Authors: AceOfSpades0707, Cerberus Beast Map Name: Tetradymite Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 6-16 Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag, Slayer, Team Slayer Winner of the May Forgery Challenge at Featured on __________________________________________________ Description: The highly anticipated Tetradymite is finally here. Tetradymite (te-trad-uh-mahyt) is a Big Team Battle map made on the main tier of Sandbox. This project has been in the making for close to two months and has gone through a lot of changes from the original design during the map's making. The map features a lot of unique structures and aesthetics while, at the same time, incorporating very good gameplay. The most defining feature of the map is definitely the structure dubbed "The Claw", which sits about halfway across the map and houses the game-changing Rocket Launcher. Why a collaboration? I had barely started on the map by myself when my once little known friend, Cerberus Beast, came in to a forge session with me. He was impressed with what I had so far (most of Red Base) and I was impressed with his forging skills. It just kind of morphed out of that and became a full-fledged collaboration. We both made and edited about half of the map and I had a great time working with Cerberus. The map can support games of 3v3 to 8v8, but the recommended number of players per team is 4 to 6 (4v4 to 6v6). Recommended Gametypes Team Slayer Team Snipers One Flag Neutral Bomb BR Starts are HIGHLY recommended. *In asymmetric gametypes, the red base is the defending base. Weapon/Equipment List (Weapon Type - No. on Map - No. of Spare Clips - Respawn Time - Symmetry) Battle Rifle - 10 - 2 - 30 seconds - Both Covenant Carbine - 2 - 2 - 30 seconds - Both Brute Shot - 1 - 2 - 90 seconds - Both Beam Rifle - 2 - x - 150 seconds - Both Rocket Launcher - 1 - 1 - 120 - Both Plasma Pistol - 2 - x - 90 seconds - Both Mauler - 2 - 0 - 90 seconds - Both Fragmentation Grenade - 8 - x - 10 seconds - Both Plasma Grenade - 13 - x - 10 seconds - Both Bubble Shield - 1 - x - 120 seconds - Both Regenerator - 2 - x - 120 seconds - Both Trip Mine - 1 - x - 120 seconds - Both Trip Mine - 1 - x - 120 seconds - Symmetric Mongoose - 4 - x - 60 seconds - Both Warthog - 2 - x - 150 seconds - Both Ghost - 1 - x - 120 seconds - Symmetric Ghost - 1 - x - 120 seconds - Asymmetric Major Weapon/Vehicle Layout Map Video (Thanks to Zak) YouTube - Tetradymite - May Contest Winner - Xforgery Map Reviews (Thanks to What's a Scope?) Spoiler (Thanks to MickRaider) Spoiler Map Pictures Overview Overview 2 Red Base Behind Red Base Red Side Tower The Claw Behind Claw Red Side Neutral Base Symmetric Ghost Spawn Blue Side Neutral Base The Octagons Blue Base Behind Blue Base Asymmetric Ghost Spawn Special Thanks to: Cerberus Beast - You are awesome. This map could not have been anywhere near as epic if we hadn't collaborated. Forsaken - For seeing through a lot of the making of this map and offering some suggestions. GD27 ShockWav3 - For teaching me about some spawning. All our testers - There's too many of you to name. Thank you so much. >>Download Tetradymite<<
Everything looks nicely interlocked and merged and the gameplay looks solid. The grav lift/ man cannon merged with the ground looks great and the claw looks pretty sweet also. You included tons of little details that make your map special and make it look legit. One thing that i would like to recommend would be to add a little more cover to certain bottom areas where there isn't much cover. Other than that it is one of the best maps out there. Overall 4.7/5
Ace, you know how much I love this map. I love the unique bases, the geomerged gravity lifts, the claw... Tetradymite provides a unique gameplay experience because it doesn't just have two bases, some random cover, and a pyramid in the middle. Tetradymite has a beastly weapons set up, and it doesn't have too many vehicles like some maps I know. Both you and Cerberus Beast made one helluva map. I swear that if this doesn't win the XForgery BTB contest, I don't know what will.
Really well done ace.the structures are perfect and I love the claw idea.And the weapon layout is perfect.When we played it I loved the gameplaym,it was very etiquette.I think one bomb,nuetral bomb,and nuetral flag plays best on this map.I am sure it will conquer all in the xForgery BTB contest.And this map can use a bit more cover or so.But the structures cover most of the map so that is really no need.And I love how there is a beam rifle ion a mapo for once and a little too much BRs on this map.Ace you did good thoguh.Overall the map is nice!
@redeyesmaster: Feel free to use any of the structures on the map. Just make sure to give credit where credit is due. Thanks for posting the map, Ace. You did a great job with your base designs and are a very good inspiration when trying to think of unique layout ideas. I hope we win the contest!
I've posted over at xforgery to. Map turned out amazingly. I signed up for testing but my parents pulled a fast one and i was pissed when i couldn't participate. I watched this map from the beggining even though i got booted like twice while you were working on it. Glad to see it out. Also, i totaly agree with what conkerkid said. good job ace and cerb!!!
This map is awesome, way better right now than the teaser allowed us to see... The aesthetics make this map unique, such as the claw and even the base designs. You did a great job on this map, both of you. And I think the 2 months were well spent. Sorry I couldn't be there for the testing, but I was busy. I will download this and get back to you on gameplay, but as for right now, just amazing.
