Interesting work, I like your use of a silhouette figure, maybe change your text or move it closer to the focal, and maybe try black text, that would be really cool.
I changed the text to black and it looks infinitely better. I tried moving it in next to the render, but I'm not sure its as good... What do you think, better or worse?
I made a thread for this but it never received any justice, other than a comment from Frag Man I don't care who CnC's it, but it would be nice for both to get two perspectives.
I like your smudging but it seems a tad soft, also the white in back of the render is really bright, maybe try putting a little bit of pinkish purple on there, and there is a little tad bit of orange sticking out at the top on the right side you might want to smudge that away, as for your text, nice work I like what you did.
well, its nice considering you haven't made any in a while. the center is the best part, while the sides are kinda bland. I don't really like how you blurred or smudged the hands, both seem somewhat odd to me. the text stands out to much for me, try moving it closer the the focal also. I do like the lighting and blending though.
D:< Home calls! Consider that the call, and you CnC it at it's home.
well here you can CnC this if you want this was my attempt at a stock sig, i dorealise that the body of the person go a lil messed up but yea
I like it except the focal is really distorted, try to make it more visible, also the light goes from dark to bright too quickly try smoothening that transition. I don't really know what to say about an animation.. ummm.. it works well, nice smooth timing on each frame... Maybe add flames.
Well, its a awfully big canvas. The right side is bland and the c4d placement is a little off. However, this does have more flow than some of your previous, its all blurry, try sharpening the spartan some. and not cutting off his body so quickly.