Monster Trucks Alright, this map is a monster truck map you ram into each other till you knock off the other person. or people. It really speaks for it self. [/URL] The Over view [/URL] Fighting [/URL] going down For video go to THIS to download go to THIS for gametype go to THIS
wow, there have been a lot of Monster Trucks like this. If you want many dowloads, you've gotta make it your own. Just look at my Monster Trucks maps: skyscraper and Monster Trucks DLX. They all have something different to offer. Sure the aesthetics are good here, but theres too many monster Trucks with good aesthetics (hundreds, at least), so it's not anything special. Sorry.
there has been many of these type of game now and there just getting old and not as fun but it seems you did a well job at making the map for creativity 1/5 for the map 3.5/5
I really do agree. Maybe remakes of monster trucks should be put to a halt now. I mean not as a bad review, but more as a "I seen this to many times" kind of review. Your map is neat and clean looking, but I'm almost positive that the game play is no different than the others. I guess i can just give you props on the map design, and as said the map looks like it could be fun for the new comers of monster trucks. The reason i say this is because all mongooses while on a not big enough platform kinda strays away the old guys in halo, and brings in the new younger generation players. 3/5 for the map, 2/5 for the gameplay. But you BETTER keep forging
ok im not going to stop forgeing, and sorry that theres alot of monster truck maps. i will try makeing a different thing next will try to get intouch when i do.