Download Lament Alright, Lament is a VERY small map made for a nice little 1v1 or 2v2. It has 1 main level and a tiny upper level. The main shape is a right angle. There is a back hallway that branches off, offering cover, a br, and alternate routes. I personally think that Lament is my best map to date, having most objects merged with the ground or interlocked with each other, it looks great, and gameplay is kick ass. Weapon List: Battle Rifle x 6 SMG x 4 Plasma Pistol x 1 Brute Shot x 2 (Still very balanced and not OP) Covenant Carbine x 2 Mauler x 1 NO VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT!!! Now for every body's favorite part: pics!!! A nice middle view off to one side: The way up: View to middle from minibase: View from other base into back hallway: Me in middle hallway: Also, thanks to n00bsk00lbus for helping out with the way to get up to the bases. And another thanks to Ja Red is Ninja for giving me the idea of fixing the walls in the upper level. That helped out beyond belief. And finally, thanks to the testers for their feedback and taking the time to play with me. Once again: Download Enjoy!
"I find your lack of pictures disturbing" - Darth Vader Haha. jk. I really like the look of the map. From what i can see at least. Im really really confused on the layout though because you didn't give me to many angles to work with. If you could put some more up that would be great. When i looked at the pictures, i went "ooh". Looks pretty good. Probably won't dl cause i have no space on my list but it looks well done. good work
Thanks, I'm working on getting an overview of the map, but I'm kind of lazy... I will though. Other than that, thanks for the feedback.
It looks like from the pictures that you only used a fourth of foundry? The aesthetics look cool, but there seem to be alot of jumping around going on in this map. Ill be back with a longer review.
This map looks alright from the pics you have put up, but i agree with the other guys that more pics are needed. Also you say there are no equipment but on the first 3 pictures there are powerups, anyway thats just nitpicking. The teleporters look quite cool as a small addition to the map. Good job 4/5
This looks like a great overall map. The aesthetics are great, but it still appears to play well. Very good job! I especially like the use of the tele-orange-lights. I have a question, though. Can you get back to where the Mauler spawns? It looks like you can't get up there due to lack it's position height-wise, and you can't stay up there because of lack of height. I'll see if this is there after I playtest.
Actually, less than a fourth Thanks, the teleporters were a last idea. As for the powerups, those are purely for aesthetics and you can't get to them or get them at all. You can in fact get up there. If anybody doesn't know how to do those, I could teach you. Just P.M. me