So, how have you spent your time at Forge Hub?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    "I download teh mapz n *** bak n rate 5/5 lololololololololololol" is not what I'm looking for.

    This is just me being curious about the rest of you Forgehubbians...

    I'll start.


    Of course, I initially came here for maps, some time back in March, 2008. I think one of my first maps that I fell in love with was Kentucky Tango. Then there was the Porcelain Pony... And so many more... After enjoying downloading them, getting used to understanding how to interlock & gaining some general insight into architecture, Shad0w and I started working on a map. It was called "Tower of Babel." Great name for a great map. We had a lot of fun playing that *****, although it was totally a tower of power map. =D (P.S. Shad0w did most of the work on that - just a side note)

    After Tower of Babel, and my "Ups & Downs" / "Ins & Outs" little concept, we began work on a real map. Our first Project Series map. Project X. It was by far the most precise map I've ever worked on. The interlocking in that map was just ridiculous... Shad0w was working design/layout, while I was doing the mule work. I almost cried when I merged that one double box into Foundry's angled roof, the old school way (no doors). So then, after creating Project X, I became the most typical Forge Hub noob... Spamming to get noticed... Not realizing what I was doing... Until I think Klink gave me my first infraction for spam. When I saw I was infracted the first time, I was like "Oh ****" and my heart raced a little. Though, as time went on, I started to figure out that spamming for attention is fail, and infractions really don't mean **** (At least, back in the day they really didn't, nowadays, you got them perma's to watch out for).

    Project U came out relatively shortly (I think within 60 days) after Project X. It was a fun one. Lots of technical issues with spawning/power control, but in the end, it became some peoples' favorite map (How? I have no idea.)

    But, **** that map. Project S is where everything got serious. Me and Shad0w spent months tackling that bastard. Mostly because we got ****ed in a budget glitch 2 or 3 times, and merged just about everything possible. the center pillars were my favorite part of that map. I'll never forget having to do them over n over again though.

    Lastly, Project Z. Another one of those maps where I couldn't believe how much merging we did. Many props to shad0w for getting that one angled merge in the back, right corner. You know the one Shad0w, the double wall that was all sorts of cool. But the best part, I think, about Project Z, is the game play. Literally, you could be at a stalemate for hours playing multi-flag, and the map is extremely assymetrical.

    Though, Forge Hub is not all about maps. We all have seen that in one way or another. I no longer create maps in forge, as I just flat out don't have the time. I come here still to this day, because I've met so many different individuals; because I've learned so much; because I can still meet more people & learn more ****.

    I created this thread, curious if people actually used the new social groups/new blogs, but then starting getting massive nostalgia when thinking about the Project Series... So forgive me for ranting about **** you really don't care about. Though, now's your chance to fight back. Feed me your nostalgia.
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think my first map used every one of those stone barrier things and had about 8 power weapons in half of Foundry.

    I came here in December mostly just looking around to DL some maps and try to get my maps noticed.

    Now I'm here more for the community and to talk to some of the friends I've made so far. I still forge a lot mainly because it's kind of just relaxing and fun for me (don't ask). I just finished my first collaborative project with my good friend Cerberus Beast. I've also learned a lot about forging here.

    ForgeHub, now, to me... I come here for a while after school to talk to people and stuff.

    Oh and BTW...
    I download teh mapz n *** bak n rate 5/5 lololololololololololol
  3. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    Well, I started off the usual new forge hub member. Then I found the GnA section, where I now reside almost exclusively. I started out just looking for a signature, then decided that I would just make my own. After a brief career of that, I left from about August of 2008 until this Feb. or Jan. I can't remember. Anyway, when I came back I'm like wow, I missed alot. I didn't know any of the members of the GnA section anymore, and some new staff, mods, and admins had been added. But after a while, I reestablished (This was especialy hard because I'm a girl and I have to tell people that constantly) myself here and here we are now...
    #3 Icecikle, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  4. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    i started off in just the maps mainly mini gamees just lookin for map to mess about on, but then i stated to move more into the community and now i try to contribute to the GnA section, videos and off topic is also fun every now and then, but i still really enjoy the maps that people produce on this website you can loear so much just from lookin at a new map i know that forging 101 had helped me out alot but id have to say what was most effective was BL00D F1R3'S videos on youtube, if you have seen them already you should check them out
  5. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I orringanilly came to learn how to properly use forge,and was a lurker for quite a while. when I became a member,i didnt download many maps (and still dont download many,but more) but i love just conversing with other members,and looking for good forgeideas. Thats about it...
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    The forging techniques are what brought me here. I wanted to really get into forge, and spent my first few months in the map section. Then I found OT and general chat. After that, I barely ever go into the map forum or talk about Halo, although I do forge now and then.

