My mistake. I got IW mixed up with Assassin's Creed 2, that's today. IW is at 12:30 PDT tomorrow. I have alarms set on my computer. Its with IGN, so you need to go to IGN E3 2009 Live Press Conference to watch it.
that stupid IGN player doesnt let me watch old stuff it only lets me watch live, otherwise it crashes my firefox
Golden Sun DS.... If you guys haven't yet played Golden Sun, go get a Gameboy and buy the games, it is so amazing, omg.
GameSpot E3 Live That's what I have been watching. Freezes sometimes, but other than that it has it all. Show floor coverage to onstage hand on previews.
I can't wait to see some new stuff for Mass Effect 2 and Lost Planet 2. These both look like great sequels to two of my favorite games.
I have been converted. I just caught GameSpot's ODST stage demo, and the player at one point used that little sight on the silenced SMG. We now have a scoped automatic weapon, which is awesome.
i didnt enjoy mass effect in any sence i found it to be very boring and dull and im in no way interested to see the new one
No body knows. Just another hour and fifteen minutes before IGN's interview with Infinity Ward, if anyone cares.
ahh wtf Army of Two doesn't come out until Winter '10 (((((((((super sadface(((((((( Well anyway, Firefight in ODST looks amazing
Here's a quote from Mass Effect: "You think we give a damn. That's cute." Not all games are run n gun..
Not all games are for everybody for that matter. You don't like it, that's perfectly fine. The only time I care is when other people say that I shouldn't like a game, or give it unfair criticism.
Wow I was impressed with Lost Planet 2. Now i might be mistaked but it looked like there was somekind of co-op and the players were taking on this gigantic monster in the middle of some rocky forest. I never played the first one becuase it looked boring and stared at snow the whole time. But LP2 looks awesome. Oh btw Crysis 2 coming to 360 finally. finally ditched the boring snow, this game looks kickass
I see you have the trailer there, but here is an onstage demo of Lost Planet 2. I do have to admit, I am fairly impressed with this game thus far. Not only are you facing gigantic monsters, but now you can go inside of them and back out in real time with no loading. Like the Gears of War 2 level, where you enter the insides of that worm, but smaller and way more kick ass.
lost planet 2 looks absolutly amazing i never bought the first one but i think i might end up getting this one just to fight the giant bugs, plus the online co-op definatly a big big big plus, its always more fun with friends
Yeah the campaign which seemed to be the focus of the first one had no co-op and the lonely snow plains make the new that much better