Jumper: Expert Hello, and welcome to my brand new jumping map Jumper: Expert. Like one of my previous map, this map fills up the sky bubble giving you the full joy of a jumping map. Unlike other maps I have made, this one introduces new kinds of jumping, along with much, much harder ones. Not only will you need endurance to beat this, you will have to have skill. The map contains checkpoints throughout the map which will make it less annoying, in total there are 5 checkpoints. The map took about 5-6 hours to make and about 30-45 minutes to beat once making it. On to the screenshots, were i can explain the map and the jumps further. Im only going to explain unique jumps or jumps I want you to know. A basic overview, although due to the size of the map I could not fit all of it... I suppose you have to see it for yourself... [/URL] Here is the starting point, the checkpoints are merged into the blocks around the side. [/URL] After completing some simple jumps and a slide jump, you will have to complete some curve jumps which are pretty simple. [/URL] Once your done with those curve jumps, you will have to jump on some fins, followed by pallet jumping. They fall right when you touch them, so be a ninja and go fast! [/URL] After a man cannon jump and some simple jumps, you will face the turret jumping, hope you know how to do this. [/URL] After a dozen or two more jumps you will face this part. Honestly i think this is one of the hardest, so feel happy once you finish this. [/URL] After a trial of jumping you face my pole jumping! IF you have seen this is my previous map, this one is much harder... [/URL] Well once getting past my pole jumping, you will have to get over a great distance to get to your next part, using the fusion coil. [/URL] One of my favorite jumps, pretty simple to tell what to do, just jump quickly. [/URL] Close to the end, but not yet. One of the most annoying jumps, a light jump. From the wall jump on the red light, although its not that easy... While stand in front of the light, the kill ball blocks you from seeing it, you will find out if you get there... [/URL] Is it over!? No not yet. Once finishing some simple jumps after the kill ball. You face the final jump, which i placed a checkpoint at so you wont hate me... The jump is a double nade rocket jump. If you need further explaining on this just post... [/URL] Thats all and thanks for reading, please comment on what you think or if you need help post, or message me on XBL (Silver245) Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
I seriously will fail after the first jump. Damn, very nice forging. How exactly do you do the pole jumping?
First off, NICE jumping map, I as well am confused on how to "pole jump" but I'm sure i will figure it out how. Not many jumping maps incorporate new ideas such as pole jumping, unless pole jumping isn't new, then oh well. I'd give it a 9/10 because nothings perfect and there is always room for improvement. I have now constructive criticism for you.
This map looks super sweet. I really want to try this out! The turret jumping looks really intense. I would probably end on dieing on the 1st jump any ways. Good job from what I can see.
Thanks for the comments. Pole jumping isnt some kind of new jumping, but its a hard obstacle. You slip quite easily on them so i wouldnt stay on them to long. Since they are so close together, its hard to jump since you need to go a certain distance, meaning you cant jump too close or too far. Although i assure you that it is not easy.
to do the poll jumping you need to interlock the scaffoldings into the walls, make the polls stick out of the walls. hope this helps =)
So turret jumping is using the turret and the jumping? I made something on foundry then did that, I dont remember why or how?... very good. at first i just thought this was a stupid jump map, but you prove me WRONG. 9.5/10
Looks really difficult. It will be awesome to see if my jumping skills are as good as they once were. 5/5 Very Nice Map, Keep Forging!
Alright I just beat it! Next time... add more checkpoints! Most of the jumps were really fun, especially the one in the little valley where you jump from side to side. Some of the jumps got a little frustrating... Mostly the jumps onto the tips of the corner pieces. It took me a little while to figure out that the sender nodes were inside the starting block lol... But its the best jump map i've seen from you so far... i've only played like three of them though. If you decide to make another jump map (which i really hope you do) try to avoid doing the same jump multiple times. If we can do it once, we can do it again, ya know? I was happy to see new jumps in this map, such as the valley jump. I think the best jump maps use jumps that require some thinking, not just timing. You did well in that area. Once again, great map! Hope to see another soon!
I clearly said that the checkpoints were merged...lol what ever, glad to see you enjoyed it. The reason i reapeted some of the jumps was because...well... I am not the most creative guy in the world, i know that... I just cant find enough unique jumps to fill up enough of the map to make it hard, you know? And if i do repeat them i always try to make harder as you move through the map.
I was asking how to actually jump that. Anyone could make a scaffolding jump such as that. Gunner, you are god. Seriously, I would have screwed up on the first jump.
congratz YAY silver nice map i loves u rofl xD i gave him the turret jump idea and i love the little valley jump to also the last jump owns my souls also love ur jumps rofl and dont forget to both post our jump map were working on xD
Not the most original jumps i've seen. defineatly looks pretty nice though. can't say i like the merging of checkpoints like you did though. the concept is good, but make them slightly visible or put a marker or something. can't rate it but off of the pics and thats about a 7/10 (docked some for lack of originality)
This looks intense! It seems very challenging, especially considering the length of the entire course. I'm probably going to die dozens of times before I even make the first checkpoint, too... This is going to be one of my first DLs when my 360 gets back from repairs. Well done!
Sounds like a really good jumping map. I might actually download it. Compared to other jumping maps though I give this a 5/5 no doubt. Good luck on future maps.
Well, the last jump is a bit hard considering how good you are... As i said its a rocket nade jump, but what you have to do is... Throw a plasma nade in the air, wait until it lands onto the end of the platform meaning you must have good aim, then when it lands throw another plasma on it, then hit you rockets on it and jump! Its pretty simple though it may sound confusing... If you have ever seen those stunts videos where they throw plasmas in the air and throw another, then thats basically what it is.