ALEPH SIX Aleph Six is a medium-small symmetrical map. The map uses a revolutionary respawn system (See for your self. I'm not ruining the surprise!) and has plenty of interlocking. A.S. Works with TS, Bomb, Flag, Oddball, and KOTH. The other gametypes just wouldn't work well. Nao, the pictures! Overview: Sword Spawn in map center: Spiker Elbow: Another Overview: Overview 3: "The Hill"+ Spiker Elbow Map center second view: Remember, everything is completely symmetrical, down to the last grenade. Weapon list: Sword x1, 150 sec Br x2, 30 sec Spiker x4, 30 sec Plasma Rifle x2, 45 sec SMG x2, 45 sec Plasma Grenade x6, 10 sec Download Aleph Six!
From what I can see in the screens it looks pretty good. Smooth and nicely forged. 4\5 Would be nice to have an overview from another angle tho.
I really like the looks of this map. It looks very clean and the layout looks well planned out. I already downloaded before I posted. So far though it looks good and I can already tell it'll play good too.
5/5 Looks like a very good and playable map. Like the previous comment though i would put another overview picture so people can have a better look at the map. Also one thing I would change/add is put something on the 'hills' where there is a set of 4 ramps going up and a set of two ramp going up so there would be a purpose in that place, otherwise no one is going to go there. My thoughts on mapmaking, "Every part of a map was made for a reason, whether it is made for a base, for tactical advantage, for a shorter route, or for weapon placement." But that's just my view on the issue. Excluding that this is a 5/5 map AND proof that a map doesn't need to be completely interlocked to be a hit or have good asthetics. I_Aaronator_I
Well about the "Hills," There is a SMG and a pair Plasma grenades. Thank you everyone for the comments; and I'll add another over view later today (can't use the Xbox right now.)
Ok, that's one reason you need the extra pictures though. Definitly feature worthy. Still a 5/5. Good luck on future maps. You future in making them looks bright.
Not to burst your bubble, but feature worth would bring it a little to far. The map looks good dont get me wrong, but you barley used any items from what I can see. You could add alot more to the map. Not just cover, but more walkways and more structures aswell. It's a great start, I would like to see a V2 of this. Happy Forging.
Alright, I added 3 new pictures. And P1B, I used quite a bit of items, and the map is far bigger than it looks in the pictures. And this isn't supposed to be a large map, I think it's size fits it very well.
Kool new screenies. I love the layout, would make for some interesting battles. The only suggestion I would make is; the bits where youve used walls to fill in gaps, it would be much better to interlock some blocks to fill the space, for aesthetic reasons and to prevent bumps and grenades getting stuck. Other than that, Gr8 map. Qued for DL.
A nice map you got going here, but the 2 interlocked y intersects have been used to much imo, and not that original. other then that, the map layout is fresh and smooth. 7/10
I'll fix the wall thing and come up with a more original aesthetic structure to replace the four interlocked Y-Inter sections in V2 (Aleph 7.)
Hows,that? Did you even play on it? No offense, but thats stretching it pretty far. From far away, it looks pretty sweet, but up close, its quite sloppy. No you dont have to interlock the whole map but the floors and stuff would just look better if they were. Also, the walls used to fill in the gaps between blocks and ramps and such... I dont like that. Now as far as gameplay goes, I think it would be sweet if you added something on the high towers, just high enough to shoot over and then maybe put walls on the hill to block the powerful line of sight from the towers. Also maybe add something to the long walkway that goes straight down the middle. This is just my opinion, so take it or leave it. Clean it up a little and you would have a solid map. The weapon choice and setting seem fine it just hurts the eyes to see those walls filling the gaps.
xX-Executioner-Xx Appearance- 1.2-Center Piece game play- 1.2-Home Sweat Home Originality- 0.4-Unique presentation- 0.3-Boring Over all= 3/5 Good looking map but there were some big problems and one main one was your weapons choices for Exp the sword. The sword in your map is placed in the center. So you would think it was a great weapon of choice but it is not. My team died the most when Wielding the Sword. All I am trying to say is maybe switch the weapon placement up a bit and your map will come to life.