kk, I know it needs halo, but any comments suggestions ect are welcome. This is the first time I did anything like this so yeah...
I would totally use this skin. I love simple styles, and you proved what I perfect simple style is. Why is the customer sevice monitor a different color then the rest?
Edges are a little rough. I like it a lot, but it just doesn't go with the site. Looks more like a blog.
Now thinking about it, I do agree with you about the forge monitor interupting the whole theme of the skin. I still think there is something that can be added to enhance the skin all together. Wait, what about instead of a background of blue, make it a screenshot of a map. Perhaps one that is really beautiful with grass and water. Perhaps Vahalla? I can't imagine what it would look at. If you still have the psd do you think you could do that?
wow...I didn't think it was anything too fancy...I even thought that Hells was kidding when he said it was great.
I like it and I would totally use it, but like you said it does need a little more Halo. Suggestion: Maybe a monitor logo indents into the banner, like an imprint, impression, or stamp?
I am wondering if you could enhance the colors of foundry, perhaps adding a gradient map. I don't think forgers want to look at epitaph on a forging website. Don't you think that is a bad map to represent forging?
FYI, just experimented with a monitor in the heading...Not working...Well, I really want to keep the bg a plain color, makes it easier for lion heart as he has explained in the thread.
I love ur idea comofo, try doing that ice. maybe to the right of the verticle line. To make it look like the shape of the monitor is "cutout" or "stamped" from the banner. I bet sometime of a downward emboss can get you that. I am guessing downward pillow emboss should do it...
I really like it. Nice job There are two things that I don't like: - Change the icon from monitor to something else...make the icon look obvious that it indicates something. Because with the monitor, it's a little too hard to tell because of the colors I guess. - Black and White would look way better
I asked around and they said as long as it was enough to recreate the rest of the forums with it was ok. Since that theme repeats itself thats all I had to do