Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Yep. God isn't a shoe lace, you doof.

  2. WBecci

    WBecci Ancient
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    Oh believe me I read that post, and I read the first post b/c of it, and then I read the last few pages because of that. Do not expect me to reread 180+ pages of posts, just to hear the same back and forth argument that has been going on for centuries.

    Also, you completely took the post out of context, if the entire purpose of this is to "debate" why not argue your point against mine? Just because I am just now joining the discussion does not mean I am oblivious to the subject matter. I am arguing unilaterally, I was raised in a very religious home, and I even attend a Baptist college in the bible belt (N.C.).

    The argument I am presenting is that Christianity, and religion in general, is established upon the basis that God is never wrong. If you pray and everything goes according to plan, God has heard you and answered your prayers. Following that same pattern, a rational person would blame God for "ignoring" them, however, people say God has a plan, but then why does he play favorites?

    I have always viewed religion as a coping mechanism, people need something to comfort them in their times of need, so they turn to God.
  3. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Says you.
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    It was a reply to Norlinsky... you should have read that before you posted:
    Now, you'll see what I was replying to.

    No. They're people who see things as a step by step process. They don't necessarily look in between the steps. It's like a rubric, as I stated before, with different parts, but don't have the necessary things in between. It's not ignorance, it just promotes ignorance.

    and since nobody can counter attack my response in an understandable way, then I'll just leave it at that.
    #1704 Monolith, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  5. WBecci

    WBecci Ancient
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    I stubbed my toe and got angry due to a neurological reaction in my brain.
  6. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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  7. ape man 117

    ape man 117 Ancient
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    Science is Gods eternal inside joke on man. 'nuff said
    #1707 ape man 117, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  8. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Science is a joke now is it sport? I could easily say:

    "God is an example of the memetic behavior of humans, further perpetuated by conformity of societal beliefs of humans throughout time".

    What's this? A theory supported by evidence? WOAH!

    You on the "Evolution or Creationism" thread.

    Start bringing up ACTUAL evidence. Pull that **** in off-topic, not here. You're being shockingly close-minded towards scientific ideas.
    #1708 Transhuman Plus, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    God made our bodies so he in fact made emotion. In the beginning, God made matter and atoms and molecules... everything! There's no other sensible explanation as to how the world even began from completely nothing.

    Atheists are too stubborn imo.
  10. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Christians are stubborn too! I even agreed with you on that one. Everyone is stubborn. Some act it more than others, but your stubborn if you reply back to everything anyone says. We are all stubborn in this thread. You can't win a debate and not be stubborn about it. It's not possible. I hope I showed my point.

    Also, why can't we all just take a step back into the average athiests shoes? Ok. You all keep saying "God created us and our emotions" or "God nuh nuh nuh". Well, you know us aethiests will dsagree with that immediatly. It's harder for aethiests to be in a christians shoes than it is for a christian to step into an aethiests shoes. Why? Think about it like this. Is it easier to carry a 200 pound box up the stairs or down. The answer is obviously down. It is easier to get something out of your mind then to put something in it. Some aethiests haven't read any of the bible. That info can't fly into their head. But christians only have to momentarily forget that stuff. If you step into an aethiests shoes, you have a different way of mind. Things in life will go how they will. You will live life. There is no precense of God near you (I find it creepy not comforting). You don't need to go to church and you look upon it as a silly practice. Pretty much, you have more time todo what life is meant for. Living it. Not worshipping a God when, in you christians mind, you'll eventually go to a better place to worship him more. To an aethiest, this sounds llike something of the greeks. Don't argue with what I said. Just step into an aethiests point of view.
  11. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Lovely, I'm a babbling idiot.
    And my oh my, I greatly apologize for responding to your post not directed at me. In all my time in this forum, I forgot we couldn't do that.
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Atheists and religious people are too stubborn. They all think they are correct and will not listen to reason.
  13. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    We're all stubborn. Do you Christians really think that you're going to put the fear of god into the atheists? Do you Atheists really think you're going to show the Christians "the truth"? Tsk tsk to you guys for thinking that you were actually going to change someones opinion.
  14. WBecci

    WBecci Ancient
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    I just like to debate, I dont give a **** who you get on your knees to please every day, law students ftw
  15. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    What works for you does not work for everyone; religion is not the magic cure that some people just ignore.

