YouTube - New Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay , E3 Wow, Ever since E3, Microsoft, Infinity Ward, and Bungie have really been going at it. EDIT: Sounds a bit off.
Is that Soap? I heard he's your leader or something. It says Captain MacTavish, and then Soap MacTavish, coincidence? I think not. Also, I can't make out the text and voices that well. Can you find a HQ version? Anyways, that looked awesome.
YouTube - E3 2009: Modern Warfare 2 - E3 Demo Here's a better quality vid for ya. I've never been a big fan of COD, but this looks pretty amazing.
Yeah it is soap, he got promoted at the end of the last game and you're just some random new guy. Man I want this game so much, the graphics are really nice and the new guns are even cooler. I wonder what kind of new gametype's there are going to be or perks.