Halo: Reach Discussion [With links!] Rumoured already, now we have confirmation of another Halo game; Halo: Reach. Looks like a whole new game/ story, with possibly a new engine. It will certainly have a new multiplayer, as the Beta is there for anybody who buys ODST. (Guess what I'm preordering ) Linkies to keep you going: Bungie Front Page Update Halo: Reach Project Page Halo: Reach Video Game, E3 09: Debut Trailer | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com [bnews]value[/bnews] Thanks for FirFox 919 for the news thang! So what do we want to see with Reach? What would you love to be in a new Halo game? What would you hate? Is this a chance for new Forge features? Discuss! =) Peace out.
Kotaku is quite reliable to this sort of stuff as well, nice find, cant wait untill more info on this
Indeed. I give them a read each day just to see what's happening, and I trust 'em. I just wonder what the hell Reach is. Some are saying it's a prequel of some sort, I think due to the novels? Hopefully we'll get some answers at E3
The **** are you on? That's Onyx. Reach is, or was, the humans biggest military base or operations, besides Earth until it got invaded.
It's an interesting thought on what Halo: Reach could be. But what doesn't make sense is how someone found a Halo: Reach Forum in the bungie.net drop-down menu. If I'm not mistaken, Bungie said that they wouldn't be working on any other Halo projects after Halo 3: ODST. So, this is either a fake, or it's actually a game made by a different developer who is working really close with Bungie. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!
wow guys, Bungie said that they wouldn't make any games after Halo 3, and lookie here ODST is made. think about it, they said that they wouldn't make any more halo games AFTER HALO 3, so in other words they could make 100s of games that happened BEFORE THE HALO TRILOGY. plus they said they wouldn't make any more GAMES, ODST has been labeled as a DLC, mabie so will Reach. i do hope they make this a game though, it'd be sweet to play as Mini-chief!
If this were to be created, I say there are a few possibilities of story line. 1)Recreate the battle where humanity loses hold of Reach. 2)You play as a younger John, and play his training up to possibly the fall of Reach. 3)I recall in that one halo book, First Strike, there were a few spartans living after they lost Reach, and manage to escape, so maybe you'll get to play as them? 4)@Telard- Maybe they're actually making Halo:Onyx, but accidentaly wrote down Reach instead? Could be a possibility, but it would be really cool, Onyx was my favorite book in the series. Also, you'd most likely being playing as the spartan 3's, and get the invisibility armor without shields. It'd be like Halo and ODST together. Anyways, I'm not sure if Bungie really is making this, but I'm gonna hope they do, altough they already stated that the won't be making anymore halo games.
i wonder if they'll make games out of each planet from the book series (Harvest and Earth have already been done. now they need to do reach and Onyx)
BUNGIE R TEH LIARZZZ0rZ. This seems legit, why would a forum section for it be created, when it's not a day with the number 7 or April 1st?
Source for that information? I think you meant to say that Bungie won't be making another Halo game after ODST which, seeing as Microsoft owns the rights to Halo, is likely. However, Frankie now works for Microsoft has their guide to all things Halo so future games in the Halo Universe for Microsoft are possible. Halo: Reach... all I can think of is a second stand alone expansion pack, like ODST. Either that or it'll be a game in a new genre, Halo 3 will probably keep going for a few more years, especially with ODST coming soon, so maybe they're making a non-FPS game. Or maybe its not a game... maybe its a sub-step in the 7 step plan to world domination! Prepare the catapult!
They may have started making the game before ODST, so with clever wordmanship O) who knows. Also, they did say that they were working on 4 projects, or 4 projects were being worked on in the halo universe. Halo Wars/ Chronicles/ ODST and now Reach mayhaps?
That would be Halo: Combat Evolved Halo 2 Halo 3 Halo 3: ODST Halo Wars isn't from Bungie, but ensemble studios.
Nono, I meant 4 new ones after Halo 3. It was in their weekly update a while back. Something about them being busy with 4 halo projects.
'Halo Wars/ Chronicles/ ODST and now Reach' Bungie isn't working on: Halo Wars Halo: Chronicles And I doubt Reach exists.
He never said that bungie was working on them he said that someone said there are 4 other halo projects that are being worked on. My point is nobody ever said bungie was working on them maybe just supervising them or they are in collab with another company ( Better not be activision or EPIC games).
This just in! Halo: Reach has had an achievement page spotted. Link Here I shall update the front post.