So, how have you spent your time at Forge Hub?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    When was your last heated argument? And the argument before that?

    See, that length of time, is waaaaaaaaay longer then the length of time between arguments in the old Frag Man.

    Along side that point: Look at the list of people. Many hold grudges, yes, but many also feel you have changed. It's pretty funny hearing one individual think they haven't changed, when an assload of people know he has.
  2. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Frag Man, I think everyone hated you at one point, some probably still do, but I think through different actions you have gained respect with people, and it is from change. You may not admit it, and we can let it drop here, but you have changed, and it is for the better :D
    #42 Randle Scandal, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  3. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Ya, I noticed that. I was gunna see how he reacted, thanks for ruining it.
  4. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I remember in XBL Chat everyone agreed that they hated Frag including me. Now, I don't hate anyone (except this one person is supposedly legit.)Frag, you used to battle everyone. Now you still have your witty comments etc., but you aren't against the world, or.... FH.
  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    :C Sorry Tex... I'll edit the massage.
  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ... I remember parts of the HLG one.

    I see what you did thar.
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Have you ever actually posted a map?
  8. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Well, I joined back in January 2008 after I saw the link to Forge Hub in the description of TDF and Yavi's earlier maps Organ trail, Orphanage, Vertigo etc... Started as an extreme noob posting around the aesthetic, casual and mini game maps occasionally venturing out of my precious map forums to post in Off topic and the like.

    Then I got interested in TGIF so I signed up got booted out of my very first two TGIF's because of the lag monster and connecting to Americans. Then came about the Euro party hosted by Mr Theta for Europeans only, all the laggy Americans that joined were booted swiftly, it was beautiful... For the first time I had a group of people I could relate to on FH, we all shared something in common, the lag monster haunts all of us but together we pacify the monsters.

    From then on I was a regular at the Euro party in TGIF, through that I got to meet and get to know all the major players of the Forge Hub community, which inspired me to post more helpful comments help out more which in turn got me Loyal, then after months of internet drama, fun times and getting to know the community, I noticed the staff were looking for a new Event Staff to run SOTW so I applied and to my pleasant surprise I got the position and from then on I ran SOTW for a few weeks, then finished off my service with Sig of the Year. I had to retire for personal reasons.

    When I retired, the retired rank got removed like the same day along with Event Staff, then I did very little around Forge Hub for a while I sorted stuff out, a few months later I noticed the staff were short people so I offered and took up the role of Moderator, here I am Roche today.

    So much more stuff happened over the course of my stay at Forge Hub I have met tons of interesting people, overall it has been a great experience I will remember forever.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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  10. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Whenever I remember the Ducks it brings back bad, bad memories of a certain Orange man jumping ridiculous heights and capturing a flag.
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    And great memories of "smoke and clear!" and "go, go, go!!!"

    Ducks FTW
  12. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Stuck up ****!

    Newho, i joined browsed posted a bit and now im more active thats it really
  13. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I was the creator of the sky island series (if anybody knows) and I kinda got my inspiration from that. I didn't like bungie anymore, so I switched to forgehub cuz it had a much better feedback system. Now things are slowing down, and I'm more into video making.

  14. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Why does everyone wonder that? Yes, I have.
    Holy ****. You've brought grudges to a whole new level. Lighten up.
  15. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    hmmm, how have I spent my time here at forgehub?

    Posting maps of course! Well, i've stopped forging maps. i don't know why but I've jsut ran out of ideas with foundry. Once i get the mythic pack I should be creating maps again.

    I've been doing alot of other stuff in forgehub like posting in the gaming forum. WhenI first join FH in Feb '08, the only thread i've went to was the Map forum. Now im all over the place. I have taken a liming to the off-topic thread lately, those World War forum games got me hooked...

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Sweet. Suspense. Don't worry, I am not going to do anything stupid anymore. So u can stop tracking everything I do...... But the suspense.:lol:
  17. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I joined back in September, nothing really important was going down over here.

    So I just kinda lurked everywhere, occasionally maps, OT, Gaming, the works. Eventually I decided it was time for me to post a few maps, get my work out there. So I did, my first map posted on here -Gauss Hunt. Yeah, got a few comments, mostly make a v2, the whole pizazz. And I did, I made a V2, people were happy, yaydadada. After that I decided to submit a map, twas called Volk Nvyak, or the sorts... can't really remember. It wasn't my map, if some of you guys can remember, and I got infracted for map theft. That was that, and I kindoff became inactive, to clear my name.

    After coming back in January, I became what is known around here as an Off Topic *****. Posted in alot of the threads, more specifically the How Well Known Thread, <3 BLuejay and Eguitar
    About a month ago I became active in the Testers Guild, and have been enjoying my time in there <3 Kidbomber.

