Debate Is Obama on our side?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zendarrun, Jun 3, 2009.

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  1. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    I am alarmed by the Obama administration's actions. From what i have read in the news lately, Our president has done many things that are puting America at risk.

    He has used military funding for non-military reasons, is not funding a Nuclear missle defence system, He is supporting Iran's nuclear program (that is scary), he has done little to stop North Korea's Nuclear Missle tests, And he is apologising for the War in Iraq.

    He is doing a lot to damage our military strength. I am not lying about any of this.

    I wish to know how people interpret this. Im also likely to get flamed too.

    I am not making any accusations (yet),but I am conserned for the safety of America.
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Cite your sources.

    And if you truly believe that Obama intends to bring harm to America, go check into the nearest mental facility.
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I heard about this one guy, on an internet forum. Is he a propaganda moron who gets his information from Rush Limbaugh? I think that's the real debate here.

    Or maybe Obama really is a problem for America? He took his wife out for a night when he didn't have any work to do, and Airforce One came along. I mean, he payed for stuff using his pay check, a pay check that comes from our tax dollars. In my opinion, our President shouldn't have any time off, and he definitely shouldn't be taking advantage of that time by enjoying himself. Bush on the other hand, visiting his ranch in Texas and going on golfing trips, at least those are real American pass-times.

    Obama, what kind of ***** are you? If I was President, if Bush was still President, we'd take North Korea on full force. **** permission or decisions made by the UN. Did we wait for the UN to pass judgement before we went into Iraq? No, we didn't. Now look at us, the international badass. Badass like that kid who stole my lunch money the other day. Iraq was a great example of why it isn't bad at all to go agains the UN.

    And what is this about apologizing for the War in Iraq? I am sorry, world, if you hate us Americans for having an extended military contract in a country we never belonged in. Deal with it, it's just how we role. To think that we are apologizing for such a thing, to bring nations closer together after pushing them away from us with our decicisons, that's just un-patriotic.

    Damn right you aren't lying about any of this! He is doing alot of damage to our military strength.... uh... more information beyond that is not needed to tell the truth.

    Now excuse me as I get on my flame suit. I'm not jumping to any conclusions yet, but I am just concerned about my own safety. Burns suck.
  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Okay, but if I had a nuke and i launched at America from Sydney, then USA launches a nuke at Sydney. Mutually Assured Destruction: MAD. It was the same situation as in the Cold War. And notice that you never said that the military has been reduced. perhaps he feels that the military is huge enough.

    Besides one tenth of your Air Force is enough to scare off any would be attackers. Also, Presidents are politicians. politicians always say one thing and do another. So what if he has done nothing to N. Korea? What could you do by yourself? Things like that should be handled by the UN not USA.

    If he has been using military funding for non military reasons then its not military funding anymore. And who wouldn't apologize for the war in Iraq? That war is a mess.

    I googled the thing you said about Obama supporting Iraqi Nuclear programs, but couldn't find a thing. Also, Obama has condemned the N. Korea tests. And the Nuclear missile system? It's been in place for years right? Then who needs more money for it, sides from maintenance.

    Obama has well paid advisors who tell him the best course of action. Unless he's an idiot, he's going to follow that advice. And I seriously doubt that their plans include weakening America.
  5. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    #5 RadiantRain, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Check and

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    Real reliable, props. Fox News, the least biased news source concerning Barrack Obama, and a site that allows anyone to post an article. I only skimmed, and I saw not a single bit of convincing evidence, or anything that really wasn't that bad when the other side of the situation is taken into account.

    EDIT: Oh, and here is a quote from the Terms of Service on that one site.
    Barack Obama went to meet with the Saudi Arabians this Tuesday. During the trip however, many actions of the President were kept secret for "his safety". According to political talk-show host, Rush Limbaugh, the President was far more busy meeting this his superiors about what his next move after the 100 day mark should be, rather than creating diplomatic peace like he said he would. Following this statement, Rush went on to speak about how Obama ordered the death of two African American teenagers.

