Pray 4 Villians They pray for villians when their heros let them down. Pray 4 Villians Good Mourning v2 Description: Welcome to my 2nd map on Forge Hub. It is yet again another infection map where I got the starting idea from the movie Resident Evil. Basically the the humans spawn above the crypt and need to clear out the city at the bottom that had to be evacuated for some odd reason...stupid intro. There is a main pyramid in the middle with 2 shotguns in the main floor, 3 BR's on the second floor and a flamethrower with some equipment at the third floor. There is a sniper located at the top of the red and blue pyramid. A Spartan Laser is located at the completed blank pryamid and a rocket launcher located at the still underconstruction pyramid. The Main Pryamid Human spawn shute Blue Pryamid Red Pryamid Blank Finished Pryamid Under-Construction Pryamid Pryamid Entrance Stairs to the 2nd floor Third Floor Rooftop...if you do not move your guy while dropping as the human you will land in the tube. Looking Down Zombie Traits: (Alpha and Regular) Energy Sword 200% Damage Resistance with No Shields 200% Speed No Sensors. Last Man Standing has a waypoint at the end. Gets awarded 2 points. Next zombie is at Random Humans spawn with Battle Rifle and Assault Rifle Friendly fire is disabled 3 Rounds I am hoping people give this a chance and give feedback. Enjoy and thanks for reading.
hmm.. pyramid maps don't last long usually since there are so many of them out there. I will give it a try though. btw nice forging and stuff it looks very neat. oh and im kinda curious what the point of the unfinished pyramids are used for? are they just scenery?
I'll give it a shot, I have yet to try out a pyramid map anyway. Judging from the pictures, the forging appears to be pretty good, I dig it. It just looks a bit to open, but you'll never know till you try, it could be just right. The only thing I would personally be a bit unsure of is the weapon set for an infection game, seems a bit overpowering, but again, I'll need to try it out. Oh, and...DevilDriver =)
Looks very fun and the layout could be intersting because the zombies could attack from any direction. I'll give it a go and see what its like.
**** yeah DevilDriver. I would have put alot more stuff on the sides where its open I just ran out of room.
umm maybe im looking through this too quicly. the links are for two different maps, and the black friday one says i need a gametype (good mourning)? gimme a link to gametype!!!!!! these maps sound really cool i wanna try them out lol. dl'ed them both about to check out the first