This map is called Vein and the reason it is named that is Because my brother said it reminded him of Blood Gulch, So i named it Vein to keep with the theme of Blood, Weapon List Splazer X1 2:00 Min. Respawn Brute Shot X4 45 sec. Respawn Missle Pod X2 3:00 Min. Respawn Beam Rifle X2 30 Sec. Respawn Battle Rifle X8 30 Sec Respawn Vehicle List Warthog X2 Mongoose X4 Banshee X2 Transport Hornet X2 Filters Gloomy FX And now PICTURE TYME!!! Overview Red base (Outside) Blue base (Outside) Red Hornet Hangar Blue hornet Hangar Red Base (Inside) Blue base (Inside) There Are also caves in the tubes near the bases, that is where the laser spawns : Halo 3 File Details
This looks really sloppy, and done quickly. The middle is bare and the bases are very messy. Try adding more to it and i can't really see the resemblence in this and blood gulch, besides that there are two bases. 2/5
It looks like you didn't even have a plan for the map before you made it. In fact I'm pretty sure you didn't. Try making a plan for the map, taking a decent amount of time to make it, and think about gameplay. There is really zero cover in the middle. 2/5 cuz I like banshees.
way to rate a map without downloading and you didn't even give him any real advice that being said the map is missing a couple things one of those things is neatness now interlocking isn't necessary but its helpfull and if you don't interlock your objects should still line up use a brace of some sort, like a double wall to help with that there is also too many air vehicles and not enough ways to take them out either add missile mods to each base or remove one of the sets of air vehicles i would remove the air vehicles and there is too much open space in the middle the hornets and banshees will rip apart anyone going across the map and im not sure where the laser is, but if its in the middle its going to be very difficult for any one to reach it
Maybe that's because they already know how it would play, I mean just look at it. It is WAY too open in the middle, and there are way too many bumps. Plus, I agree with 1st post, how does this look like blood gulch? This needs MAJOR fixing up before I will download this. Sorry but 1.5/5
Way to ignore the fact they said the bases were sloppy and they needed cover in the center. Also, why is your post written in poetry format, with no grammar?
Not enough central cover, also to many heavy vehicles but not guns so there is nothing o neutralize them with. Extremely messy which will make manuvering inside the bases moredifficult than it should.
Good job attacking me and not even giving this guy a thoughtful review and if you actually read my poetry-like review you'd have seen
xX-Executioner-Xx Appearance- 0.6-Disaster game play- 1.1-Relaxed Originality- 0.1-Dido presentation- 0.3-Boring Over all= 2/5 I can see you had a good idea of what you wanted but you did not take the time to build your map. So it took a big tole on your over all rate. I think if you went back and fixed up your map by interlocking, setting more obstacles up between bases and maybe a better pick of weapons. This map could end up pretty nice. PS: Keep your dream map going.
im just going to make a point form list because im too tired to use complete sentances. Suggestions: Looks slopply made, try interlocking more peices together. 4 randomly placed tube peices can be used for easy hiding spots. Add more cover to map Add lights to help identify which base is which better.
Someone didn't read the Description, The Random tubes actually go somewhere (cryptcryptcryptcrypt) One set goes in, Ones set goes out.
sorry, im a little tired right now and didnt see the text underneath your pictures. anyways, do you have any pictures of what you've done in the crypt?
No i don't but i will soon i'll have to remove the roof and do an overview tomorrow There are already two missle pods on the map, they have always been there you would notice if you looked somewhere on the map post (weaponlistweaponlistweaponlist)
What he said. Most of the pieces look as if they were simply dropped. The bases aren't the same. Nowhere near enough cover, anywhere. Your brother needs to actually play Blood Gulch to know what it looks like. Sorry, but good luck on Version 2. I see lots of room for improvement, don't worry. This map, when worked upon a lot, could actually be a winner (Of an imaginary cookie).