    So yeah, thats what I have been doing on FH.............
  18. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Alright, lets see how I do with this. I trolled the forums looking for maps to download. In February of 2008, I came across a map featured on called "Gradient". It didnt really play well to me, but the map had my jaw dropping in how it was built. "How the **** did he merge those pieces together?" i asked myself. I asked around and finally after a day of begging to know, someone had kindness in their souls and threw me a bone. A link to "Forging 101".

    For all of February, I downloaded maps and practiced my skills. However, after finding them difficult and frustrating, I gave up on forging. This all changed when I got really bored one day and went back on my usual trolling for maps on Bnet. This time I obtained a map called "Aqueduct". It also had a link to the ever popular This launched me to download every map from Forgehub and study the **** out of it. Finally, on April 24th, 2008, I signed up ready to release my first map and take the world by storm.

    The first map that I released was entitled "Murderotica". Its named after the opening track from Norma Jean's cd "O God, The Aftermath". The map was essentially a three floor wrecking ball. I only played with my close real-life friends, so I had limited people. Maps that were big sucked. Therefore, I designed it to be a 1v1-2v2 map max. There was a basement hallway which housed the shotgun and a lift. The lift brought you to the third floor which housed the hammer. The second floor was sort of skipped over often because it was merely a safe spawn area that you had to drop down to get in.

    I posted the map in high hopes to be recognized and famed. Within minutes, there it was... my first comment. They hated it. "A shotgun AND a hammer?" they said. I was pretty mad actually. This person made me want to not bother coming back to the site... this "Linubidix". However, curiousity drove me back to continue reading my feedback. Still, no real positives came other than "decent forging".


    My first release ever: "Murderotica"

    Disgruntled, I set out to try again. This time, I tried for bigger. I liked the concept of 3 floors with lifts and drop chutes, so thats what I did. The map took me ages because of my undeveloped skills, but eventually became known as "Elysium". The map did fairly well, and even scored a 7.5/10 from the Review Hub. The review I got was actually enough to drive me to try even harder, hoping they'd rate my map highly and use it in their "Thank God Its Forgeday".


    In all its forgotten glory, "Elysium"

    My problem was not apparent to me yet. I sucked at weapon placement, and I needed to hear it. Therefore, I studied Bungies default maps. I quickly caught on to patterns, and balance was no longer my issue. My final attempt at being noticed would now become known as "Aurora". The map turned out far smaller than I wanted or planned. It upset me and I hated the map. I released it regardless just to make my work not useless. It was too small for my initially intended 3v3 games... which is what I advertised it as. Turns out, it was a fantastic 1v1 map, and the world had already passed it by. Was a shame.

    "Aurora", failing to make the mark.

    This is when I decided to do something new. I tried my hand at my first Asymmetrical map. I was having some mild trouble with making a ramp smooth, so I showed it to another member hoping he could help me fix it before I released it. BlazeIsGod geomerged the ramp for me happily, and made some small improvements around the map. a simple swapping of the regenerator and shotgun, and the trademark of the map itself... the spiral staircase. The map was finally ready for release, and was dubbed "Bayonetwork", once again after Norma Jean. The map was a smash hit with alot of the newer members. After weeks of hype and discussion, the map was finally featured. There it was. The front page. The thing was, all the comments were congratulating Blaze. I was pretty upset over it, since he came in when the map was already playable. Regardless, I was psyched to see it finally done.


    My first Feature and collaboration: "Bayonetwork"

    The incident over "Bayonetwork" made me decline all offers to co-forge with anyone. I wanted my next work to be something that I was solely noticed for. I spent about 20 hours building a map I had sketched out on a piece of scrap paper one afternoon. The next day, the map was gone. It had vanished from my inventory. I had to start all over again. After countless hours, I finally was ready for testing. The long narrow ditch that ran the center of the courtyard was V shaped, which prompted me to give the map the title of "Vertebraille". I had done it. I released a map that people actually recognized me for. This of course earned me my premium when it was featured. To my surprise, months down the line it also came home with two Best of Forge wins in the categories of "Best Design" & "Best Symmetrical Objective".

    My baby: "Vertebraille"

    Feeling confident I wasnt Blaze's shadow anymore, I finally took him up on the offer to do a followup for "Bayonetwork". The map was built relatively fast, and before long, "Excoriate" was born. The map was designed well for the most part, and played pretty awesome 3v3 multiflag. Still, the map didnt catch on. Something about it didnt spark peoples interests. The rush of fame that I had from my last two maps was over it seemed.

