Rabbids FTW!!! lol.. the game looks fun, I guess they were going for something like LBP, but there isn't as much customizations you can do as LBP.
There are so many good games coming out at the end of this year to early next year that its overwhelming. I am excited for: AVP3 Madden 2010 Halo ODST Battlefield BC 2 Modern Warfare 2 and more
Alright, so I wasn't too impressed with EA's press conference. Dante's Inferno looked sweet, I'll admit it, and although I am not a major fan of the Sims it was nice to have a trailer. So you might be wondering why I didn't care for it? Because I was awaiting 2 games in particular. Dragon Age: Origins, and Mass Effect 2. We've already seen that Dragon Age trailer, and the music is over used and shitty. Would have been nice to see some gameplay of it. Then there was Mass Effect 2, which was not gameplay just another trailer (again, it was awesome). I mean, it did remind me why I loved the first game so much, but it just wasn't the pay off for waiting like I was hoping for. They built up with Littlest Pet Shop (trying to get the girl gamers), and some other game I really didn't give two shits about (Oh, it was Charm Girls Club. ****). Actually, before I go forward let me dwell on something pissing me off. My Perfect Prom. I am sorry, but these girls have to be at least 10 years away from even thinking about Prom. And then there was that "Keep brushing, KEEP BRUSHING!", the most annoying voice I have heard in awhile. There was Need For Speed Shift though, and that looked pretty interesting (though I don't know if it will be able to compete with Forza 3), because the NFS franchise seems to really be maturing. But I am not here to talk about successes, I am hear about failures, and that was when they went into EA Sports for an uncomfortably long time. Then there was Saboteur, which I am glad to know that the art style of the gameplay is that of which was revealed in the trailer. Unnerved me that the free running aspect looks like it was taken right out of Assassin's Creed though, but this game looks like it will have potential. As for the rest, it wasn't too memorable because I don't remember it (not that short term memory lost would have anything to do with that...). So, maybe it wasn't terrible, but it was no Microsoft Conference. Actually it was quite godly, because then there was the Ubisoft Conference. First there was the Giant Enemy Crab, and then there was 10-foot-tall Giants and 1000-foot-tall trees. A picture speaks a thousand words, and apparently moving ones of Ubisoft speak thousands upon thousands of them. We had a 30 minute plus intro of speaking and baguettes (oh wait, just the Frenchies), only to see somewhat sub-par footage of Red Steel 2. Then we got more talking and technical difficulties with The Academy of Soccer Champions. When we finally saw the trailer, we wondered to ourselves "Why didn't I just watch Harry Potter in all this time?" There was Rabbids Go Home, an embarrassing display, oh and a large emphasis on the Wii. You would think that after the Micorsoft Presser, people would abandon ship and kiss up to the next big thing. No, Ubisoft seemed to religiously worship the Wii, and as if they couldn't make things worse, there came the fitness game. A fitness game that claimed to be "revolutionary" and clearly the Wii moment Ubi was building up for. A camera that detects motion in 3d space with no assisted controllers! Holy shi..! Wait... Didn't Microsoft say something about a Natal thingy? They did, and they beat you to the punch Ubi. In fact, those devs must be banging their heads against a desk in frustration after realizing that they could have just made the game for the Xbox with half the effort invested. What's more is that it didn't actually show the game. I don't think so at least, cause all of it looked too commercially. So there is some suggestive proof that it isn't fit to be showing around quite yet. And now, we might never see it, because it works exclusively with a single game for the Wii, and fails to do half the things Natal does. Ouch Ubisoft, ouch. Mention of No More Heroes 2 was made though. Mention of it. 4 words in the middle of millions. It almost flew past me, but at least they had a logo made for it. But let me cut past all the bullshit, because there is a lot. I finally made it to then end, for my beloved Assassin's Creed 2. An amazing trailer with stunning graphics that showed the use of a... gun. Yes, a gun with gunpowder. How no one figured that out is beyond me, because this game is putting a lot of emphasis on DaVinci inventions. Yes! I fill fulfilled at last! Wait, no I don't. I got a 3 minute trailer after hours of ****? Ubisoft, your presser was so terrible, a chatroom full of hundreds of people remained silent (no joke, I was talking to a wall most of the time. Even the mods got up and left). Congratulations, you secured your spot as one of the worst conferences at E3 09. To think you are one of my favorite developers...
