Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    1) This shiny article demands your attention. Why Science Can't Accept Miracles (Even if They Really Exist)

    5) Not really.. first of all the text that created the Bible said it landed on Ararat, and guess what, an anomaly on Ararat! I wonder if its called an anomaly to cover up for a boat..

    The fact that the text that claims it is from old history and has speculations that have minorly substantial evidence is different than a cheeto and Jesus. IT claims it to be one thing, not a guess. How many anomaly's are on Ararat?
  2. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    1) Allright.. I'll change my request once again. Give my anything that you could consider a miracle. I will do my best to tell you exactly why it is completely normal that it happened, and simple probability.
  3. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Well that's unfortunate. Probably should've read my post. It would have made you look less foolish.
  4. ape man 117

    ape man 117 Ancient
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    God is real and ALL powerful, the paradox if him making something he can't unmake means he is all powerful but that he can't unmake it makes him not all powerful I just like the fact that he has been around forever, he can easily sap all of satan's power and destroy all other demons forever, but he doesn't, why not you may say, then there would have never been sin, 99.999% of all living things wouldn't exist because sin would never have been introduced, halo would NEVER have been made and those of us thet would be around would be naked taking to god 24/7 in a little garden cramped together singing and we wouldn't even know it. Now hos that for a mental image?And why the heck did eve eat the dang apple , does this mean that satan knew she had a weaker mind so then if so males now have "proof" It all requires faith. All other religions except Christianity can be disproved, like Buddhism, the "fact" that "Buddha" made a bowl float upriver, IT GOT CAUGHT IN A DAMN EDDY!!!! And that when he was born his mother felt no pain, HIS HOMETOWN IS FAMOUS FOR ITS HALLUCINOGENS WHICH ALSO MAKE YOU FEEL NO PAIN!!!! All facts point to CHRISTIANITY which actually was started by people now that i think about it, Oh well I digress...
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I can't hear myself over the sound of how awesome that is. I didn't know if it was real or not for a bit.
  6. ape man 117

    ape man 117 Ancient
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    #1686 ape man 117, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  7. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I'll get back to this soon, I just finished a 19 page report and my birthday is coming up. I really have to relax, so don't worry. I'll get to you.

    I'm not trying to say that its infact Noah's Ark - however its the best guess, and its not a bad chance. Also, as far as I know, there was a group of Christian guys that went to go see the ark, and they were almost killed. The area around the Ararat Mountain is very controversial in terms of safety, and it belongs to the Armenians, not the Turkish.
  8. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Look I don't want to be the one to burst your bubble but the Ararat anomaly is only regarded by some Christians as the site of the Ark. Most Christians consider the Durupınar site as the site of the Ark.

    :\ Sorry. That kind of makes the story you just told a lie.

    Quote from wiki:

    "Fasold and the team measured the length of the formation 538 ft (164 m), close to the 300 cubits (157 m, 515 ft) of the Noah's Ark in the Bible if the Ancient Egyptian cubit of 20.6 inches (0.52 m) is used.[10][11] Fasold believed the team found the fossilized remains of the upper deck and that the original reed substructure had disappeared. In the nearby village of Kazan (formerly Arzap), so-called drogue (anchor) stones that they believed were once attached to the ark were investigated.
    After a few expeditions to the Durupınar site that included drillings and excavation in the 1990s, Fasold began to have doubts that the Durupınar formation was Noah's ark. He visited the site in September 1994 with Australian geologist Ian Plimer and concluded that the structure was not a boat.[11] He surmised that ancient peoples had erroneously believed the site was the ark.[11][12][13] In 1996 Fasold co-authored a paper with geologist Lorence Collins entitled "Bogus 'Noah's Ark' from Turkey Exposed as a Common Geologic Structure" which concluded that the boat-shaped formation was a curious upwelling of mud that merely resembled a boat.[13] In April 1997, during sworn testimony during an Australian court case, Fasold repeated his doubts and noted that he regarded the claim that Noah's ark had been found as "absolute BS"."

    But even the man who originally thought it was the Ark has since recanted.
  9. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    What a splendid idea! I'll go read the bible, now you can read:

    The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark - Carl Sagan
    The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
    On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

    By your reasoning because we haven't read the bible we don't "understand". I could equally state that because you haven't read a book about Natural Selection/ Evolution that you're ignorant of scientific ideas. I could easily claim I believe in any obscure religion and argue that because you haven't read my scripture that you can't debate it. We work with what knowledge we have, and try to be as open minded as possible.

    Did you even read that article? Did you just look at the title and think "this will be complementary to my argument". Hint: it's not.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Atheism is used solely for the purpose of explaining unknown ideas to humans or giving closure to those who need further explanation to life, or who don't have faith in a true God.

    People were unsure about God, so they decided to use science to explain things, when really God is behind science.

    You guys are way too materialistic. You make life like a rubric. You need explanations and scientific rules to abide by. However, you don't see the things in between. You don't see such unexplainable things as emotions, or feelings. How do you explain the craziness and beauty of love? Is it really as simple as some kind of chemical reaction?

    Why do you get scared when the lights turn off? You're afraid of the unknown so you take science and facts as a way to say, "God isn't real and if I can't explain him, then he must be fake."

    Sure, you could see it as the other way around, as Norlinsky has done, but that's really what I'm trying to get at.

    Neither side of the balance beam can be classified as true evidence.