    I should seriously start posting there, it can be fun.
    #6 X5, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Obama budget cuts target military funding - Washington Times

    Less bias...
  8. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure we can sue him for impeachment if he isn't.
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I could care less if a runaway military budget is being pruned. Compared to the entire world's spending on military (every country...) we spend 55%.

    Money to military
    US - 55%
    Everyone else - 45%

    Does that not seem like a little much? If anything that 10% is a drop in the bucket.

    Say you have 10Billion dollars. Take away 10%. Oh ****, 9Billion dollars left! What are we ever going to do? Now we can't afford gold toilet seats in the barracks.
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    You know, I find that the best way to know more about a new's source and their stance on certain things is to look at its viewers. Let's take Pat Dolland's article for example, and take a look at the comments (I'll highlight points of interest):

    Okay, I can't stomach any more bullshit. A few more comments and I would ruin my keyboard. But let's not forget what a wonderfully informed person RadiantRain is, who totally understands fear mongering.

    But let me just cut to the chase here, and get on with it. I don't care if you guys are convinced our country will end. I don't care if you think Obama is a terrorist in disguise. I know that if you saw someone walking down the street saying "**** **** **** cakes government", you'd probably think he was mental. Swine Flu totally killed us all. Barack Obama totally betrayed our country before 100 days. Rush Limbaugh is definately not biased. Fox News totally has the best news broadcast. Iraq was totally justified. Budget cuts affecting our military are totally a way to weaken us, not a subsequent effect of poor economy and the steps needed to fix it. Foriegn people do not hate us. I totally agree with you guys. I am totally not guffawing with laughter at the ridiculousness of American ignorance. I am going to see this thread through and fight tooth over a pointless debate.
  11. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Aside from all the bitching, who the **** cares if we only spend $5 trillion instead of the usual 6 trillion (not really how much we spend) there is already enough nuclear weapons in the world to end it in the time it takes one bomb to fly over a sea.
  12. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    That's not what Fox does. They demonize liberals by vastly distorting reality or simply omitting giant portions of a "story". They try to innocently market fear in the form of questions: Please Watch This

    It's pretty bad, but it's not anywhere near the bat **** crazy things that are spouted by conservative talk radio hosts. They really know how to whip people up into a hate filled frenzy by catering to their every fear and bigoted notion. People then listen daily to hear the latest "news" about who they should hate, or be afraid of next........ratings go up, more advertising sponsors show up with more money.................the talk show host realizes the connection between bringing out the worst in people through hateful unbalanced ranting, and and increased pay check............the talk show host ramps it up even more to bring in more sponsorship.......and we are left with the type of people that posted the comments on the link that was provided as evidence of the horrible job that Obama is doing. I wish it was just a few misguided nutjobs, but there are millions and millions of people who buy into what is clearly propaganda. I run into them at work, at the store, or a restaurant. They are clearly just repeating the deluded speech from a hateful person on the radio that they heard earlier in the day, and I think that is all the OP has done.
    #12 makisupa007, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  13. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Really though, realize that so many government idiots try to push for military projects that we don't even need. The military isn't immune to "pork-barrel spending", and Obama along with defense secretary Robert Gates is trying to fix that.

    EDIT: Loving conservatives does not make you right in any way shape or form. It is simply another way of thinking.
    #13 EonsAgo, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  14. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I've noticed a rotation among things.

    When George Bush is the president, the liberals go absolutely mad, yet the republicans are all for it and support him.

    With Obama, the liberals go "yay!" and the republicans go "down with them, conspiracy, he's the anti christ!"

    He's doing fine so far. While I think it would be cooler if he gave everyone $22,000 instead of using the stimulus for other stuff, I'm over it. It happened. Big woop.
    I don't agree with everything he says, but I'm not a die hard conservative skinhead who plots to kill multi racial presidents. You can't really blame people, especially presidents (I mean c'mon, give them a break) if they do something wrong. Just because a president doesn't agree with your uneducated belief doesn't mean he's automatically wrong.

