I hope you don't mind me posting this here, but here is the render from that stock you are trying to work with. I found that stock hard to work with as well, so I wen't with the stock. Planet Renders // Renders - Movie and TV Show Renders/Spiderman III Spoiler
His blade seems over sharpened, but the rest is okay. I don't really like the bright spot by his head, and whats that right next to him? The text is small and kinda hard for me to read, just cause its small. But its overall a good sig. However, I don't like it when borders are effected by the sig
Nice sig you got there, you're doing better eh bro. You got some decent effects down here, now what I want you to try out is blurring the gun on the left to add loads of depth, and maybe add text if you can. Nice concept you got here, but it seems a tad blurry, try sharpening it up.
Well I recently made a sig at my shop for HG BR king and I tried to make t depthy as possible. Do you think I progressed a little? Thanks Ice
you didn't really achieve a whole lot of depth, more than some I have to say. The text should be closer to the focal also. I do like the right side tho.
Interesting work, kinda plain, I would change up the font and maybe add more bulbous glossy effects in more places, also switch the 2 renders on the sides of the monitor around so that the red guy is on the left and the green guy is on the right, it will add a better flow with the eyes, because of the direction of their body movements.
Thanks for compliment . Also, no problem at all, let me know if you want any more CnC, oh BTW don't over do the gloss either, it can turn out bad with too much, keep it in some areas, anyways keep up the work.
mua haha. i guess im kind of relying on you for CNC on this now.....so in return, when you make yours, i can help you and CNC if you want.
K, nice, now just add the other renders, but make the green guy on the right and the red guy on the left, adds the flow remember? Oooh, nice work buddy, looks pretty good, try making a version of this without blurring your text, just so I can see what it looks like, but I like how you are achieving depth with that.