Ubisoft makes far too many average and childish titles to justify them as a great developer. With all of the crap they throw out, a small amount manage to shine out. I would rather place my "Favorite Developer" title with someone who focuses on quality rather than quantity. Bungie and Capcom are ones that come to mind.
That's interesting. I don't know whether I looked past it while reading through the cover story in GI, or made no attempt to find out at all that you get to actually use a gun. Knowing this, the time and setting this AC may be a purchase I don't regret. The first one had an incredible sotry, but the game itself became repetitive within a number of hours. Between the countless rides from city to city and being chased by guards for walking, I was miserable. Hoping for a demo prior to the release.
I just watched the AC2 trailer. I... I'm speechless... Seriously, those CGI graphics were just... amazing. It looked REAL. It was almost scary. I'm just... dumbfounded. I would have like to see gameplay, but the trailer was amazing enough.
How are you guys having time to watch hours of E3 coverage? Why must it be during finals week? I've been watching it for years now and now high school has screwed me over. But holy ****, going on Gamespot and cutting straight to the good stuff has been so worth it after hours of ecology, meiosis, evolution and genetics. First off: Splinter Cell: Conviction. Well I had pretty much lost hope in all Splinter Cell games after Chaos Theory. I just liked being in the dark and chilling. But everything to do with Splinter cell makes me happy now. The ghost is the coolest part of the whole damn thing, and yet it's so simple. This is the game that I've been wanting a developer to make for a long, long time. Halo: ODST is looking pretty sick. It looks like they bumped up the graphics, or they just pulled a 2007 and made everything dark and brown. But I'm especially liking the new SMG. Also, the new horde ripoff seems like it's going to be awesome, and knowing Bungie they will probably be able to pull it off much better than the landform which must not be spoken of. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for 300,000 player Halo reach, take that M.A.G. Assassin's Creed II: Need I say more? Actually yes I do. **** anyone that said that the first game was repetetive. I spent more time just messing around replaying and doing nothing in that game than I did in Oblivion. It was damn awesome, and this game is easily most anticipated for this year. If it gets delayed, I swear to god I will break my Assassin's Creed disc that I kept from blockbuster since the week it came out until now. I'm pretty sure they forgot... Modern Warfare 2: Looks like Modern Warfare. But the changes to the engine and the environment in that demo really made me start thinking about some of the amazing things IW is going to do with multiplayer. Terrorist zombies, snowmobiles and radar things on my gun, here I come. Left 4 Dead 2: Looks pretty cool. I'm also excited for day levels and more diversity of weapons, but it really better have more options and replayability. I love the first game, and I know it's like playing a whole different level everytime, but there four maps. However I've never really played survival mode. The 3 times I've tried have left a bad taste in my mouth with TKing. I want to check out this motion sensing thing. I read about it in the conference overview but is there a video of it in action? Linxies?
Maybe saying they were one of my favorite developers was a poor choice of words. What I really mean, is that they develop some of my favorite games. Because what you say is true, they do put out a lot of sub-par games. But dearest me, I forgot about the Star Wars: The Old Republic! I still have and occasionally play Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, being my favorite RPG's I played. Of course, I do have a limited history with RPG's, so that might not be saying much. However, I loved the games regardless. When I heard they were making an MMO out of it, I was excited. But I am was worried (and still am) because as an MMO it is a monthly fee, and as it stands now it sounds more like a single player MMO experience, that doesn't really involve much interaction with other players. Such a feature is the reason why these games are known as MMORPG's, so will this game live up to the title? Well, the title did quell that inner demon of burning questions with a truly visual display of an amazing light saber duel that rivals that of the actual films. So, another strong point to the EA presser that made it all that much better than Ubisofts. Not that that is saying much. However, we still have Nintendo!-and they usually never fail to disappoint. EDIT: As for Microsoft's Natal, you can see it on Xbox Live under spot lights I am pretty sure.
