ODST and REACH news thread.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mace, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    To be honest, I'm jsut really glad Jeff Steitzer is still doing the announcing for this game. It really keeps the sense of Halo in the game. And Halo isn't Halo without him. :p
  2. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Double kill....Triple kill....OVERKILL.

    yep. it wouldnt be halo without him.
  3. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Joystiq just confirmed that Halo: Reach will be an FPS.

    I just hope it's still fresh in terms of gameplay. I don't want to feel like I'm playing Halo 3 with slightly new weapons and vehicles. I want it to be fresh, but still able to retain that "Halo feel".
  4. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    yay my prediction is so far somewhat true.
  5. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    im sure they will use the same engine as ODST and halo 3 considering the release date. im hoping for something new as well though.
  6. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    they could have been working on a new engine for the game still have over more than a year to go,
  7. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Yes its quite possible. Rumor was that the heroic, legendary and mythic maps were already partially made upon the time of halo 3's release.
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    While Bungie is human, they barely show it. I feel both Reach and ODST will not be comparable in game play terms with Halo 3, or any previous sagas. Bungie has really proven themselves unstoppable, and unique. If Reach is the same engine, which it most likely will be, who cares? They're being smart, and to be honest, it wouldn't feel like Halo if it wasn't the original engine. I'm sure they've taken all Halo events+ esque out of it, and it will be purely original.
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Without that Halo feel, it'd just be another FPS. Boring boring boring.

    Halo's arcade style shooting is reaaaaly something you can't get enough of. I'm hoping scarabs and pelicans will be useable in Reach, that would be cool.
  10. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i hope that bungie makes water levels for ODST/ Reach. i love halo's water effects.
  11. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    The AR will most likely be replaced with its cut down version, we may get to meet Dr. Halsey. And of course, 10 or so other Spartans.


    You’ve suited up as a SPARTAN-II, the most advanced human weapon in the UNSC’s arsenal. Now it’s time to strap on a different pair of boots. As an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, you’ve been "hand-picked” to suit up and drop feet first into a Covenant occupied New Mombasa. Your chances of making it out alive are slim to none. Sound like your kind of mission? Good. Here’s what you need to know:

    Unconventional Warfare

    Don't Play In Traffic

    First things first, your armor plating did not “just come up from Songnam this morning.” Unlike the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor you’ve become accustomed to sporting, ODST combat gear doesn’t come equipped with energy shielding. Take a hit in Halo 3: ODST and you’ll feel the burn as your stamina and health wear thin.

    When it's the former - your stamina falling to critical levels - your HUD will wash red. When it does, find cover. Once you're safely out of enemy fire, you can catch your breath and allow your stamina slowly recover. Should you choose to ignore your early warning systems, Covenant fire will start chiseling through your armor plating and cut directly into your health. Once that happens, the only way to recover is to locate health packs as you navigate the city.

    Engage the enemy when it’s clear you have the advantage, keep out of direct and sustained fire, and get up close and personal only where there’s no other alternative.

    Direct Action


    When you absolutely, positively have to kill every Covie in the quadrant…accept no substitutes. In Halo 3: ODST you’ll be getting your fingerless mitts on some specialized tools to tip the balance of the fight a little bit in the UNSC’s favor. Dual-wielding is out, but the pair or armaments outlined below both employ smart-linked scope technology that allows you to stay at range, fire in controlled, accurate bursts, and stick to the relative safety of cover so you can keep on keepin’ on during your stay in New Mombasa.

    M7 SMG


    Click for Optical Magnification

    Not your mother’s M7 caseless, this supressed sub machinegun is a jack of all trades. In short bursts, it’ll take down Grunts and Drones with ease, and as you become more practiced in the field, you’ll learn to strip a Brute of his protective gear, send him into a careless rage, and set him up for the quick kill.



    Click for Optical Magnification

    Speaking of the quick kill, the M6C/SOCOM might not be the flashiest weapon in your arsenal (in fact it’s got a matte black polymer finish) but show me an ODST and I’ll show you a soldier that thinks long and hard before swapping this headshot machine out for any other weapon.

