1v1 - Arena (BR Battle) 1v1 - Arena (BR Battle Arena) Created by Snipermaster95 Test your skills against another player in this 1v1 arena! Base Map: Foundry This is my first map ever posted on Forge Hub, so please be nice. . . Supported Gametypes: -Slayer -Custom Slayer Gametype (1v1 - BRs) Gametype Explanation: 1v1 BRs IS needed for the map or else it won't work properly. This is what the gametype is: -BRs only -Infinite ammo -Normal damage -Normal damage resistance -No shield regeneration -100% shield leech* -Normal movement traits -Beat downs and assassinations = NEGATIVE 5 points** * The 100% shield leech is to determine which player has a more consistent BR. If you don't understand how this works, just play the game and see for yourself. ** The reason for NEGATIVE 5 points is so that the players won't try to beat each other down. That makes it so that they will only use their BRs. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Description: I know there have been MANY other 1v1 maps, but I believe that mine is one of the cleanest and best-forged ones. This is a 1v1 arena, obviously. It is a perfect octagon made out of bridges. There are two open single boxes in the arena. Each box is where one of the players spawns. The boxes are geomerged and interlocked half-way into the bridges so there is only room for one player. A gravity lift on the other side of the bridges launches the player out of the box at the start of the match. At the very front of both boxes there is a shield door to prevent the host from always getting the first shot. Outside of the arena is a floating spectator's box. It is two fence boxes put together. Shield doors cover the front side of it so that the spectators can't shoot the two players inside of the arena. Also, did I mention that there are a lot of decorations and aesthetics on this map? Don't worry, you can't grab the power-ups. Click HERE to read some more info about the map so you aren't confused. To clear up the confusion, even though 99% of you didn't even read this, take a look at these pictures: Two main overviews of the arena: A view of one of the spawns: Another inside view of the arena: This is a picture of the arena with nothing in it. It shows what the base of the map looks like: An inside view of the empty arena: The Spectator's Box: As earlier mentioned, there is a spectator box in the map. It is for all of the players who aren't battling in the arena. It gives a good view of the inside of the arena and it has shield doors to prevent the spectators from shooting the players in the arena. Here are some pictures: Front view of the spectator box: Side view of the spectator box: The view of the arena from inside the spectator's box: Well, that's all. I hope you guys like this map. Please rate and give suggestions. Thanks. Download 1v1 - Arena Download 1v1 - BRs P.S. The custom gametype IS needed to play correctly. -Snipermaster(95)
You need to create multiple spectator boxes so there isn't carnage going on for the people who aren't playing. On top of that, this map is escapeable if one pllayer was to jump on the others head, unless you made the gravity higher in the gametype. But that would eff up gameplay. Since it's a relatively simple thing to make, at least add some aesthetics in, for example, a roof, teleporter light in the wall and so forth. Not thaat great of a map.
First answer: The people in the spectator's box are on the same team, no friendly fire either. Second: How is one guy going to jump on another guys? They're fighting, and beatdowns/assassinations are negative points. So there's no point of getting close. Third: No roof! How are the spectator's able to see with a roof?!? I guess that different powerups and merged man cannons aren't decorations for you? Last: It's not supposed to be "thaat" great of a map. It's a clean and well-forged 1v1 map, not some crazy map.
It's true that it's well forged, but this is very bland, even for a 1v1. There is absolutley NO cover anywhere. Not even a barricade or anything. It is, more or less, a smaller version of Foundry's "Square". Yes, it is very well forged, but it is very very empty. I can not see a match lasting longer than 15 seconds. However, I have not played it, so I can't rate it.
Okay, I guess that I must have gave the wrong idea of the map. This is a 1v1 map, but it's not a 1v1 map. That must have confused you. This isn't a 1v1 map where you challenge someone to. It's more of a coliseum map where players have short BR duels. That's why there's no cover. It's to show who is better with the BR and it's also for warm-ups. Hopefully that got the point across. Like I mentioned above, it's supposed to last for 15 or more seconds. Maybe even less, depending on who's playing. I also updated/edited my first post to clear up confusion.
Eh, I get you. So it's kind of like the dome that was made a while ago, cept for 1v1? Well, It isn't anything interesting (No offense), but hey, it's nicely forged and seems as if it would play well, now that I know what it's for. Good job, looking forward to your future maps. EDIT: I also never saw that the game type gives you 100% leech. Woops =P.
...you Do realize that BR duels can end in mere seconds, as some people get constant four shots, and even those who dont can kill pretty easily. Probably in your map, it will come down to who shoots first, as there isn't even a way to start when you can pull the trigger, run into the collliseum, etc. You could, however, make the player's have more 'health' (4x shields, more damage resistance, etc.) to make for much more fun duels.
How about you read the post more carefully. In the gametype description, it clearly states that the players have 100% Shield Leech. This means that when you shoot the other player, you regain shields, making BR duels longer. Overall, the map looks great. I won't download it because I already have three BR duel maps, but I'll be sure to pass it on to my friend who was looking for one. I have yet to see bridges used to build an octagon so that's a nice aesthetic feature to include (at least in my opinion).
Ah, thanking for that correction. I believe my mistake came when the map was first posted, and there was no game-type explanation. Then later when I came to comment, Snipermaster had added the explanation. Or Im raving on about a different map. Anyways, I will DL!
Yeah, about that. . . This IS a direct quote from my main post: At the very front of both boxes there is a shield door to prevent the host from always getting the first shot. Hopefully that will answer your question/complaint.
I don't think the gameplay would hold interest beyond a few quick games, but on the positive side, you have some skill and have forged a beautifully neat structure. Apply those talents to something a little grander and I think you could be very good indeed.
Yes, there is. Here's why: It's a BR fight, not a melee fight. I was tired of people beating down in 1v1's so I made is that you can't (shouldn't) melee anyone.
No. If you melee them, then they lose a lot of shields. Then you kill them. The kill still counts as a point, so it won't work. Sorry.
hmm. i think there is nothing new about these maps. but i like it. maybe you could geo-merg and interlock you objects(not just the boxes) i tink then its more special.
Well, it's not supposed to be a "super-awesome-amazing-new-break-through-map." I just thought I'd make a nice, clean 1v1 arena. I don't understand. I'm not going to geo-merge the bridges because they'll be too short. Everything else on the map is interlocked. !ALSO! I'm currently 99% finished on the update for this map; Version 2. It will have more aesthetics and a newer spectator's box.
Nice but... That was a sick map, just what i was looking for One query Me and 2 friends were playing it, and sometimes 2 people spawned in the spectator box while i was in the arena i may not have read the instructions properly and missed something we were all on different teams when we were playing, maybe that had something to do with it. little help, sick map.
Can you show me the video of it? Otherwise, thanks for liking my map and understanding its greatness in simplicity. I am making a v2 with a better spectators box too.
nice idea nothing special because there are so many people who already done a 1 vs 1 arena. i think with geo-merged bridges it looks better like the other member said. but i wait for the version 2 before i download this. i hope it will be cool. overall this map is ok.