a way, whatever!

    It's all fun and games, nothing too serious.
  17. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Very original with your attention to detail. The bases remind me of Lockout or Blackout with the square body and caving circle roof, yet the ground reminds me of a vehicle allowed Beaver Creek. Over all a map I can definitely deserves a good 4.8/5. Your map is incredibly well done but all good maps to me are missing a special something. I'm not picking on you nor would I do that to any good map but from what I have seen from the time I have been a member here that everything needs its golden touch.
  18. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    Very nicely forged, and the concept seems fairly unique. It actually reminds me a bit of a scaled-up Battle Creek. Given the fairly constrained nature of the Crypt, combined with the set paths, it looks like vehicles will be useable without being spawnkilling tools. 4.8/5.
  19. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Hmm I'm sorry but I see no block out resembalance but hey if you see a bungie made map resemblance in my map I'll take that as a good thing. I also apreciate the golden touch thing and I'm working on it. Once I geomerge the bunker walls I'll have plenty of spare cash. So that leads me to my big question which is what do you guys think needs an asthetic touch. The bases, sub based, bunkers? I could really use some input as to what you guys are looking for. I would apreaciate the advice and thanks everybody for the wonderful reviews.

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