    When it comes to beliefs, things have to be what the person wants. That is why they are beliefs; there is no right or wrong. Do you know that any specific religion is absolutely true? No. You said that being with God is necessary for everyone; but not everyone sees it that way. Saying that what you believe is the only truth is arrogant and you're trampling over other people's beliefs.
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    This is a debate that has gone on for hundreds of years. Do you really think Forgehub will break a barrier? A site full of kids?

    Plus it's like a 1 - 5 post ratio! I post one response, then five atheists counterattack. It's really exhausting.

    So yeah, I'm going. Hope to see ya on some other part of this site!
    #1716 Monolith, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  17. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    Not in response to ER1C0

    I am a Scientific Atheist(I believe in Evolution, the Big Bang, and all that good stuff) because it seems a lot easier to have your own way of thinking than to have somebody try to rule your life. How many things point to a sole true religion? How many things disapprove of religion? How do you know which religion is correct?

    I won't say that religion is defiantly fake, I just strongly disagree with them all.

    I asked all my religious friends why they believed in a 'Superior Being', and they either had no idea, or they just said, "Because I want to"

    If you can show me proof that one, out of all the religions, is true, I will happily conform to your cult religion.

    One word:
  18. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    you think dinosaurs are the link between man and some other thing millions of years ago?

    how do you personally know that humans werent around all that time? you just believe what others tell you.
    There is something different between athiests and believers in God, believers have faith that comes from themselves and athiests have thoughts that other scientists have put into their minds. and when someone put something in your head and you dont have the capability to prove otherwise of the idea then you become ignorant and just hold onto that thought and dont have an open mind to other things.

    tell me, do you have faith in some scientific logic that is always changing?
    Believers have faith in God, who is never changing. we hold onto His word and no matter how much it gets put down and rejected, we still have this powerful faith that wont turn us away.
  19. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I don't think that was his point at all, but I guess we'll just wait for his answer.

    We know there were no humans because there are no human bones dating back to that time. ...
    Were you there when Noah built the ark?

    Ideas aren't "put" into people's minds; you have a choice to learn them or not. You can even try to disprove scientific findings; it's not a rigid set of facts that you can't question. Science's beauty is in it's willingness to admit it is fallible. We're human; we can be wrong sometimes.

    The underlined portion can be said for religion as well.

    It's not faith. Why is science so different from other subjects we learn in school? Would you have faith in math? History? English? No! That's just silly.

    You are entitled to think God's word is infallible. The problem is, you can never be perfectly sure that what you're believing is God's word.
  20. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    If you are implying that current lifeforms descended from common ancestors over the course of millions of years via the process of evolution, then yes. Humans, however, did not evolve from dinosaurs, we evolved from small tree-dwelling mammals that survived the mass extinction (Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event) at the end of the Cretaceous period (65 Ma) that wiped out the dinosaurs.

    The fossil record.

    There is absolutely no evidence to support the claim that humans and dinosaurs existed at the same time. Carbon dating of fossils indicate that dinosaurs went extinct 65 Ma during a mass extinction period. The "modern human" originated in east Africa about 200,000 years ago. Even Lucy, the fossilized hominin, is only about 3.2 Ma old. Humans and dinosaurs did not live at the same time.

    So let me get this straight: atheists have thoughts that other scientists have put in their heads. First, not all atheists are scientists and not all scientists are atheists. Secondly, where did you learn about God? I guarantee you that your first thoughts about how the world came to be were not attributing it to a divine entity. Your parents taught you about religion and your Bible told you what to believe. You believe because you had thoughts from other people (your church, your family, your friends, etc.) put in your head at a young age. You didn't know any better and why should you, you were only a child. I'm going to use the second part of your paragraph to counter your own argument

    Faith is not something recognized in science as it is not a quantifiable entity and therefore not relevant when conducting science. Science is always changing because we are constantly finding and discovering new facts. That is the purpose of science.
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