Sandbox MLG Scarce

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Physx, May 30, 2009.

  1. Physx

    Physx Ancient
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    MLG Scarce

    This is my first map on Forge Hub, so I hope you guys will like it!
    Scarce is a two-sided symmetrical map with tons of cover and routes to take. The map features a middle walkway, sniper towers, and is designed for CTF, Slayer, and Oddball.

    x10 BRs (30s)
    x2 Sniper Rifles (90s)
    x1 Rocket Launcher (120s)
    x6 Covenant Carbines (30s)
    x2 Maulers (60s)
    x10 Frag Grenades (10s)
    x10 Plasma Grenades (10s)

    Maulers spawn under top mid walkway on two flat blocks. Rocket Launcher spawns in the top mid walkway. Snipers on the far sides in the sniper towers. BRs, Carbines, Frags, and Plasmas are scattered throughout the map.

    Overview of Red Base:

    Overview of Blue Base:

    Sniper Tower:

    Top Mid Walkway and Ground Floor:

    Base (inside):

    Map Overview:

    Download MLG Scarce here: : Halo 3 File Details

    MLG CTF Scarce: : Halo 3 File Details

    Thanks and enjoy!

    #1 Physx, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Welcome to Forgehub! Glad to see you've followed the rules with your map post!

    Map: This looks very great. The base design is pretty unique, but looks like it still plays well. I only see two things wrong with it: 1, the Y tube on top of blue base is a little crooked. 2, there are antennas on the map. Movable objects aren't MLG appropriate. They disrupt gameplay when they fall over. And, in pic 2 they've fallen over, leading another way into the base, and creating an advantage for one team. I have to suggest placing teleporter nodes or weapon holders to "hold them in place." Very nice map, though.
  3. CometCRAZIE33

    CometCRAZIE33 Ancient
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    nice map i especially like the part where you have the option to go up the sniper tower or below it with a walkway. It seems like you have a lot of grenades with such short respawns to me.
  4. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    The map really looks good. The weapon balance looks good, maybe a few too many grenades but thats alright. The tubes at each base (the y-tubes) arent even and thats annoying me but thats probably my OCD. Even though i dont really like MLG maps you have a download from me 4/5.

    Edit: You only have 1 download, guys that's harsh.
    #4 Prodigious 7k, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  5. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Okay, rule number one, NEVER TAKE PICTURES IN FORGE. It's very annoying to see the respawn points and especially when your in monitor mode. Please retake the pictures from a custom games match, otherwise other people are going to pester you about too.

    Onto the map. I like the overall feel of the map, but I almost want to say it looks a tad sloppy (mainly walls and blocks not being perfectly aligned with eachother). Again, your pictures are kind of hard to understand with all those distractions in the way. It looks good, and I want to download, but I don't have enough room at the moment. I'll come back once I've cleared up some space on my harddrive. Good job on the map overall, but please retake pictures from a custom game.
    #5 xPsychZerox, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  6. iMONKEY

    iMONKEY Ancient
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    looks good all around i only suggest you remove the radio tower things cause they might get in the way when they fall as for taking pics in forge imo its not that bad i sometimes like to see the spawns especially on an mlg map
  7. Physx

    Physx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the comments guys! I've updated the map without the radio antennas and fixed the blue base y-tube.

    Pictures updated and fixed.
  8. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    i like the feel of this map. i think one thing your map lacks is aesthetics. the layout is nice but without a good look its not as fun. good weapon choice and respawn times. but really the only problem is the overall look.
  9. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    i like your quick and swift response, welcome to forgehub, you fit in just right

    i think your map looks really good, aesthetically its ok to me, like IMO Onslaught and AMplified look like a piece of arse anyway but u know. the walkways and top mid look cool, im just worried about generally bottom mid, with random placed clutter?? idk its not my thing, i would rather bigger objects together than little ones everywhere but thats just little, DL from me
  10. Jaya

    Jaya Ancient
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    even though ive only just registered ive been on forge hub for bout 1 year now and pretty much only for mlg maps.

    this is the best mlg map so far... it has a lot of potentiual. i have a few suggestions though:

    - you don't have to use all the weapons mlg uses on one map.
    i think, if you havn't gotten some testers already you need to try and find what weapons are best suited for the map...
    cause if one team is able to take control over all these weapons =

    x2 Sniper Rifles (90s)
    x1 Rocket Launcher (120s)
    x2 Maulers (60s)

    the other team won't be able to get off there spawns for bout 2 mins of the game...
    and by that time the weapons have already respawned

    - im not a forger so i don't know what everything is called...
    but the 4 corner wall things in the middle are a perfect camping spot for any noob. what i suggest you should
    do is lower the corner walls so that they are bout a spartans shoulder height.

    this will stop camping to some degree.

    - every mlg map has a basic set up. and for onslaught (best forged mlg map to date)
    it is settiung up on top mid and i think for this map it is no different.

    what i suggest you do is put a little bit of cover for top mid...
    because if your team wants to try and setup for a flag cap or spawn kill you'll need to definetly control top mid and
    it will be very hard to stay on top without any cover.
  11. Physx

    Physx Ancient
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    Thanks for the insight. Setting up on top mid is usually what my friends and I do so I will take that into serious consideration. With the issue of the weapons, I have found that two snipers can be very controlling if one team has both of them. I was going to replace rockets with sniper and see how that works out. I have not seen the corners as a problem but I will get back to you on how I see it. Thanks for the advice.
  12. Jaya

    Jaya Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea not a problem... i will also test this map with a few of my mates so ill get back to you with some more stuff for the map if anything comes up.

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