I just watched like the whole ubisoft thing. It was ok. I'm wondering if there will be any info on a possible star wars battlefront 3 though because free radical had the rights but they lost them. Oh and ODST looks great. The smg and pistol are sweet. Along with Modern Warfare 2's gangsta pistol shooting on snow machines. (u c wut i did thar? lol)
The Old Republic trailer was like...it left me speechless. It was just amazing. They need to make an animated movie based off of that trailer to make up for the shitstorm that was Clone Wars.
I just saw the Assassin's Creed II trailer, and it looks twice as good as the first. I really hope the wrist musket is the replacement to the throwing knives, because that would be awesome. And for our sword, I hope it is a saber as apposed to the long sword from the first. The renaissance setting is quite enchanting, and hopefully the armored guards will be more of a challenge than the old.
Well, their is more to guards than the first game. You have your standard class of soldier, consisting of armored guards that patrol the streets and archers surveying the city life below. But then you have your special units, ones that are unique to certain cities and environments. You have these heavy guards, who tote big weapons and wear plenty of armor. Then you have these nimble and armored females, who can keep up pace with your roof running antics. So fear not, the enemy line up is vastly improved.
Are you a bloody idiot (or am I being too harsh)? I mean seriously, how the **** did that win for you? You know a conference was bad, when it got less applause than Ubisoft's conference. However, if that doesn't spell it out for you, let me outline Nintendo's plan to a sure way for success. Step 1: Open up with a game that our hardcore fans have wanted, but only show them enough to peak their interest. Anything more, and they realize that we just ruined another one of their franchises. Step 2: Bring old material. Nothing clenches an E3 victory more than showing off games that have been seen/released for months. That is the point of E3, show off what you already have, because new stuff is a risk not willing to take. Step 3: Everyone already knows we dominate sales, but we like to rub salt in the wound. Risky game though, so let's bring out an Asian to speak numbers. We put our viewers in a temporary sleep state, and get to laugh in the face of Sony and Microsoft. Step 4: Wii Vitality. Anyone with half a brain knows that this is absolutely ****ing useless.. for them. But for us, it is a valuable tool. We know that our hardcore fanbase is dying, so let's keep track of their degrading health. Step 5: This is where the Vitality really kicks in, Golden Sun. And they said we couldn't bring the dead back to life! However, we took it a step further and killed them all again with Mario RPG: Bowser's Pipes thingy. Yes, we bastardized a Mario RPG, and did a fine good job at it too. Step 6: You know, I thought this conference was missing something, and now I know what it was after showing Conduit and Mario Galaxy 2. Clapping. Huh, what a novel concept.... Step 7: Love Metroid! It is your only hope to hold onto. Join us next year where we reveal the Wii DC Cardioversion, as we attempt to revitalize our fanbase. Literally. Telrad, I do apologize though. Chances are what you said was just brilliant satire.
mmm nintendo arent good game producers anymore if they were just a game studio, no one would buy their games when was the last good mario game? metroid prime 1 was the last good metroid and echoes and corruption sucked smash bros. is getting older by the seccond and all these kiddier ones like mario party and warioware are on their last legs... they'll run out of fuel sometime soon
I thought Galaxy was a pretty good Mario game, it really brought back good memories of playing Mario 64. I didn't think Metroid 2: Echoes was too bad, though it was pretty darn repetitive and I had a game-ending glitch, which forced me to stop playing unless I wanted to redo my first 15-20 or so hours of the game... When it worked, though, it was fun. Edit: Why on earth would they make Mario Galaxy 2 when they haven't even made a real Wii Zelda yet?!?!? And who in their right mind would think it would be good to have people wearing a stupid pulse-sensor while playing games... I don't even wear that when I use a treadmill, why would I use it when I play a game?
Just because I said nintendo won does not neccasarly mean that I truly think that Nintendo won. I just love Golden Sun and I heard what I wanted to hear =P
sorry this url failed but anyways ill have to agree with people who think that the new assassins creed looks amazing and i cant wait to purchase it and play it it will be a whole new experience than that of the first