Sandbox Desert Ninja: Rock-Climb

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by xT Game Over Tx, May 29, 2009.

  1. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    Cool. A third. Rock-Climb is really easy and short because I had alot of people complaining it was too hard and were losing interest in ninja maps, combined with me being curious and trying a rockwall. First rockwall, i know its short, please be positive.

    Timing is key (listen) [​IMG][/URL]

    Tricky jump and checkpoint: [​IMG][/URL]

    The wall: [​IMG][/URL]

    GAMETYPE: : Halo 3 File Details

    MAP: : Halo 3 File Details

    Please rate, you can leave comments too (positive please) Download and discuss.
  2. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    only positive? you realize that basically means NO constructive critisism, correct? Well, after looking at your map, (only pics) it looks a bit sloppy, but i can't fully judge it off pictures alone, you might want to do some more "detailed" pictures, close-ups and such, so that comments such as mine could be avoided, because sadly no-one downloads anything anymore it seems (I would DL and give you more feedback, but ive been busy lately with another site... sorry)

    Also, on that note, you might want to explain the map a bit more... i barely understand what this is about... all i know is there is a rockclimb involved, which even then, isn't very clear as to its purpose... since i did not DL i cannot rate, and i appologise for that...

  3. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    wow. thats what im talking about. there's a line between critisism and flat out attacking. what you just did. that was attacking. telling me to be more descriptive and better pictures thats fine. but attacking me because i said not to thats not cool man. you know what your doing now come on...
  4. SHAD0W F34R

    SHAD0W F34R Ancient
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    Yea Snict is right he just telling you the difference. Don't stop bumping peoples maps if are going to post three maps just post a map pack. You'r maps are sloppy too clean them up a litttle bit. The cool thing about this map is the rock wall. It looks like you can skip past things easyly.
  5. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    okay whatever. Sloppy though? i told you it was first rockwall but even still. its not a racetrack or mlg map so ?? Its a ninja map, doesn't have to be aestheticly pleasing. I fuse the stuff i need to and make it functional. Enjoy the map for the map, looking nice is just a bonus. and again its a ninja map-it's going to look like theres stuff scattered around.
  6. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    May i present to you.... SLOPPY! even though it isn't a race track or mlg map doesn't mean it cant be neat... and once again, im saying I HAVE NOT DOWNLOADED THIS MAP, im basing sloppiness mainly off this picture, there arent very many maps that look amazing and some spots and horrible in others... who knows... maybe yours is.... i wouldn't know that though... i barely have time to play xbox lately... so you need to stop "gripping" about the constructive criticism we give you... the only reason i mentioned it first is i figured people would tear you apart for this... like, limb from limb... so... stop your *****ing...

    Also, in accordance to my previous comment, i did not mean to come out as attacking you... merely pointing out an odd statement, I.E. you basically saying no constructive criticism, and i do not mean this comment to be "mean" either... i simply have a very 'sarcastic/extreme' way of getting my point across... ive noticed this lately and have tried to compensate but as much as i try, its to no avail...
  7. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    good ffs i don't care if YOU download it or not. and what do you suggest i do? merge the T-walls together? Have you ever attemted to make a jumping course or ninja map or anything? no don't answer because i can tell you havent. Yeah i could easyly merge them together, no sweat. but then what would happen. the height would drop and the jump would be off. I could give a sh*t less whether you think it looks nice or not. If your not going to download it then don't add comments. constructive critisism is NOT "trying to get people to tear you limb from limb" If you don't like something about my map, tell me -="The jump where you do ___ to get to ___ right before ___ is a little difficult. maybe add a pallet or block so it's a little bit easier?" Thats perfect. nothing person just a suggestion, i don't understand how you think your trying to act cool or experianced by attemting to bring down other peoples maps i don't know, especially when they're just posted up here because you get more dl that way. If somebody makes a suggestion then i'll consider it in the next map. once i make a map (unless there's a drastic flaw) its not open for suggestions. Learn to forge, because all my maps function perfectly and i do merge the stuff i can and the stuff that may look sloppy is like that for a reason, and if this is too sloppy for you go to the Aesthetic section of maps because this is a mini-game, and i couldn't care less whether you like how it looks.

