I figured I would post this here because a Halo 3 Armor Generator would be related to Halo 3. So anyway, I'll start with a simple description, then I'll give some picture and an annoying video, then all the way at the bottom is where you'll find the download link. Description: This project started out as an idea, and it grew to this great armor generator. What the program allows you to do is see what armor combinations would look like. Now I understand there are other things out there that allow you to do this, but this is far more advanced. I'll list what the program can do a little lower. What it can do: Randomly Generate either Spartan or Elite armor. Save Favorite armor. Track Players. Find Players. (Will Correct Capitalization of Gamertag) Randomly Generate Armor only. Randomly Generate Armor with shoulders even (if the left shoulder is generated as Mark VI, so will the right shoulder) Randomly Generate Colors. Randomly Generate Colors evenly. (Armor Primary and Armor Detail will Be Generated Same) Save Images of Generated armor. Create a BBCode link to the image and copy it to the clipboard, or it could be a regular URL.Example: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/PlayerModel.ashx?p1=0&p2=6&p3=0&p4=7&p5=8&p6=4&p7=19&p8=9 Example 2 http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/PlayerModel.ashx?p1=0&p2=6&p3=0&p4=7&p5=8&p6=4&p7=19&p8=9 Remain The Top Most window. (This means even if you click a window behind it it will still be in front, this is an option) Randomize Both Armor and Color. And much Much More! Pictures: Spoiler What it looks like when it loads: When you choose Elite: Bad Player Capitalization: Corrected Gamertag: Prompt to Track player: Outcome of tracking player: Prompt to name a Favorite: Outcome of Favorite being added: Viewing Favorite: Rename/Remove Favorite: Remove Favorite: Getting URL of image: Prompt to name the link: Random Color: Random Armor with Random Color: File in the menu bar: Settings in the menu bar: Youtube Video: YouTube - Armor Generator Video 2 (Download) DOWNLOAD Please note, there may be a few errors. If you find any errors, email me at: dernthany@yahoo.com Thanks
I'm afraid it might be a virus or something. Nice of you to make this, now I can fake that I have recon armor.
you don't just need to use this for making fake avatars. You could use it to customize your player models with armors you may not have yet while you aren't on the XBox so you can find a sweet design. It looks like it took alot of work. Great job.
Oh gotcha yea didnt think about that. Sorry if i sounded rude. But yea didnt think about using this to make like avatars and all thaqt stuff. Nice job.
I'll DL and check for a virus., I'll be the guinea pig. The only thing that would make this better would be if it could show what armour permutations certain players have actually unlocked (if that's possible).
It uses Bungie.net, that's why it lets you get a link to the pic. The are a few problems that people have encountered, such as it not finding the files. But there's a simple solution to that. I'll explain it when I have the time.
If the program has all them features then it trumps this, but most of them features arent really needed, but nice program, im sure it will help most the community! Halo 3 Player Model Generator by garbageman Im gonna download and check for viruses and let people know EDIT: I couldnt copy the command line so I screenied it, heres what avg 8.5 said... If you didnt understand that, Its clean You can always do your own scan with your antivirus just incase mine is wrong.. ;p
I could say something which makes this whole thing sounds pointless, but I tell that you took your time to make this, so I will say this. Well done, it looks very user friendly, and it could be useful because it is alot quicker than using Bungie.net or Halo 3. Even though, because of the not-so limitless variants of armour, most people wont neeed it for long before they have the armour combination that they like best. Suggestion: Try adding an area which tells people how to unlock that certain armour piece.
Well, I already knew it was clean, but thanks anyway I'm thinking of adding a web browser control to the program so people can see what their armor would look like on bungie.net. I don't know if I should though because it could lead to scammers.
People were doubting that it was legit... So you mean like arrows were they can click and check what it looks like??
No, a webbrowser control that takes them to their service record and when they change the armor on the generator, it will change on their service record, I've already tested it and it works fine. I'm just deciding whether I want to do it or not.
I tried to install and it said i required some sort of microsoft power pack or whatnot and told me to contact my administrator. I am the administrator.
Component .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 has failed to install with the following error message: "Incorrect function. " The following components failed to install: - .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
Did you download the .Net framework? I don't know why it would have any problems installing, you must have a shitty computer.
>.< blame it on the goddamn computer right? i clicked the setup and then it downloaded and then the setup ****ed up. my computer is very good. besides, that isnt the newest version of .NET framework. the only issue that there might be is that im using a custom OS that is part windows.