The a sneak peak has been released. Video is here: Left 4 Dead 2 Video Game, E3 09: Debut Teaser HD | Game Trailers & Videos | Key Points (in chronological order): -Takes place in Louisiana (or that's one of the places it takes place in, if it follows a campaign style similar to L4D 1). -A larger variety of zombies are seen, with better graphics -Either the Tank has been redone or it is a new special infected. -Chainsaws, Axes, Baseball Bats, and Hoes/Shovels (hard to tell) are new confirmed weapons. This suggests a Dead Rising style gameplay in addition to the guns where you can pick up objects around you (like the propane tanks and gasoline canisters). This may be a new inventory item or it might take the place of the pistol. -The four main characters are: 1. A big, burly bald black man with a polo shirt, in his 40's or 50's possibly 2. A skinny, black woman with long hair, in her 20's or 30's 3. A skinny white teenager boy with a baseball tee and a baseball cap 4. The fourth guy is hard to see, but he appears to be in his late 20's or 30's, has brown hair that goes to his shoulders, looks kind of like dreadlocks. It looks pretty sweet, and i'm psyched to play it. Sooo many good games coming out this year.
-Lost all sense of horror by going in daylight. -The Charger (Supposedly the new tank) looks like a mutated Hill Billy, which is dumb. -Melee weapons are cool, but not sure how practical they will actually be. -Different rounds of ammunition like the Incendiary rounds. Those sound cool. -The characters just look dumb, there is no other way to describe it. I loved L4D, but concerning L4D2, I'm disappointed so far. Also, L4D2 is the worst name they could have chosen. Let's hope they change it.
This. They could have done something cool like 'Left 4 2morrow' or something. Anyway, something you missed is that they improved the Director to be able to change the map which is probably the reason why the sequel is coming out so soon.
You are expecting to much from a teaser trailer. Just because that is daylight doesn't mean all of it will.
i thought the fourth guy was the guy in the white suit, who hits the zombie with the frying pan at the end.
Meh, Valve has to get a new engine. The source engine is really starting to look bland. As for the game, i wasn't crazy about the first one, so this looks even worse. First off, why is it in the day time. I actually don't mind the characters. I understand why there are 2 black people, due to the location . So, i really don't give a **** about the characters. I do however love the addition of melee weapons. No ammo is great, and chainsaws + zombies is a match made in heaven.
With the exception of the lame name and the fact its in daylight it looks rather well done. Hope they change the name though. Melee looks nice. Characters fit the setting(most likely New Orleans). Maybe there will be some new guns as well. I think they did the daylight thing for the trailer only or at most one campaign.
Light doesnt loose horror, sometimes it makes it better, take the hills have eyes for eg and ressi evil! and OH **** CHAINSHAW, WOOOOOH ;P
I loved L4D and I don't doubt valve will deliver. Their games always seem to have top notch quality. I think it looks pretty sweet.
No it doesn't always take away the scariness, but watch some gameplay videos. You will agree that it resembles a comedy more than a horror now.
it wasn't exactly middle of the day in that video. perhaps the first chapter is at dusk and as the game progresses it becomes night, with the finale being at midnight perhaps? i don't know for sure but i could see them doing that.
I think it still looks really fun, even if it is in daylight for at least some of it. i really dont think its a bad thing at all. if you really are looking for a "horror" game, then i'd try something else, because thats not what L4D is. Its about having a fun time with your friends. If you want to be scared, play a single player game like F.E.A.R. The gameplay videos do look somewhat comedic. Which i think would be extrmely fun to play with friends. Im real pumped for this game, it looks to be at least as good the first.
no, it is not. if i said that most people in africa have dark skin, i would not be racist. if i said that almost all people in Japan are Asian, that would not be racist. saying that there are a lot of black people in New Orleans is not at all racist. i assume you were joking about the second 2, however, it was not amusing.
As for names, they should call it "Left 2 Die" I'm not really digging the characters, however the white kid reminds of the scout from TF2.