    The second and last collab between Blaze and I: "Excoriate"

    After the bad taste "Excoriate" left in my mouth, I immediately started planning my next project. I started with a simple pillar in the center, with what seemed to be my trademark from Bayonetwork. A Bridge supported by a staircase. The map design had little done, but I solidified the centerpiece and named the map. I dug through my Norma Jean cd's, hoping to find a name to keep the tradition. I finally saw it. Fittingly, I selected "Redeemer", knowing that I needed to make up for my last attempt. About halfway through building, Linubidix was eager to show me his work. I ran around "Remedy" for about a good hour in awe at what I was seeing. How did he accomplish some of this? I couldnt believe his abilities. Immediately, I showed him what I had, and finally we made way on the co-forge we had talked about for months. After setbacks had delayed the map, it seemed like it'd never get released. Eventually, the map was finished, and we were both pretty happy it was finally done. Unfortunately, the initial tests showed only one thing. The map played like crap. Redesigning had to be done, and more time was spent. FINALLY, we released it. To our delight, the map was a success.

    Recent favorite, and largest map Ive made: "Redeemer"

    I didnt really forge again because I had become annoyed with forging during the painstaking process of finishing Redeemer. That is, until the staff got ahold of the Mythic map pack. I actually didnt know where to start when I loaded up Sandbox. I finally settled on the sky, and went to work on an old design I found sketched in a notebook I had. The map was a pain to finish because of budget restraints. Im never any good with keeping my **** under budget because everything is detailed for no reason. Unhappy with the map in general, I gave it a quick test and release. The name "Absentimental" was chosen to reflect my feelings for the map.


    The map of failed inspiration: "Absentimental"

    This is where the story leaves off... me poking at Sandbox with the speed of a turtle. I have several maps in the works, yet none of them are ready to play. The only map I shall reveal at this moment though is my beloved "Dilemmachine".... for those who cannot figure it out, "Dilemma-sheen". I have always looked to other sources for inspiration, thats no secret... although I do it very "sly", as Pegasi puts it. However, I decided that this inspiration didnt need any changing. I started building a replica of the bases from Waterworks, the BTB map in Halo 2. This map is nothing like Waterworks really, but the base design was too good to let it rot away in an unplayed game. After this map is complete, I intend to submit it to ATLAS for Matchmaking. That is one of the two goals I have left for forging... Bungie Favorites and Matchmaking.

    The part of the story where I become a moderator and all that is useless and boring. I just offered my services and junk since I was unemployed. Since I am one of Shock's secret lovers, he promoted me.

    The end.
  19. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Epic story, tsb. I love you say featured so casually as if it was pretty easy. =P. I actually can't wait to see what else you have to offer. Redeemer is one of my all time favorite maps, tbh.
  20. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Well lets see. I joined here in August after I saw a notice on about the Best Of Forge. Seeing I loved Customs I went over and immediately fell in love with a map called Reflex. After that I just strolled through the maps as a guest until I finally decided to join.

    My first chosen name was Ultimatez. Two days after making the account I forgot how to spell it but soon remembered. I received my first infraction when my account was only a few days old. It was by Tex. I still remember the help he gave me that day. Still remember the post too. "Great map I'll Dl" I was infracted for spam.

    I stayed relatively quiet until around December when I released five screenshots I had taken. Being relatively new to screenshots I was surprised at how much everyone liked them. This would be the beginning of my love for making screenshots.

    In early January I changed my name to Chronik. Two days later I found out it meant weed -.-'. I also attended my first TGIF joining Deathtoll but unfortunately getting booted. I then joined Sharpshooter's but was booted aswell. I then went back to Deathtoll and stayed until I had to leave. I also released a screenshot pack which garnered good comments from around 90% of everyone. This was also how I met Black Theorem. He made a math mistake, I notified him of it and we had picture wars by visitor messaging eachother. Good Times!

    I once again became relatively quiet releasing three more screenshots with one getting good comments and two getting mostly mixed. I then stopped making screenshots and instead began commenting on various areas of the site. Mainly GC, Halo Discussion and Gaming. During this time I met a few people who I pretty much don't talk to much anymore.

    After the same routine for a few months I started talking in the Shoutbox. I remember one night where I had a conversation with Insane54 about GTAIV. I told him my story of how I drove into a boat and got a 6 star wanted level.I haven't talked to him since. I also had Conversations with Speed E cake (Love his Avatar) and I also talked to Youtuber for around 4 hours. Got his gamertag and we still haven't talked on Live so he can show me various forging techniques.

    Thats pretty much it up until now. Pretty long story for a person that practically nobody knows.

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