As many of you may known, the greatest days of gaming news approach us. Tomorrow marks the beginning of E3 2009, and shall provide us with hype, trailers and giddy excitement for months to come. With this will come discussion, thoughts, and bitching. Please keep as much of that as you can here. The op will be updated with important info, times of press conferences and other stuff. Have yourself an exciting E3 week Press Conference Times: Highlights: E3 2009 Latest Highlights at GameSpot E3 Rumor Mill: Nintendo: New Mario, New Wii Fit Plus. Sony: PS3 Slim, PSP Go, MGS PSP Title Microsoft: MGS4+0, Microsoft Motion Cam, SC: Conviction, Richter, GTA Timed Exclusive DLC Thoughts on the Rumor mill: Honestly, if I don't see a Mario/Zelda or any hardcore gaming titles at Nintendo, then this is it, I've lost all faith or support in them. The PSP Go is more than rumor, it's confirmed, and looks stupid. The first PSP was fail, why bring out a second, without fixing some of the annoying details. No disks/carts? Can anyone say annoying DRM/mega piracy? Sony loves to launch a slim console. Why? I dunno, it usually turns out to preform way worse. Ps2 slims were garbage, and everyone tried to get a thick one. ZZzzz, God of War better be there, and impressing me, along with MAG, or sony can shove their hardware. I am excited for Microsofts press conference. The leaks are far less solid than the other companies, but I think it's only the tip of their iceberg. Managing to keep FFXIII locked up last year means I'm sure they'll blow my socks off. Have faith in MS, even if their headsets suck.
I might actually go to the event. Slight chance. But, what I want to see is some much more "Hardcore" games for the Wii. I honestly haven't played my Wii for like 6 months. Another Zelda would be a great idea IMO. It would bring people to play their Wii's again. As for Microsoft, MW2 gameplay? Also, I know this seems rather doubtful, but a sneak peak at the next maps for H3? Along with more info on ODST.
Im looking forward towards Prototype. It looks like a cross between The Hulk, Spider-man, and GTA. Looks very promising. Im also a Sims fan too, I hope E3 has some coverage of the Sims3 game... Yes, Conduit seems like it could potentially be the Wii's next best-seller. I really want to know what kind of game Halo:ODST is going to be. Will it stick to its Halo roots and be a first-person shooter? Or will it have some tactical shooter elements, like Rainbow Six?
I'm really hyped for this years E3. I really wanna see some ME2, AC2, BS2 and H3:ODST If I'm really lucky, Half Life 2 Episode 3, Mirrors Edge 2, Black 2, Kameo 2.
Conduit does look good will have me playing my Wii again, along with the RE ports. But those are coming out in june, so E3 won't do a whole bunch for em.
Hmmm. I forgot about this. Does anyone know if G4 is covering it this year? I suppose I'll tune in to see. I'll try to catch some of the conferences. I am really only interested in what Microsoft has to offer seeing as I only have a 360 (with RRoD at that). Maybe I'll see what cool, new features/games that they have to offer, but I may just stick to Halo.
Thheres a game by square enix coming out in 2010 called nier looks good, theres an official site if anyone is intrested.
I am fairly hyped for E3 this year I have seen some fairly intriguing rumors on Kotaku and other gaming sites such as Halo Reach and then there is this 300,000 player game?
What's with everyone wanting a new Mario, Zelda or whatever? It's about time those franchises got a break. Bring in some new franchises. Something like No More Heroes would be awesome. Also, define Hardcore gaming. Personely, I want to see a new franchise starting up. Something not Sci Fi or Modern.
I'm definitely hyped for E3 this year. I'm going to be glued to my computer monitor for so long! The things I'm looking forward to seeing the most are: Halo 3: ODST (Live Demo confirmed for E3 on Wednesday) Borderlands Alan Wake Splinter Cell Conviction Halo: Reach? Microsoft's "huge" announcement that will apparently transform the way we think about Home Entertainment. Zune HD
Well, Mario/Zelda are Nintendo's biggest selling games....ever. With a demand for such additions, it would be wise to fuel it. As for "hardcore gaming" IMO, a hardcore game is a game that can is competitive are immerses the player into the character. Examples are Halo , CoD, and GoW. It can also be along the lines of MMORPG's or even Strategy.
That's a pretty huge debate honestly, and 5 years ago (halo ce/Early halo 2) "shooters" would be hardcore. Cod, Halo...hell even gears...not reeeaaally hardcore games anymore. Who doesn't play shooters. All the scene kids do to be "cool". A shooter on the wii, yeah it's a hardcore market, since mostly wii software involves things like wiifit and music. Another CoD? Not a hardcore game lol. Cod is for nubs.
Pretty much. The line between Hardcore and casual is blending in quite a bit now-a-days. You say Halo is Hardcore, I'd call it the most casual shooter on the market.
MASS EFFECT 2! I can't say anything else. I'm just going to sit in front of my RSS reader waiting for any mention of it.
I wasn't using you as in you. I meant you as in the other guy. Awkwardness of the English language and forums.
Halo is serious business. Nah jk. I just play for the lulz tbh. It can be hardcore somewhat (look at mulge), but the greater population plays for fun. Isn't that what games are about? I hope there will be some new fun games.