Sandbox Conker EVO

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by NOV3D, May 28, 2009.

  1. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    Conker EVO is a remake of a map in Conker Live & Reloaded
    For Maximum fun play the map with 10 people. Try to make the teams even in skill
    and if you could play the game type with the map it will make the game play unbelievably fun. :)

    Have you ever wished to find and play a map that is not just great looking but has unbelievable style. Well if so wish granted because Conker EVO
    was not just built for style but for non stop fun game play. Conker EVO was built by me NOV3D for one reason because I was tired of all these map that
    only had one thing to offer so that is why I built Conker EVO because it has every thing a gamer wants. It can keep you playing over and over again with
    out thinking twice about switching to another map. There is only a few reasons some people may not like this map like it can only hold up to 10 people do
    to lack of spawn points, not a large variety of weapons, and you can not survive without team work but those reason's should not stop you from
    downloading this map and loving it because this map has this to offer you like, EXPLOSIONS but in a controlled amount so that the map does no become
    a death pit, many ways to gain control of the map not just one like most map's, the ability to play any game type you want from infection to King of the
    Hill, the map is easy to get use to and not confusing... The list goes on forever so I am just going to skip to telling you about what the map's main game
    type is. It is CONKER EVO CTF which is all about forcing a team into submission and capturing there flag 3 times. Which is not easy it requires allot of
    team work. Note to every down loader MAKE SURE THE TEAM'S ARE EQUAL!Conker EVO was built after a map in the game Conker Live & Reloaded. So if you
    liked that game you will love this map.
    Just take a look at somethings that the map has to offer...


    Battle Rifle-4 Sentinel Beam-2

    Rocket Launchers-2 Machine gun Turret-4

    Flame Thrower-1 Frag Grenades-6

    Plasma Grenades-8 Spike Grenades-8

    Deplorable Shield-4 Bubble Shield-1

    Land Mine-1 Regenerate-1

    Over Shield-1 Camo-1

    Yeah, I know great selection write but weapons don't really show much about a map unless you show what those weapons can do...


    Or if your one for non violence. You could chill at the flag spawn...


    Or not...


    Lets take another look at non violence. Just so you can see how great it is with Violence.






    Nice looking but boring. So that's why I made sure that Conker EVO was full of EXPLOSION, FIRE FIGHTS, and JUST ALL OUT MAYHEM!


    Nice, it gets better...


    Your probably saying hell yeah it looks great but it looks like every one will
    end up like this...


    But if your team is good then the pic should look a little bit more like this..


    Don't think just because you have a great team...


    That they will not end up like this...


    Because maybe just maybe the other team has a better set up...


    Or just knows how to use the map to its max afect...




    But then again you could make the flag just Little bit hard to get...


    Or not...


    Well now that you have seen your gamer fantasy I think this is the next thing you will what to see.

    Conker EVO

    Conker EVO CTF

    If this map made your wish come true or if it just pissed you off please post so I can tell if I did or didn't do my job.
    Also please remember partial credit goes to the makers of the X-Box Game Conker Live & Reloaded.
    #1 NOV3D, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2009
  2. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Looks okay... but, don't ever post twice.
  3. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    This map is better suited as a casul map because the gameplay would really be shocking and too overpowering for a competitive map
  4. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    looks pretty good. The merging is decent and it looks like gameplay would be pretty good, my only complaint is that it might get alittle to one sided with it being aa giant tube. Other than that it looks great. 4/5
  5. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    You posted Conker EVO
    You posted Conker EVO
    Double Post!

    it looks pretty good, the circular doorways and long corridors remind me of the maw from halo 1. from the looks of it it would play great for CTF but there really isn't much cover in the hallways...
  6. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Not carrying on about the double post, (that's been taking care of) rather congratulate you on this beautiful piece. From the looks it holds some incredible games and should farewell in CTF/One-Flag.

    Lk GENTILE Ancient
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    I just DL, and I think this map is stunning from POV. This map is a keep for me. Game play is fun and fast paced, now where as that suits my taste, I do not think you would see it in matchmaking. Quick question, did you consider building this map on the main level (terrain level). I think if you would have done so you would have had more resources to work with, without losing the appeal the map brings. May want to think about a v2 one the main level, that way you could silence some of the game play critics.

