Foundry The Beefie Express V1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Beefi, May 4, 2009.

  1. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    A few months ago i endevoured to make a map that could easily allow you move around the map in which you are in.
    This was the prototype for the Beefie Express.

    So this is the version one of my Beefie Express, this is only aesthetic and is only designed for for the idea's created by the map.

    There is not gametype for the map at the moment but soon i will be creating another infection gametype for this map with some minor variations to the structure of the station.

    Aim: To inspire a new form of inter-map travel

    Glitch's/Things to be fixed: I will be needing you to tell me these although i already know there is a glitch with the track that will be fixed in version 1.2

    Picture Time

    OverView of the track

    Station Entrance

    The ticket Booth

    Looking out from the train start point

    Now a man boarding the train

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    Ive done some work on the track so the teleporters are no longer ther, i have also used some of your suggestions and made both the custon powerup and the dumpster respawn faster.
    #1 Beefi, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    This looks pretty kool. I looked at it and immeadiatly thought of things to build a map around this. Im sure people will start using this a standard for certain types of maps sometime. Idk what of when those maps will appear and work but im sure it will happen. Things like this, new forge creations that people can incorporate in maps are awesome. 5/5
  3. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Wow! this is a great new idea that just adds more thoughts to forgers everywhere. So if im not mistaken you pick up the custom powerup and it launches the dumpster and you across the track? The only thing i would have to say is that you should have teh train go off at certain times and make it a train. It may be too complex, but its just a suggestion. And, if possible, a turn perhaps?? who knows the posibilities of forge
  4. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    you would be correct there, although the problem with a turn is that it would require more grav lifts and man cannons launch the dumpster too fast which causes you to fall off the end. A curve was my original plan but for the time being its just too difficult for me to do, maby it will be done at some point in the future
  5. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    I like the idea but it seems like you have more budget/items. Mabey you could build the station bigger by adding more terminals and you could also build some sort of lobby for people to wiat for there train at. Just some suggestions.
  6. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    i dunno, i dont really see whats so great about it, it really isnt a train, its kind of just a dumpster with a mancannon behind it, and the custom powerup just makes it move, nothing original in the mechanics, just a slightly different way to do it, sorry, there really isnt anything special with this map.

    Also, whats the glitch? You probably should mention things like that, and if it is how the dumpster moves, which is what im guessing, that is something that desperately needs to be fixed, otherwise it kind of defeats the purpose of the train
    #6 rewib65, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  7. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Sorry, the glitch is that because i had some trouble geolocking one of the doube boxes ito the ground the dumpster jumps slightly about half way along the track and occasionally knocks you off, i will fix it most likely tomorrow as i am going to bed now.
  8. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Interesting Concept, indeed. I can see a few uses for this type of switch, and I might just use it in a map. Maybe as a way to transport objective objects through a slit in a wall, to your teammates.

    Or maybe even as a "Weapon Trolley" to release a power weapon onto a map. I will DL as soon as possible, this is a cool switch.
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Awesome, I've been meaning to do something like this for an aesthetic mall, and have those moving walkways or whatever, but I'm too lazy to do something like that. I think you should have maybe made walls around the train path to give a train-effect, but hey this is better than what I could have made!

    I will dl this, good job.
  10. RidleyXX45

    RidleyXX45 Ancient
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    I can see a lot of work into this. I would have to paly the map myself, but it looks good. I give it 5/5. Great work.
  11. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
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    How do you not get killed by getting rammed by a dumpster? Or are you supposed to stand on it?
  12. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Your ment to stand on the train (dumpster) and pick up the custom power up, it then transports you across the tracks
  13. jaybo1996

    jaybo1996 Ancient
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    I can see me making an RB switch with this! Like a min/maxed RB.
  14. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Very nice job. I've been trying to figure out a way to do something like this for ages. I'll DL and edit in a better review.

    EDIT: All I can say is that it worked well, and it was fun. Try to make the dumpster respawn faster, and make the custom spawn after ten seconds. Also, try to make it less juttery. I know that this may be hard, bu try a fluid motion.
    #14 Meltyourtv, Jun 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2009
  15. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    yeah i know what you mean about it being juttery im gonna update a fixed versoin soon all i need to do is re-geomerge one of the boxes once thats don it should move fluently the two floating teleporters was a temporary fix for that ill do some work on it tonight and see if i can get it to move smoother

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