ooh. quite original. two things that seem to pop out at me are that the blue forum icon really kind of stands out in a monochromatic theme and that the big monitor in the center would look better without the circle behind it. its nice and simple and yet complex at the same time. good job.
I really like this theme. Your work with gradients is very good. I agree with Hari, though, that the monitor at the top shouldn't have a circle around it. It would also be nice to have a little more color as well... it is a bit on the bland side color-wise.
Its nice but a bit too colourless/dull. It would do better with more colour in it. Also the menu at the top takes up a bit too much space, on a full page site, those links would be huge, so while it looks nice, it isn't really practical.
K I will see what it looks like in another version, and I am colouring tonight. Hmmm... Ill see what I can do.
i think the monitor should have a circle around it but give it a glossy felling inside. Like a 3d circle glass feeling with the monitor inside. like this
Okay, for the 10890218391237th time, I said I am adding colour LATER. Like I said, I am not fully finished yet. I was planning on doing this too.
Dude. That's sick. Nice.. I just don't like banner too much... I don't like font... Just eh... But rest, is amazing.
Woah, I love it. I especially like that metallic theme. Although I'm not much of a fan of dark themes. I'm used to old school so it would be cool if the main color was white.
i prefere the dark themes but i have to say that this is an amazing first attempt i cant wait to see how this looks when your finished
Thanks guys expect my finished version some time this week, the reason for the delay is business and schoolwork, so yeah.
Really nice theme, I think that it is my favorite one, you should change the Forge Hub and the circle around the monitor
I think this is the best theme so far. It seems a bit colorless, but at the same time it has style. The only thing that bothers me is the text. I see it everywhere, but it's not that big of a deal, and it fits in nicely with the rest of the theme.