    As a lot of you know, I'm pretty social here, and that's what I've done here at FourChub. Become social.
  7. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    One year and five months ago, I, Mr. Tastee formerly cakeChart, discovered this site through the all mighty I saw a news post which featured this fine website, and I said "hot digity I like that stuff!" and I've been a member ever since. Now at first I mostly lurked, and posted on truly amazing maps and left others alone. In my time, I've posted three maps. I look back at the first two, War Torn NYC and Dog Park, and see how shitty they really were. I've made around 8-9 post worthy maps, but my third posted, Uncommon Valor, was truly my best. Now I work on a map until get eschewed. That doesn't much happen to me anymore, because that was the time when you could go into town with a nickel and buy a loaf of bread and still have a dollar left over because Bush was president. Now I mostly lurk around the community forums here and occasionally look at maps or halo discussion. Over my first half year was when I was least active, and now I am much more active. Very often I find myself thinking about ways to break my parole, just to see if they would send me home. I don't like it here on the outside, I just want to go home.

    /Forge Hub Redemption
  8. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Somewhere around Feb/March 2008, I was a part of "Pro Forge" and one of the featured maps there was called the "Bungienator." I always argued with my friend how the bungienator was cooler than gundam, that one old standoff map here at forgehub. Eventually I convinced him that it was better but I still wanted to check out forgehub for that gundam map. I eventually found it and got it, and I also learned new forge techniques. I signed up in March 2008, and started posting maps before I could get the Heroics, before they were free. Then I joined, lurked until August, then got active again around December 08.
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Erm, my brother was a lurker here.

    Then he just posted his maps, afterward he got bored and I took over. I made a thread about feminism and got noticed pretty fast.

    So then I had my shining moment and quickly rose above the ranks, my favorite era was the Reps era, when rep was removed I basically spent the rest of my time in General Chat and Off Topic. I've received a fair share of infractions, made friends. Now I can't leave, because Tex threatens to shoot me if I do.
  10. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Which, by the way, I dominated.
  11. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I was looking to get into forge around January of 08 when I found Forgehub and was like awwwshiiiiit. Then forgot about it and joined eventually 2 months later in March because I made a damn map finally. It was based on the Master Hand, had a big ass really pathetically made hand on Standoff and then some lasers.

    I really gave up on forging after may, because I realized I suck and was too damn lazy to get anything done right. But I had already made a bunch of friends and became involved in the community.

    Then in the summer of '08 I was away and came back and not much people remembered me... but it was k. Then stuff happened... blah blah... I became involved in G&A and was into that... now I am not as much.

    I also really I guess became known on this site because of my avatar I chose back in March of 08.
    For those nostalgic sons of bitches who want to see it again:


    It was either a Clefairy or a Jigglypuff as famously debated. (Although Nitrous wasnt there. o_O) I think its a Cleffiglypuff but thats just me.

    Anyway then Rain (reynbow) made me my current avvy that never went away.

    No I dont love pigs. You made me love pigs lol.

    But <333 and thanks to Tion, who came up with the name Pigglez.

    Anyway in a nutshell thats about it I guess...
  12. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I spent my time here arguing. I can clearly recall all of the arguments too.

    Waylander, E73, SargeantSarcasm, Tex, ShadowViper, eguitarplaya33, Norlinsky, Nemihara, Mysterious D, Icecikle, HellsRequiem, Mace, Actually Cool, i'm a berk, cakeChart, Chrstphrbrwnn, LIGHTSOUT, Reynbow, COMMANDERMATT1, iT'z HLG Noob, Whisper, Dizfunky, LOCK.xcf, Krazy Komquat, Hari, Linubidix, iZumi, Starz iz Legit, Vinny, Pigglez, AK Gumby, Aargh Sam, The Silence Broken, Epic Fish Fingers, CreepyCHUCK, CHUCK's Sister, Hotpokkaminny, Playerhata, The Official Y35, IcedFrappacino, Skittlez, Randal Scandle, Llama, Grif, Pegasi Delta, RightSideTheory, The Cheat, Bluejayfan, Mastar, Mikey, SPARTANZ77, A Taco Bell, The Yellow, IvorySnake, Mallet.

