Sandbox Duk Hunt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by MUSICPIMPJR, Jun 1, 2009.


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    Im pretty sure that you've all played the classic foundry duck hunt. And most of you the more recent sandbox duck hunts. Well one day I decided to make my own version. And what better place to make it but the sandbox sky bubble. So i started this well.. a month and a half ago and just got around to the finish a few days ago. Its been tested and is extremely hard. In fact MyBubble gets credit for being the first and only (as of June 1st) to kill the zombie. The only other person who gets PARTIAL credit for helping me build this is Parasites54. He helped me with judgement but not quite building. Oh yes and I dont remember how many but like the older duck hunts there are equipment to help you survive. For example - Regenerators, Bubble Shields, Deployable Covers, Flares, and of course the all mighty zombie killing custom power up!

    Overview of Track

    Sniper Purch

    Duck Spawn Point

    Shotguns That Will Be Used To Kill The Hunter

    Breakable (shootable?) Pallets

    A Few More Pics Of The Map


    And One Pic Of The Frantic Ducks

    #1 MUSICPIMPJR, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  2. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Of the duck hunt maps i have seen on sandbox this looks like one of the better ones, i like the way you have experimented with regenerators. When do the pallets respawn because it seems like the hunter can just shoot them before the ducks get there and restrict their path making the gameplay very boring while waiting for them to respawn. Another issue i have with the map is that it looks very short, however you say that only one person has made it to the end so this might not be such an issue, or on the other hand this is because there is not enough cover maybe? A picture showing all the equipment placements would be helpful aswel. Overall, because the Duck Hunt game has been way overused, but this looks like one of the better versions i give the map a 7/10.

    Edit: Ok, thanks for clearing that up, i have it qued for download now.

    Edit after playing: This map is very, VERY, VERY easy to cheat in very many different places, you need to delete the man cannons because on my first go i jumped straithe to the end, delete the deployable covers for the same reason and make it so you cant jump to the end straight from the pallets. Also make it so the zombie cannot jump out of the box. Only after this will the map even be playable. 4/10 for now because the gameplay is *insert favourite swear word here*ing RUINED. Oh and your testers must be idiots not to have made it to the end.
    #2 Prodigious 7k, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  3. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    Looks interesting, for another duck hunt game. My 360 should be back from repairs in ~2-3 days; I'll DL it and test it out. But judging from the pictures and the fact that only one 'duck' has managed to win so far, it should be fun.

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    Thank you and no the pallets are not a problem. First of all it takes to shots to break a pallet and about 15-30* to respawn. And there is plenty of cover actually the hardest part of the map is the platforms at the end where you attempt to get the custom powerup. Its almost like a test of greed because when you get the custom power up you jump farther so you can easily fall off. But its a ton of fun and also its deffinetly not too short considering that only one or two people make it to the custom powerup every couple of games.
  5. HumpyPumpySatOnMyGran

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    Nice, clean, however not original. Its basically the same as any other.

    For a v2, try maybe everyone on a mongoose and a racetype course. Also, from the pictures i can see no obvious interlocking or any other forge techniques but use these in the v2 and its a definite win

    for this map i give it 3 stars
  6. Blep1337

    Blep1337 Ancient
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    i like duck hunt, but i think the whole duck hunt thing is getting to be to much, people should just stop making them, im not saying that your map is bad, but please everyone, stop making duck hunt maps...theres too many
  7. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    OBJECTION!!! (wtf phoenix wright)

    Though there are quite a lot duck hunt maps out there these days, only a few of them are made well enough to promote interesting game play. With that being the case, I do believe that this is one of the better maps out there. The layout is simple, but solid, and the forging is good as well (based on what I see from the pictures). The only complaint I have about this map is it's durability. Some dude in a few posts back stated that he could use the mancannon AND the pallets to skip part of the course and go directly to the custom powerup. If that's the case, then you will definitely want to make a v.2, cause most of us do not have the patience to fix it on our own.

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    Well the part he refers to actually barely helps you. It gets you past a part where you dont need to go. I think youll know what im talking about once you play it. So try it.
  9. Pickle89

    Pickle89 Ancient
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    i am going to agree with humpy but i think humpys idea would be great idk how this would work but what you should do is his idea but where the people on mongooses get points for getting to certain areas but anyway all together i give it a 3.5/5
  10. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Don't matta anymoar. Cuz after some playtesting I learned that the course is much, much smaller than what you could have created (a.k.a what most of us would prefer). You had a BUNCH of money left to spend, so I suggest using that money to extend the course in some areas. I also found that some of the equipment serve no purpose whatsoever. Duckies can't throw the flare far enough to blind the hunter, and the regenerator does not replenish the duck's shields (corrupt gametype ftw). You WILL want to take these out, cause right now, they serve as nothing more than an irritating placeholder.

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