    Yeah, you could say it's easier to take facts and science instead of religion, but what about the things in between the rules. You can't take the most important aspects of life and claim that's all you need. You need the things in between. You can't create a human if you just take the bones, skin, blood, etc. You need the life, the soul, the very living energy that was once created by God.

    Or as you might see it:

    The Human Element

    #1690 Monolith, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  11. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    There is no such thing as a 'Soul'.
    If we had a 'Soul' and it was the only thing we took too heaven, we would have no brain.
    Living but not thinking. Lacking emotions. An empty shell. There's a religious term that works perfectly for this such thing. Dead inside.
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Once again,
    you cannot explain it so you think it's unexplainable.

    this is the 1,800th post
    #1692 Monolith, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  13. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Atheism explains something? No, it's not a religion.

    I'd love to say God is behind science, but I have no reason to. Science isn't against you man, it just doesn't include God in the equation because there is no proof that he is needed. I do think there is a God behind science, but I have no reason to claim that I'm right beyond personal belief.

    What, so people who are scientific are robots without emotion? We're not reducing emotions to simply "Ah, it's just such and such reacting with this." It's just an explanation or a hypothesis to understand how things work. What's wrong with learning and thinking?

    Science isn't our teddy bear we hide behind when God comes up. Afraid of the unknown? Scientist and the like relish the unknown! And you're forgetting that some scientists are religious as well! HELLOOOOO :D

    Also, stop thinking that everyone is like you. Some people don't need religion in their lives, and some do. There is nothing wrong with either side.

    DO NOT say that people who don't have religion are IGNORANT or PUSHING AWAY God, because they just might not like religion. NOT EVERYONE believes the same thing, and I love it that we can all have our own separate beliefs. BUT when one person decides their beliefs are better, THAT is where I draw the line.
    #1693 EonsAgo, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  14. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    There is really nothing to prove god does or does not exist. and if you really think outside the box, you might realize that logic and deduction isnt necessarily correct either. there could be other dimensions etc that defy logic.
  15. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Nitrous, if you could edit this into the OP...

  16. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    my bad. forget what i said >.<
  17. WBecci

    WBecci Ancient
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    Here is my religion: I worship shoe laces, I go to Foot Locker every Thursday and ask them to forgive me for my sins, my entire life growing up I was told that shoe laces are omniscient and omnipotent. In the beginning the world was nothing, and then shoe laces made everything, how do I know this? I have faith in shoe laces. I was baptized in foot sweat at an age when I was too young to decide for myself what seem logical or illogical. If I have faith in shoe laces, and believe the stories the Foot Locker salesman tells me, I will live forever at their right side. Last year my aunt got sick, so I prayed to shoe laces to make her better. She died. Shoe laces has a plan for my aunt and now she lives with them and feels no pain. My other aunt had the same disease and survived, thanks be to shoe laces my prayers worked!

    Is my religion faulty?
  18. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    So True...

    But that 2012 thing? Mayans are crazy they don't know what they're talking about.

    Jesus will come down from Heaven and take all who believe in him to Heaven to live with him for 1,000 years; The Great Tribulation. During this period of time the Antichrist will rule earth for these 1,000 years, Then Jesus and all the Angels of heaven will destroy earth and God will create a new, Perfect World...

    "For God so loved the world, That he gave his one and only son, So that whomever believes in him shall not perish, But have eternal life
    --John 3:16"
  19. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    How is believing what the Mayans believed any crazier that the gibberish that you just spouted. Really. Reread what you just posted. The Mayans didn't think they were crazy either. Put yourself in somebody else's shoes for a moment and just listen to how bizarrely fictional that story sounds. If there were debate forums around in ancient Greece I'm sure people would've posted about the wrath of all mighty Zeus and his lightning bolts of judgment. Step outside of your upbringing and even the time period we live in and you should see that you can't throw stones at the Mayans or any other group through history that perpetuated a completely fabricated belief system. You are involved in the same process during our time.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    OK? lol..... I mean i get what ur saying by thinking we all go by knowledge. But thats not what I meant when i said read the bible. Just pick it up and read it for a few minuets, wont hurt :p Than you might find out why i say read the bible. :)

    not necessarily, You got to understand that the Christan belief has been around way before we can even think back in time our selves. the Mayans sure were smart, but like all of us, it takes time to find truth in life. when u were young, I'm sure in a point of time you thought something was this way, only to find out the truth is different than what u originally thought. for the Mayans, they thought the same way. Ideas were forming everywhere, so that they could try to have an answer to every thing in existence, like our selves for example. but thats the problem is that we make up to many things other than looking for it before we start. God has always been there, and its just up to you if you want to try him. and the funny thing is that everything i just said is what he him self has said way before i even believed in him. The bible just relates to everything in our lives in almost every single way. And when i found this out, it scared me lol. but better i know this now, cus i got me a good life now that i follow his way, over my own. Just goes to show that he is real :O

    Sure i get what Ur saying, but some of this that is said is not all that true. its not about whats better for someone, I'm all about what is true, and what is a necessary in life, such as being with god for your own feelings of love and your own good. Everyone cant just find that love for god that easy though, because you must make the decision your self too look for him and ask him with your heart that you now want to see what he has for you and show truth in what life is. god eves says that as well if you read the bible :) but of course like you said science is not against god, but is has and still is throwing off people when they Finlay start looking for truth. and tbh its sad when that happens, but that where people come in the aid to help others that are lost in life and who are questioning how there feeling should feel like about life it self.
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