Hey this is a Turf map I made and yes I know that someone just now got theirs on Bungie Favorites... but I made it before the new Bungie Favorites. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=80379338
I find that this map is a very accurate remake of turf (my favorite Halo 2 map next to Coagulation). The one thing I noticed that was missing was the back ledge next to the "garage" but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you hit the object limit before getting to that part. Other than that, I see no major problems. A well-earned 6/7
Actually the garage is there i forgot to show that but i do have a youtube video that will be posted by tomarrow if you would like to see it.
Great accurate remake, unfortunately i hate turf, but im convinced that those who do like turf will love this.
No, I saw the garage in the overview. What I didn't see was the ledge that ran along the wall next to the garage, across the street from the building on the corner
Wow. I really loved Turf in Halo 2, and this seems like an accurate remake. The scarab looks fairly good, and the overall layout seems true to the original. Can you still go into a couple of those buildings? Anyway, I love the map. It looks awesome. Great job! 8/10.
maybe you should think about including some pictures of the original map for others who havent actually seen the original but i must say this is a great remake good job
ya you can go in the buildings like you know the spot where you can break the window to go in a small room with stairs and a window on top? i made that also.
aundre glad to see that you posted this and great post for a first post. This is a really nice map and im glad to have been a part of watching it grow and help you out on the scarab but great map really close to the original 5/5.
xX-Executioner-Xx Appearance- 1.4-Work Of Art game play- 1.2-Home Sweat Home Originality- 0.3-Resource presentation- 0.4-Entertaining Over all= 3/5 I do like the idea to remake this map its just I did not really get the good old feel for it the map. It feels alto more craped then the original turf but you did do a great job at placing all the items and rebuilding the scenery.
well reason why i had more things on the map, is that where the warthog was, i made the hallway too wide so i made it kind of crammed you know?
Great remake and I can definatley see the similarities. Amazing job. Most remakes are usually smaller and more crunched in but this one actually looks like it expanded.
I was able to get out of this map by grenade jumping onto a wall then grenade jumping off the wall to the top of the map...you may want to fix that
which one? can you add me and show? New Update On It If You Can Get Out Of The Map Please Message Me.