    Great for thinning the Covenant herd from long range, it also boasts surprising stopping power in close quarters. Though you’ll want to dispose of the enemy's shielding via other, more suitable ordnance to save your automag's precious ammunition, the M6C/SOCOM makes for one hell of a satisfying coup de grâce.

    If you liked the M6D from the original Halo, you’re gonna love the M6C/SOCOM.

    Deep Ground Surveillance


    Long before any shots are fired, you’ll need to assess the battlefield. Using onboard "Visual Intelligence System, Reconnaissance" technology integrated into your UNSC issue PDA and ODST BIOS, you won’t have any doubts who’s friendly, who’s out to crush your skull under their boot, or how you should best navigate the dark, Covenant occupied city of New Mombasa.

    To utilize your VISR technology, including the enhanced night vision module, toggle it on and off by pressing the "X" button. Don’t worry about equipment, as an ODST you won’t be using it. If you’re dead certain the area is clear of hostiles, access the PDA functionality by pressing the "Back" button. From your BIOS you can chart your current position on a top down, wireframe map of the city, check out points of interest identified by the City of New Mombasa's AI construct, The Superintendent, deploy your own custom directional waypoint beacons, and review any intelligence and communications data you’ve gathered on the ground.

    Visual Intelligence System, Reconnaissance


    It's simple: If you see green, squad up. If you see red, shoot.

    Equipment Recovery/Capture


    In the likely event that you are wounded while operating in the field, you'll be on your own to secure and acquire medical supplies. Your vitality is decidedly human – no enhanced super soldier genetics at play here - and when you become injured by enemy fire (and you will) you’ll need to locate and utilize New Mombasa’s civilian medical kiosks or obtain health packs from other embedded soldiers in the combat zone in order to stop the bleeding and get back into fighting shape.

    Health Packs


    Apply Directly to the Forehead

    Since Health Packs can not provide you with a resuscitating effect, we recommended that you avoid sustaining any critical injuries at all costs. Failure to ignore this recommendation may result in serious personal injury and death.

    For more information about what you can expect when you suit up and drop into New Mombasa, check out the Halo 3: ODST Field Guide. It's been updated with some of the new, technical information from this article, and already includes some of the critical intelligence you'll need to check out before you set boots on the ground. To gain access, simply click on the image of the Superintendent below.

    #71 Mace, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  12. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Im sure there will be sections of the city near the docks of New Mombasa that can be explored.
  13. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Yeah, but I think Halo can be more than just Arcade-style shooting. It can be more deep, and rich with customization and style.

    As for the engine, I think it's safe to assume that judging from the trend of Bungie's games: Halo 2 looking a lot better than Halo CE, Halo 3 looking better than Halo 2, etc.

    I think Halo: Reach will follow that trend and it will end up looking very nice compared to Halo 3. I'm not saying Halo 3 looks bad, but it's quite apparent that there's room for improvement.
  14. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i agree yeti, halo can use imorovment, but you've got to think halo came out as one of the earliest games (good games) for the Xbox360.
  15. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I wouldn't consider a game released 2 years after the release of the 360 to be one of the "earliest games".

    But it was in development right after Halo 2, so yeah.
  16. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I'm still a bit confused about health... in the update it says you bleed? Is Bungie trying to be literate or what? Does that mean if you take too much damage in a certain area, it'll bleed and you need to find a health pack or something to stop it? I saw in the video that your health goes back up after a while, so are health pack used solely to have it go up faster?
  17. ape man 117

    ape man 117 Ancient
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    you have a "shield" that isn't really a hield, more like a buffer, then you have health, "buffer" regenerates, health does not, only health packs make health go back, health = 0 = dead.

    edit: like halo CE and halo 2/3 mixed
  18. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    You probably will, but i really hope you are fighting Elites again in REACH,
    i mean, as cool as brutes are, when you fight them, you can't help but think " i'm fighting a big stupid monkey with a tiny little spike pistol".
    the elites have a much more alien feel. idk. just like fighting them better.
  19. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Oh, okay thanks I was confused about that. Ghetto shield is ghetto. But did bungie not say that your health will regenerate overtime?
  20. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Couldnt agree more.
    But Brutes in ODST seems to be more bad ass.

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