
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by spartin2000, May 31, 2009.

  1. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    I think this game is going to be pretty sick cause i mean who doesn't love tearing and pwning everybody you come in contact with except for pacifists. Who also thinks that this game is going to be sick. When you can kill people with helicopter blades and you can mutate you're arm into a sword, hammers, claws and mutate you're body in to armor type thing also you can glide you can run-n-gun you can absorb a military personal and become that person you can run up skyscrapers, throw bodys and cars at helicopters to take them down and have a three way war between the advanced military unit called the black watch, the infected, and you the one man army. Also don't forget body surfing.

    heres a video. YouTube - Prototype Gameplay
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Am I only one who thinks Prototype looks like just another half-ass super hero game?

    Infamous looks much better, imo.
  3. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Infamous looks retarded and in Prototype you're not a hero you're a weapon or the somewhat bad guy you're not so much of a good guy and in Infamous can you mutate your arm no you can only shoot lightning from your hand. and in Infamous your a super hero.
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    You obviously don't know anything about Infamous. It's called Infamous because you have a chance to become infamous. You have a choice to be evil or be good, and the entire world changes drastically based on your decisions. Infamous has a power upgrade system based off of experience that is much deeper than Prototype's linear progression of powers. Infamous also has much better graphics, mostly since it's on PS3. Infamous also has tons of side missions to do in addition to the main story, which I haven't heard anything like that present in Prototype.

    Don't be a 360 fanboy.
    #4 Shatakai, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    If I had a PS3 I'd totally get inFamous it looks so awesome, probably the best Ps3 title for 2009.

    I'm getting prototype though, but from what I see it just looks like a lot of fun, not a lot of glamor, but a lot of fun. When I first started seeing videos for it, it immediately reminded me of The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, which was one of my favorite titles when it came out.

    I love those free roam, you can do whatever the hell you want because you can, games. I suppose it depends on preference. I just wish inFamous would come out for xbox :C
  6. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    dude graphics isn't everything and don't be such a ps3 fanboy and in Prototype your the villain your a conspiracy 40 years in the making and whats the point of having both Ps3 and Xbox 360 you don't need both and in Infamous can you glide? can you run up skyscrapers? yet again can you mutate your arms? can you take down a helicopter by trowing a corpse at it? can you absorb and become somebody? can you use devestaters and absorb everybody around you? can you drive a helicopter and kill people with the helicopter blades? I think not.
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Infamous is supposedly what Sly Cooper 4 became, so it's one of the main reasons I'm buying a PS3.
  8. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    I understand that but seriously why buy a whole new system if one of the reasons is just for a certain game.
  9. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Maybe it isn't just for Infamous. I would buy KZ2 if I had a PS3, oh and God of War 3.
  10. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    First of all, I put little emphasis on graphics. It was just a field where Infamous exceeded Prototype, and you can't argue that. You obviously weren't listening when I said you can be a villain in Infamous, and your powers change accordingly. I'm not a PS3 fanboy, I don't even own one (yet...). I can own both consoles if I want. Yes, in Infamous you can glide around the city, which shows how much you know.

    Now, do you wanna play this game? In Prototype, can you make decisions that alter the story? Can you upgrade powers at your own will? Can you suck the life out of people with electricity? Can you revive people with electricity? Can you do any side missions? Can you slide along rails at high speeds? Can you alter the environment to better suit your play style and make it easier to navigate the city? Can you change the city based on your morality?

    We can play this game all day...

    Also, it's not the only reason. MGS4, KZ2, LBP, Drake's Fortune 2 (coming soon), Ratchet and Clank, Resistance 2, and several other games are all reasons I'm buying it.
  11. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    read my post again I said if it is ONE of the reasons.
  12. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Although i haven't played Prototype, due to the fact that it hasn't been released, i have played the HELL out of infamous. Its nothing short of amazing. It has an amazing story, tons of side missions, a deep upgrade system, and over all better graphics. Infamous also lets you choose your path. You can be a hero, or a villian, and depending on which one you choose, the worlds appearance will change, even your characters looks will change.

    The combat of infamous isn't just shooting lighting out of your hand. In fact, every power you have seems to be based of a real life weapon. By the end of the game, you have a large amount of powers, and each of them is capable of doing a number of different things.

    Im not going to say Prototype sucks, because i haven't played it, i will say it just looks like a mindless beet 'em up, with a lot of blood, and over the top powers. Now to some, that is appealing, but for me, it just sounds ludicrous and unimaginative. The gameplay and graphics looks similar to the Incredible Hulk games, which IMO is bad.

    The main problem i have with this game is it's graphics. Yes, i know, some say they "don't matter", and "As long as your having fun, who cares" but i refuse to agree. The game is lacking any kind of art style, meaning, it looks low budget, and bland. They also aren't that amazing to begin with.

    The game, in general, looks very unpolished, and just way too mindless. The story seems a little odd, an the developers are trying to do too many things with one game. That said, i know a lot of casual gamers that don't care about polish and refinement that will love this game. I will atleast try this out on Gamefly when i have the chance.

    Also, never call a game retarded that you have clearly never played.

    Well, in infamous, you CAN glide, and you can climb up walls. As for the other things, why would infamous need those things to be a good game. NONE of those things, if added to inFamous, would make it any better. I could make a huge list of things Infamous has, that Prototype doesn't, but what's the point? They are 2 different games, with 2 very different ideas. Why cant the 2 just live in harmony? Why must you be such a fanboy? Why must you be so ignorant?
    #12 LOCK.xcf, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    It does have blood, though.
  14. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Creepy that about half of it fits. No point to be made in this post.

    On a small note, Infamous and Prototype both sound boring to me. Too much story, too little multiplayer gameplay yet they have so much potential in multiplayer.
  15. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    You're so right, thats why silly games like Fallout 3, Oblivion, Mass Effect, and Bioshock sucked so much.

    [edit] wow, that actually did fit.
    #15 LOCK.xcf, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  16. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Can't play Oblivion, Bioshock or Mass Effect any more. Too boring. I just prefer multiplayer in games. Notice the way I said 'for me' or that I wrote the post and didn't make broad accusations like 'everyone finds single player games boring.'
  17. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Thats too bad that you cant play those awesome games, you'll really miss out on some good times. Also, what about Fallout 3 o_O

    oh, and back on topic! [including me]
    #17 LOCK.xcf, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  18. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I'm on my 5th Character. I can never finish them... I've got one at level 28 and I can't motivate myself to get to level 30...

    EDIT: I guess that means me too...

    So, is there any multiplayer in Prototype?
    #18 Telrad, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  19. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Read my post again, I said MAYBE he wants to buy PS3 for other exclusives
  20. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    wow it seems as though that this thread is more of an arguement not just talking about a simple game and why would you talk crap about good games such as oblivion, bioshock, and mass effect. whoever said that you can't get to level 30.

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