    These are all just a few to name. There's thousands more. Some of them were more polite, others were rude beyond imagination. So my life spent here is very different from what I've spent off the internet. One point, I actually posted my maps. The didn't even get noticed though. Apparently they sucked. I fell in love with signatures, and started self-teaching myself by looking at everyone else's work. I began to leach off their techniques at rapid speed, and in just four months I'm at where I am now. I started huge flame wars, (me against all) kept avoiding infraction worthy posts, bending the rules, wrecking havoc on the moderators who I saw as corrupt. Even then, I still have a ton of friends on the site, and everyone began to learn my good side. They say I've changed, but I haven't at all. I've only gotten worse, but it's they who decided to change their opinion of me. I'm still carrying out my wars, arguing for what I perceive as right. Many misunderstandings have hatched, and plenty of people still hold grudges against me, but I still have one hell of a time. Probably the one site where I can relieve my stress without a bruise, cut, or fist in my face. Not saying I'm afraid to argue off the internet, because I will wring someones neck if I have to, it's just nice to have an argument without the screaming voices, and the flying fists.
  13. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I didnt argue with you frag! I just had a complete meltdown at one moment in time where I totally virtually ***** slapped yo ass and said **** I didnt really mean.

    And if you think otherwise Ill totally do it again.

  14. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    As I recall, like most new forgehub members, I joined for the maps, specifically when I was browsing the bungie forums and I found a map posted by none other than Shock Theta. In his post he described a website where more information would be posted, and blindly following the link, I instantly fell in love. Only about a week out of school I decided to join, commenting and rating maps here. I even thought about making my own, but my anger and impatience stopped me from making one.

    then I decided to post in a post party countdown, initially starting with spammish silly comments, but as I grew to recognize that I was not the only one there, I started to hold conversations, and that is where most of my debates initiated (we should get a forum for that, oh wait). I also had relationships grow throughout it, and discovered many different interests between several people, each holding excellent virtues, and exemplifiying them.

    Now I still post in the PPC, where I reside, as the troll under the bridge, always lurking, and popping out at occasional points.
  15. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Im the guy that came up with the brilliant idea to go for 1,000,000 posts.
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Well, I was a noob and read all of the updates. One update contained the link to ForgeHub. After looking at some maps, I joined. The date was March 24, 2008. (coincidentally, the same day Tex joined). I remember debating whether or not I should apply to be Guilder lol.

    I wasn't very active and I didn't contribute much to FH. Two months after I joined, I posted my first map. It was maze called 'What's A Maze?'. I still think it was fun and tricky, but it had a fail spawn system. After that, I posted my second maze called A-maze-ing. That one was better, but the spawn system was still fail. It would take me a lot longer to understand spawns. Both maps were posted on the same day.

    The next day, I posted my first competitive map which was a small, multi-leveled map called Crour. It was my first map that had interlocking. The spawns were horrible, and I didn't understand how to make a map. I wasn't happy with the feedback I got, so I decided to make a v2 which was posted about a month later in June (almost 1 year ago).

    I was already inactive, but by then, I completely stopped visiting FH. Basically, I missed that summer, which is supposedly the Golden Age. Although, I wasn't active on a forging site, I still forged.

    I spent a long while on a map called 'Exchange', but it wasn't very good. I am not sure, though, because I have never played it. =P. I finished it towards the end of summer, and that's when I decided I wanted to be active on a good site. FH was my choice.

    This was my "My name is Scope, and I'm a Spamaholic" stage. I received by first infraction on September 18, 2008. It was given to me by Grif. The same day, I posted 'Exchange' and got plenty of comments. A little over a week later, Bl00d F1R3 gave my my second spam infraction.

    Around this time, I became interested in the Testers Guild. I remember when I got my first map tested. It was called 'Subliminal'. It took a while to for someone to come, but finally, Insane54 joined my game. I asked him to help me get testers. Immediately, my game was full. I tested my map, and I heard for the first time about Respawn Areas. That was when I decided to become a member of the Testers Guild, which I did.

    I continued to become more active on the site, but I would get 5 more infractions before the year was over. Mid October, I posted my second competitive map (mentioned above). It was not good, but contained some geo-merging. That would my last competitive map for 6 months.

    Meanwhile, I was trying my best in the Testers Guild. I gained many friends that I still have to today. At this time, I still did not know much about maps, but I was active and helped out.

    I was not only active there, but everywhere else. I became a sorta OT *****. I also posted a Mini-Game map in early November called 'All Your Base Are Belong To Us'. I thought it was fun, and others seemed to, but it wasn't a huge success.

    As 2008 ended, I continued to become more active. I was very active in the Testers Guild, and became a Senior Member in early December. My activity continued into 2009, but I received 5 infractions in January.