    The forging looks superb, no negative comment on that.

    I would have not put in deployable cover, it might suit the map, but for the sake of keeping the map in consideration for die hard matchmakers DC does not work.

    I give the map 4/5. Beautiful, fun for customs, but lacks game play appeal.

    Peace, Gentile.
  8. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    I am glad that every one is liking the map and for the idea of building the map down below for a Conker EVO 2 I might just do that but add a crazy twist to it :)
  9. Echelons

    Echelons Ancient
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    looks like a good map but, I'll have to play on it first before I can really judge it... I'll probably do that tomorow
  10. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    :[ Easy break.

    -Grab OS + Trip Mine
    -Throw trip mine near OS spawn
    -jump away towards main level tunnel
    -*on top.

    In CTF you can now easily mozy on over to the other team's flag and drop down and pick it up.

    edit; added you on live to make an attempt to show you this, it's an easy fix if you haven't hit the OLN yet
    #10 DunkinMyCookies, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  11. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    I under stand that you can get on top of the map but I decided to allow that because it can take a player some time to get up there. So if a player tries to get up there. There team will be down a player for a little bit and that might give the other team the ability to take control of the map.

    PS: Sorry for the double post.
  12. The Trivial Prodigy

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  13. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    I am glad you think it is very Colorful but is there any other thing you like about it?
  14. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Well the colors caught my eye but i have more to say about the map. The map looks to be forged perfectly and awesomely i love the idea of this map there needs to be fast past explosive maps and games out there. The little rooms with the shields infront of them remind me of the jail cells in the halo ce mission truth and reconcilliation. Overall i think this map is going to give me and many others a couple hours of fun fast paced games and lots of explosions. i give the map a 9/10 and a dl the only thing i would change would be to add more cover to the map because it seems to be a little to fast paced although the deployable cover might prove to do that idk great job.

    oh and 10/10 for the post it was pretty amusing.
    #14 jakob hunter, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  15. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    I am glad you enjoined it. :) For the cover issue I have it like that because it makes it to were you have to have allot of team work to win.

    PS: I am was looking at some of your maps they look pretty good I am going to download a few.
  16. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    I downloaded this map a while ago and loved it, for the most part. It could just be the brightness on my TV but It alot easier to see when the lights were moved on top of the wall-roof thing. Also the flamethrower in the middle was hardly ever used because it is pretty close ranged compared to the other weapons, and it's slow. And my last complaint is that the DC respawn in wayy too long. From what I remember it's like 2 mins? Now I understand that you have 4 of them, but with the covers and the single bubble shield being the only real cover on the map that is way too long and I would suggest reducing it to 60-90 secs.

    Overall 4.5/5 and a keeper, Also I agree with everyone above on making a V2 on the main level. There you would have more budget to maby make the hallway longer, and add more cover.
  17. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    I am happy you enjoined the map. :)
    For the color problem I am fixing that for conker EVO 2.0
    Which is going great :)
    The flamethrower on the other hand was put on such a slow respawn because if your team could get it down to the enemies side of the hall it could be used to trap the enemies in there base for a couple of seconds.
    Which is enough time to grab the flag and run like hell. :)

    PS: Thank for the rate.
  18. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
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    This map was very very cool. I laughed when I saw the turrets had a respawn time of 30, it's total carnage. I made a couple changes to it, because I noticed there was almost no weapons whatsoever on this map. The aforementioned Battle Rifles were no where to be found. So here is what I did.

    I erased two Spike Grenades from each side, and added a Brute Shot (45 sec) and a Carbine (20 sec) to each side. Then I moved all the lights to the underside of the map. It's not as "jesus christ I can't see anything" bright whenever a shiny object is onscreen.

    I also reduced the spawn times on the Rockets and Snipers, because it's a very dry game when there's nothing but Assault Rifles for almost two minutes at a time. The Sentinel Beams were a nice touch too btw, really makes it refreshingly different from Matchmaking when these odd weapons are featured.
  19. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    I am very happy to see more and more people liking the map. :)
    For the switching of the weapons what ever works for you I have no problem with that. :)

    What did you think of the CTF game?
  20. Gremlins

    Gremlins Ancient
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    I am definately DL'ing this.
    I loved this map on Conker! And it looks really great on Halo3.

    I'm so glad to see this made :)

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