Sandbox Systic Frame V6

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Sche11enberg, May 30, 2009.

  1. Sche11enberg

    Sche11enberg Ancient
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    Systic Frame V6
    Created by Sche11enberg


    Map Description:
    A symmetrical map made for capture the flag. The flags are located on either sides on top of the tallest towers, climb or use gravity lifts them to get and return the flags, don't fall!

    Battle Rifles x6
    Needlers x2
    Fuel Rod Canon x1
    Shotguns x2
    Sniper Rifles x2
    Pistols x 2
    Plasma Rifles x 4
    Brute Shot x 2

    Bubble Shields x2
    Plasma Grenades x4
    Spike Grenades x4
    Gravity lifts x 4


    Map Type:


    Supported Gametypes:
    Capture the Flag
    Team Slayer




















    Help keep this map popular and comment please!

    #1 Sche11enberg, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  2. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks very fun and I like the idea. I like it how the flags are not easily reachable and if you get the flag you have a fair bit of cover. Its a good mix and the map is well planned and executed. It looks very well made and very accurate; the spacing etween the blocks and so on is very good! Well done 4.5/5.

    Hang on, I have just realised why is this a version 6?
  3. Sche11enberg

    Sche11enberg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Because I tested it, fixed it, tested it again, fixed it even more, and now I have finally perfected it on version 6!

    And thanks for the great rating!
    #3 Sche11enberg, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  4. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    BAh, google deleted my post..[what?]
    anyways, it looks like it would be fun with low gravity. you should put a killball right beneath the flags, so if you fall, you die! muahahahhahah blah.
    Anyways... Awesome map!
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Then wouldn't it have made more sense to make it in the sky bubble...

    Anyways, I've seen the concept used before already, but I like what this map has to offer, like the shield door window type things, although I imagine people would want to camp there with the shotgun. Did you actually geomerge the blocks? I recommend that you take some more action shots next time, but good map overall.
  6. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've seen this map posted before and i don't see any differences in this version. Can you please write what exactly makes this "V6" an actual version six. The map was fun to play with my friends before and we had a lot of laughs, but there was just something missing. Well i guess that you can fix that in your V7

    Overall 4.5/5
  7. Sche11enberg

    Sche11enberg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The shotguns are placed with a low amount of ammo and do not start near the shield doors the snipers on both sides should also give a balance if that situation was to occur.

    What blocks are you asking I geomerged? And thank you for your suggestion I will get some action shots put on tomorrow!

    Thanks for your comment!

    Whats the difference!
    Well there is now 4 gravity lifts with 30 sec respawns, the snipers have alot less ammo and respond faster, the ground rises around where the flags sit so you can reach when using a gravity lift to get the flag, around the center I have placed alot of stone pieces to make it less open, in front of both bases I put a stone arch which is 2 of those stone pieces together, I fixed both game types CTF, Team Slayer and slayer you no longer respawn where the flag is so no one can camp there, I also fixed other spawn issues, and there are alot of weapon changes.

    That is what the difference is! :p
    #7 Sche11enberg, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009

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