    My turn for 'constructive critisism': You've repeated the fact that you aren't going to download for the 3rd time... I told you the first time that that's fine and I didn't care. Are you upset because I wasn't offended? Also "you barely have time to play xbox lately" what does this have to do with anything? I'm sorry but you've made it pretty clear that you're not interested in me being your friend so i cannot say im really concerned with whatever problems you may be having. Don't play xbox? why sit on the computer and talk about it then? especially to me...I need to stop gripping? please tell me that's a typo and you don't know that a double constanant means that the vowel is short. because thats pronounced grip-ping. like if i was gripping onto the steering wheel. I'm going to take a stab in the dark and assume you were trying miserably to say griping, like if i was complaining. May i suggest that you get your sh*t straight before trying to align mine. Thank you for your time and oh, nothing personal. just trying to tear you limb from limb thats all (on a forum, for ONE section of a freaking video game as pathetic as that sounds)
    #7 xT Game Over Tx, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  8. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    okay well thanks for the positive effort. the sloppiness, im sorry, but i cannot fix as it would have a butterfly affect on the jumps of the maps and sooner or later a jump would go from difficult → impossible.
  9. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    well you obviously dont understand what i said because i never said "Im not downloading this map" i said "I havent downloaded this map, becuase im busy", way to flame though, also THIS is my third comment on this thread not my 4th as you seem to think it is... also nice flaming me for making a typo, thats great... i love how but trying to help you i get... well... i'd rather not say... before flaming next time... why don't you try understanding what i wrote... i said i wasnt trying to be rude.. simply more specific... and at the bottom i said i act sarcastic not on purpose just by nature... so if you really have a problem with me PM me... im going to stop bumping this thread... especially if you deem my comment "unworthy" which it's obvious you already have...

    EDIT: I realize one misunderstanding i'd like to clear up now... when i said people would tear you limb from limb... i meant when they saw it... not after i pointed it out... i was saying i didnt want them to and tried fixing it... i realize how that got misunderstood.. my apologies....
    #9 Arvas, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  10. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    Between the short length, the sloppiness and you flaming someone who was trying to give a little constructive criticism, I see no reason to even bother DLing this map to test it. It looks like you spent an hour or two building stacks of items and then labelled it a 'rock climb'. The fact that it is a jumping map doesn't mean that you can excuse sloppiness, because it is certainly possible to make a jumping map that plays well and looks nice. You also shouldn't expect to post a map, especially one as shoddy as this, and then expect everyone to fall over each other in the rush to five-star it.

    When someone offers constructive criticism, they are trying to help you. Don't flame them, and don't demand that they like your map because you want them to. Also, if you have multiple maps that you want to post, bundle them together into one thread as a map pack, rather than cluttering up the forum.

    I'm not attacking you, I'm giving you honest advice.
  11. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    alright, im done with the volley back and forth, not just with you but with everybody. the one arvas guy and I had a misunderstanding in the beginning with the limb thing, he was trying to help but the way he said it i thought he was trying to hurt. You though, are putting words in my mouth, so to speak. I am not going to start arguing with you about anything but seriously, i never 1. expected people to fall out and 5 star it or whatever you mentioned and 2. i never complained because he didn't like it. i actually said the opposite. i told him i didn't care and if he didn't like it dont download and move on...
    as for me "piling a bunch of stuff up and calling it a rock climb" i said that in the description did i not? that i wanted to try the idea of a rock wall and so i made a really short map and experimented with a rock wall, i even said that i even built the wall first then made a lil tiny course with it and it "shouldn't even be called a map but more of an experiment...but my friends liked it so i posted it in case somebody else might like it too." (my near exact words) but listen, you and anybody else reading this. Please stop replying about matters concerned with:
    -the arguments and 'flaming' with me and other members
    -the multiple posts i've put up (i've corrected the problem and threw out a map pack and will post stuff within that now)

    I must say i came into forgehub WAY too defensively and misunderstood alot of opinions and such as attacks. I sincerely apologize. As i've said im new to online stuff such as forums and posting comments and all this stuff. I know inexperiance isn't a very good excuse, but i hope we can all just like, start on a clean slate, with no hard feelings or anything. again i apologize and understand that there is a difference between criticism and attacking and i was on the wrong side. -Stix227

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