Those are some mighty fine looking structures. If the gameplay is anything like the aesthetics, I'm sure this map will find a home on hard drives everywhere. I can't wait to get a game on it. Looks very nice.
This map is amazing. It was really worth all the hype. The structures are so perfect and awesome looking, and they give that BTB feel. It seems awesome for BR Slayer, there's a perfect amount of cover and the vehicle set works. A really unique style, I'm sure you'll win that contest on xforgery and don't doubt a feature over here.
Have you guys submitted this to ATLAS? You should add a link to get this on ATLAS, if this were in matchmaking, one, it would be even more popular, two, you'd be famous, and three, more people could play big team on this, rather than small custom games that so many people can only get into. Please consider this, after a forgethrough of the map, I can see big things for this. It would likely be worth your while
xX-Executioner-Xx Appearance- 1.6-Monument game play- 1.4-Exciting Originalty- 0.5-Exotic presentation- 0.4-Entertaining Over all= 4/5 Its about time I got to one of your maps and tho I don't like you i like your map. It is very original I have never seen another map that looks anything like your map the game play is pretty good but what really makes this a great map is its structure good job.
I agree with Eternal.This map is balanced and has no flaws what so ever it can be in big team.Just join ATLAS ran by Shishka and go the the forum and post your map in the appropriate standards.Good luck if you guys submit it because it has a mighty chance of being in matchmaking and you will be famous.
Ameliorate will. And Ace, I really like this map. The bases are very unique, simply like the map itself. I've definitely seen this map quite a bit, and I really didn't play many games on it though. However, the games I did play we very fun, and I had a great time playing them. P.S. I never did get v1.1 of Ameliorate into the contest haha
I, nor anyone else I have consulted who has played the map, have complained about the lack of cover. There may be some points on the map where you can be pretty vulnerable, but there are also a lot of ways across the map that are a lot safer. There's a good balance between the two. When you actually get around to playing the map, you will find that there is no real lack of cover anywhere throughout the map. Look at Avalanche. I don't see much cover there. Thanks Shaddo. Glad you like it. I do know about ATLAS as I am a member of the group. For the XForgery Contest, I think the winner's map gets submitted into ATLAS. If we do not win however, I will post the map over there once I get gameplay videos and such compiled. Glad you like it. Ameliorate is the only real competition I see in the contest. So it might be good for Cerberus and me if you didn't get v 1.1 in. And to everybody, stop giving me all the credit for the map. Just because I posted it, that doesn't mean I am the sole creator of the map. Cerberus Beast forged just as much of the map as I did. Make sure to give him credit too.
i hope you guys win the contest also. i have seen this map though so many changes and so many stages that it is a miracle that this map is done also if i wasn't so busy with my life and graduating i would have been working on my map that has some pretty unique stuff in it that would have challenge this map, but would fall short like my other map. this map should be a model for many of those forgers out there where they don't know how to make a great btb map. Great job you two, you guys made a great team. i hope to see more impressive maps out of the both of you.
Great job, both of you on this map. I played a 4v4 game and even a FFA with people and the gameplay was great. I just think that the AR spawn is better than BR, seeing as so many BR's are on the map, and should only be used if they are grabbed, not at the spawn, or at least in my opinion. Overall now: Aesthetics-4.5/5 Originality-5/5 Gameplay-4/5 Spawning-3/5 (need to be more dispersed throughout the map) Weapon balance-4.5/5 Be mindful people, if you haven't played the map, then don't complain about cover or aesthetics. On the map it looks much better and gameplay is great. I give this a 4.5/5 overall for greatness, and I agree deadhero, this should be an example to all forgers for BTB or asymmetric maps.
Well as you all know i do my map reviews, to only the maps I DL and really took time to get to know them, and recently I have noticed 3 maps that I really looked at and have decided to give them my thoughts on them. Starting with ACE of Spades and cerebus' new creation Tetradymite. Athestics:: This map was definetly one of the best (probably the best athestic looking map ive ever seen). The ancient looking structures brought attention to the map, with the nice use of walls at each base to bring a great look at creation and the spider looking base was more than enough to make me want to take a look. Game Play:: I played 3v3 slayer on this and it was terrific, I noticed how much time you took on this and the way to make the different routes was awsome!. Like honestly I have never seen a map that had such great routes, I mean no matter where you were you had options on were to go. The perfect amount of cover and objects on the ground and upper levels was great. The different height advantages and perfection in geomerging and interlock just about everything was great!. And the map was just Great!! Spawns:: Nothing really to say here who ever did you spawns, or if it was you did good. No spawn trapping or anything, no unfair advantages, Honestly you guys did a good job in this part of forging. Weapon placement:: This was great, I first started off not know what to exactly what kind of weapons were going to be on the map but than i noticed the type of athestics, beam rifles, ghost, etc. And noticed it favored the covanent side, back to the weapon balance, I didnt notice any unfair treatment, there was always different ways to top your enemies and then they top you and it just evens out. Out of my experience on this map, I must say its the best sandbox map I have ever seen. Congratz!! Also you guys need to start giving them the reviews they need, this map is worth and better then what you guys are giving it.
Thanks for the reviews Eternal and myshotsakill. My friend and I are currently doing a complete overhaul of the spawning system on Tetradymite. He knows his stuff about spawning and I am learning a lot about it too. Hopefully, when we're done, there will be minimal spawning issues and the map will play much much better. Glad everyone's liking it!