Sandbox Extinction

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MASTER016, May 24, 2009.

  1. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Description:A battle feild left from the ancient fight of spartan life were 2 teams face of for glory of the ancient ruins 8-12 players

    GameTypes: Team Slayer,CTF,and Assault (use BR's at start)

    Bubble sheilds=2/180
    Power Drains=2/180
    Plasma Nades=18
    Active Camo/180

    Action Shots:

    Please Download
    Extinction Link

    Thanks To the testers:You by cat
    Makisupa 007
    Monster Reeder
    RGC Timentwa09
    cc REAPER cc
    I am RedSpade
    L337 W4LRU5
    TrAgEdY LuVz U
    And anyone i missed Thanks​
    #1 MASTER016, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  2. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    wow just wow. I love how this map looks and feels. The snipe towers look sick, as do the bases. But my favorite part is the bridge. You can count on me downloading but tell me, is there a weapon spawn on top of the bridge or is the mauler, on the bottom, the only weapon at the bridge?
    Nevermind haha rocket spawn right.
    #2 Urban Myth, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  3. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is a Rocket on Top of the bridge and the mauler is under the bridge
  4. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I already have given this one a download, and it is very cool. I was a bit confused at first on which way the symmetry went, however. The bases seem a little off sometimes as far as being aligned, but still good nonetheless. The Geomerging in the map seemed very difficult to do, and this is perfect for BTB.
  5. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    ooohh, the map looks elaborate in aesthetics, and the bases are cool looking, with almost a "foreunner" type look to it. you used all of sandbox's open space and there is plenty of cover, good job.

  6. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    Thanks,for telling me what to fix i will fix it in the v2 because i was rushing alittle bit because i will not be on for a while from today u will have to show me when i get back what should be changed or fixed
  7. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    first impressions:
    wow interesting map.
    this has a semi-u-neek layout with the bridge in the middle 2 bases on either side, 2 towers and a few sniper areas.
    if i can my eyes still see right it seems to me like in your first picture that the br tower floor isnt straight. but then again it could just be an optical illusion.
    i generally don't "review" competitive maps but since you asked i spose ill do it.

    sniper towers:
    these guys look fantastic. i love your new twist on them with the top part. i have not seen this done before and it looks very cool!

    BR towers:
    eh... they just seem like floating blocks... nothing extremely special here. that doesnt take anything away from the whole map, i just think you could have made them look a little bit better.... maybe try what CC Pybus did with the whole "cliff base" (heres the link to see what it looks like:

    the bases:
    they look pretty cool. i've seen the tube thing done before but oh well. one concern here is couldn't players just get spawn camped? from what i can tell they spawn by the red or blue pillars. if the opposing team had control over the bridge couldn't they freshly spawned player easily get killed? i mean this could all be changed with you moving the spawn points BEHIND/on the ground of the original spawn place (if they are already there grats ill shut up now)

    the bridge:
    i like the fact that you added a dividing piece in the whole middle. from what i see it looks very clean and well done. might want to move maulers out from under the bridge for players might camp the mauler spawn and be semi-hard to kill. but i could see this not being a huge problem since you could just frag him to death.

    this map seems generally very nice, the merging and all. I will have to give this a 4/5 right now. It will probably change when i get a chance to play it, since it is very hard to tell just from pictures.
    #7 FryTheSly, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  8. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    This is one of the greatest looking maps on the main floor of Sandbox. It's not the MOST original layout, but I love the map nonetheless. That bridge is my favorite bridge on Sandbox, coming second only to 'Bridgeon'. I forgotten that map maker, but I would really reccommend checking it out.

    I would REALLY recommend Geo merging ramps up to the sniper towers, as it would be more aesthetically pleasing and smoother. GT: OhNoez64 I'd be happy to help you with that =D
  9. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    When i was testing the map i really didnt see any spawn camping ,Also i will work on the asthetics alittle more with the v2 and i might need some help i will send u a Fr when i get online again thanks for all the feedback guys i will take everything into consideration.
  10. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    Nice map mastero. I think this looks like by far one of your best creations. I like the design of the bases. This map has a very nice balance of cover. The two little out posts on the sides with the sand look really nicely done as well. I hope that this map goes far in the hub, good luck!
  11. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    welllllll lets just say i have red rings :(
    im screwed for another 2 weeks... sorry man.

    but i did play it today with a group of 6 at my friends and we found a moderate problem with spawn camping

    here are 5 easy steps to own the sh!t out of the other team. (we only had 5 points against us in a 50 point game)

    1. Get sniper/BR/Rocket
    2. Control the bridge
    3. Pick up other sniper so we have 2 people with them
    4. Wait for opposing team to spawn
    5. Keep doing this until 50 kills or everyone leaves your game due to frustraiton.
    maybe we are just super stars, but it was easy once we got that bridge

    ***easily fixed by placing them on the ground of sandbox***

    thats all i have to say right now. still a solid map. 4/5 :)
  12. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    That would be the problem but that has only happened when u have uneven teams going against each other and since u had less people than reccommended it was easier for u to take over the map do to less people trying to take over the map which is why i had it for 4v4 up to 6v6 but thanks i will try to do everthing possible to try and fix the problem when i get my 360 back(i am grounded :(

    Also what do u mean place it on the ground of sandbox
    #12 MASTER016, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  13. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    yah that is very true. haha me and my 2 team mates were realy good and the other 3 were only descent

    haha grats on getting grounded!

    what i mean is put them behind the tubes on the main level of sanbox
  14. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Which weapons should be moved the snipers or the Rockets because i am a little confused at the moment and Which tubes on the main level should they be moved to
  15. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    i normally dont post on maps, but you requested i do so, so i shall.

    First off, the layout was very nice, with structures that stood out. When Play testing some problems with people going out of the map and sniping out there, however, when a full party joined and a 'objective' was present, that wasn't a problem. Other then that i couldnt say more. I left a little after Assault, and kinda forgot some stuff, however this is a very nice map, and you guys showed check it out :)
  16. Qweezy

    Qweezy Ancient
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    .........WOW. Props bro, you nailed it. This map looks amazing. I can tell you spent plenty of time on this map. I can see this map going into matchmaking. I really like the sniper tower except why wouldnt you put the sniper spawn inside of the sniper tower? but anyways i really like it. really unique towers and structures. congrats.
  17. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    i didnt put the snipers in the sniper towers because i would be setting people up to kill everyone so i put it in the bases so they can make there own decisions on were to go for there strategy at the beggining
  18. Qweezy

    Qweezy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh i see. good thinking. i like your style
  19. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Wow quite an awesome competitive map if you ask me. Inverted symmetrical map FTW. You did a great job including actual sandbox terrain in your map with those sniper towers. Those BR towers are very creative. Once up there you have an incredible view of the outskirts of the map. However people can easily sneak up behind you if you aren't careful.

    One thing that bothered me was that someone could grab mauler and get a few easy kills by camping in either side of the bridge. This could be countered by including another opening to the bridge that allows players to sneak up on the camper. Overall that is my only complaint. You've made a pretty epic maps for us Master016.

    Exceeds Expectations
  20. SomeOneinaHat

    SomeOneinaHat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off, I was glad you showed me this map and I'm sorry for not posting it for you when you gave me the chance.

    Any who... I love the unique symmetry that this map has that works well to supply flow to the rest of the map. Not to mention finally adding a reason for people to actually go out to the sides of Sandbox. The forging is phenomenal as is the gameplay... you EARN...

    A Gold Star *twinkle*

    Like Valhalla
    #20 SomeOneinaHat, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009

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