    I cleaned up my act, but I received an infraction in early February. That was my last infraction, and I plan to keep it that way. I became a staff member of TG and so on. I was extremely active in the guild and was no longer an OT *****. I generally wanted to help people.

    Around this time, I was working on a map called 'exterminat'. After one test, I redid a lot. I also added a lot of aesthetics. If I do say so my self, the map was pretty. The map lacked one huge chunk of importance. Gameplay. It wasn't fun, and there was NO flow.

    Then I showed the map to two people who really helped, Transactionzero and chrstphrbrnnn. They ripped apart my map, and I was very disappointed. But something in my head clicked. I started understanding how to make maps. I learned about Lines of Sight, flow, and more.

    The map was coming along nicely as it went through some major reworkings. Sadly, my map committed suicide by deleting itself. I decided not to remake it because Sandbox was on its way. However, I decided to try out the Template Contest. I teamed up with Paulie Walnuttz and created 'Whats A Walnut'. That is my baby, my pride and joy. This is the first my I made that I feel can be called good. I utilized everything I had learned to optimize its gameplay. It was posted towards the end of April.

    Meanwhile, I was still active in the guild and ultimately became one of the Leaders which I still am today.

    Today, I like to think I have helped some people on this site. I liked to think I have contributed. I have made many, many friends. I like to think that people generally like me on FH. Hell, i have talked to some people who though I was a moderator.


    I forgot to say what I do now. I usually stay around the TRC guild and Forge Discussion. I still play, view, and review maps. I also enjoy socializing in GC, OT, and the shoutbox.

    EDIT 2: also kidbomber and playerhata27
    #16 What's A Scope?, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  17. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    I joined, decided that I wanted to be the top poster. I was the first to 500 posts :p

    Mostly I stayed here for the people. And the Om Nom Nom thread.
  18. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    I Joined after my Friend told me about a site with new 'forging' techniques so i looked. However i didnt join right away, i joined maybe months later.

    After that i really wasn't active at all. Just 'roamed' i guess, though i found the Testers Guild alittle after. Details Details i became TG Leader and what not. To lazy to go into details :D

    Im now roaming all of FH now, but mostly TG forum, General Chat, OT, Gaming Discussion and thats about it.
    #18 Kidbomber, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  19. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I got Halo 3 the day it came out, wasn't really a big LIVE player for the first month. Looking for something fun to play 1v1 with a friend, I stumbled upon Vertigo, TrueDarkFusion's first map. It had a link to ForgeHub, so I checked it out. Back then it was a blog, with only a couple of maps on it, ran by TDF and Yavi. Anyway, so I stuck around, mainly lurking, until the day came that FH became a forum. That was December 2, 2007 that it was available, and I joined on that day to get member number 21 (wasn't even member 21, the staff got to register before it was open for me...I think I was in the first 10 to join nonstaff). Anyway, I stuck around, mainly because I had started a map on Last Resort built for Shotty Snipers. I guess I just liked having a community that's interested in what I'm interested in...became one of the Devoted Dozen (first 12 loyals), then a Mod, Staff, back to Mod, and now at Admin. It's really cool the guys I've gotten to meet and become friends with by now...and kinda funny in a way how Roche178 has probably been my best online friend for so long.

    What else...I started the Tester's Guild with scardypoopoo...after he poopoo'd out on it, I redid it with basically the same setup we have today. By now we have some great leaders, and I get to do practically nothing and get all the credit. Yay! I also have gotten 3 features...3 Bungie Favorites...just released my new map just a couple days ago...not really much more to say if I don't want to go into details.

    <3 you all! :D

    Edit: Oh, and I've gotten one warning. It was from TDF, for making fun of Bob Barr. It was later reversed, but it's still in my CP :p
  20. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    mallet's empire made me join cos i was like WUT!?
    so i checked out forgehub cos it was linked in his bnet post
    i learnt the forging technicks and forged quite alot of maps in a short time.
    most of which i did not release
    one i which i still need to
    i've gone off forging and halo for a while, as i did play it alone for 6 months
    ive started some forging again, but its relatively slow, one or two interlocks at a time cos im THAT lazy.
    Mallet went on to become one of my 'cronies' along with TDH.
    I am only friends with coloured names which is odd, cos i'm not :/. Bar tex, sarge and a few less active people(in my eyes) - See our gamebattles team that matty set up and didnt bother with afterwards LIKE SO MANY OTHER THINGS
    Now im just lurking, the boarrds posting some awesome here and there.
    I started my wordpress because of FH mainly, and because of my interest in journalism (as an aside)
    I hope that my wordpress blog will take off, and become a more featured part of FH
    #20 QKT, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009

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