Hello, my GT ai Exquisitered24 but you can call me Derrik. I"m not new to Halo and I'm pretty good. I'm not very exsperienced in map making, only have made a couple maps. I'm intrested in how to make name tags, you know like on avalanche or blackout, not sure what they're called. I"m friendly, I'm only 13 but I don't look sound or act like it. Add me if you like.
Hey Derrik, im not the oldest either. Its k , Welcome to forgehub, just be sure to read the rules before you start to post, just so you dont get infracted, and you can go to the graphics and arts forum to get a nice new sig, there are lots of experienced sig makers there. hope to see you around. edit: o and... inb4ice <3
Yes the rules are very important so be sure to read them because the Mods can be...something i'd rather not say. But have a great time
You're thirteen and might pass for fifteen. I'm fourteen and have passed for 19/20. Grow a mustache and it instantly adds 4 or 5 years on. It doesn't even have to be a big mustache, just a little dark stretch of hair. That'll do. Anyone who posts about my mustache shall be struck down by my mustache lazors.