    People vote, regardless of their education on the matter. Whether or not they support what I think doesn't matter to me - and so what if tons of dark skinned people voted for Obama, its only natural. Its like getting off on people because they support what they believe, and like I said, even if they're not educated about it, nobody is going to stop them. To take a firm stance, you have to look yourself in the eye, and see what you believe in. Does the party you're voting for really support your vouches? If it does, great - go for it. Once you vote, be proud of yourself. But remember, you're only one person.
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I am not very educated on the subject, because, quite frankly, I don't give a ****. Here are my thoughts anyway. We already have enough military equipment. Think about it. When was the last time the United States was attacked by a foreign country?

    Oh! Conspiracy!
    9/11 - I don't want to debate 9/11, but - Hijacker says, "We have some planes." We knew there were more planes, but they ddin't shut down the airlines. Perhaps, we wanted to jump into Iraq, etc...........

    Vietnam - We entered it after the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

    Perhaps, we anted to jump into 'nam?

    The list of wars goes on. Look at WWII. Was our intelligence that bad that we didn't think we would be attacked during a major war (Pearl Harbor)?

    The U.S. gets itself into more than it needs to.

    /conspiracy theories

    Of course Obama is on our side. Unlike, Bush who attacks a foreign land that we have no business being in, he wants to help improve our appearance.
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    If it weren't for Sweeny & What's a Scope, this thread would have been locked.

    There has been an over-abundance of flaming in this thread. It's uncalled for, chill the **** out.

    Heated debates only turn into flame wars, without careful wording. I'm choosing my words carefully, for instance; as I would like to snap the **** out, and let a few certain individuals know just how idiotic I feel they are presenting themselves. Though, I don't do this. Why? Because, it only shows how weak you really are. Quit bringing your own personal outlooks into this debate, and bring in logistics. Bring in facts. Hell, cite some ****ing sources.

    Regardless, this thread won't be lasting too much longer if I see any more of this **** in the future.
  17. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    I have a feeling that if America realised the extent that the rest of the world is laughing at them, they might actually try to get their act together and look as if they have at least the slightest clue what they are doing. Honestly, 5 billion off of military, who cares? America has the largest military in the world (except possibly China, haven't checked) and if anyone even thinks of declaring war on you, they have signed their own death warrant, and if you want to attack anyone you're hurting yourself as mcuh as them because you would be ****ing up your economy even moreso than it already is (which many think is impossible).

    And for those who say "But N. Korea has missiles!" So?! military funding ain't going to do **** about that, it's not going to save your life, there isn't any physical defence against Nukes, at best, it might let you get a little bit of revenge... but I doubt that will be what you're thinking about if such a thing does happen...

    Oh and someone mentioned swine flu, Australia has over 800 cases, and is on the blacklist for swine flu infected area. Guess how many deaths:

  18. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Ooh wonderful, an american president with some sense. Maybe the rest of the world won't hate you so much now.
    He has manners, as well. I'm impressed.

    Of course, I forgot to mention which side is which?...
    #18 Dthen, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  19. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Not necessarily true. War can create jobs, not just for soldiers etc., but for building ships, tanks, etc. However it is debatable, many believe WWII ended the Great Depression in the United States. Like I said, it's debatable.

    Then again, where's the money coming from? The government? Also, perhaps, the rich get richer. For instance, Eugene Stoner, the inventor of the M-16, has undoubtedly gotten richer from war.

    Don't get me wrong. I do not support war. It's obvious that the involvement in Iraq is only hurting America's economy.
  20. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Meh I don't mind Obama but I think that he shouldn't take the troops of Iraq cause that gives the terrorists a chance to attack, He shouldn't bowed to the head of Saudi Arabia, He should be building our military more not taking it down a bit cause its weakening us because we need to resume being the strongest military in the world, He should stop North Korea and maybe destroy the Nuclear missles, He wants funds from China when we are already in debt to China and that could cause war with China except for the fact that they're at odds with Japan, He's probably anti-american, He believes in abortion, He didn't do his oath on the bible when every other President did, And last He is risking his life because those Skin-Heads are trying to kill him even though all they're attempts have failed. Oh and I think He should have people make lots of nuclear intercepters.
    #20 spartin2000, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
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