This is Patchwork, a map I've been working on since Sandbox came out, and my first Sandbox map post. I designed it specifically for team doubles. It's set up for Slayer, Oddball, Capture the Flag, and King of the Hill. Alright here are the pictures. Overview of the map. Red team spawns on the left side, Blue team on the right. Red team spawn. Blue team spawn. Top tower. A shotgun is leaning against the wall. The walkway going under tower. Well...that's it. I'm tired and I can't think of anything else to write. Oh and I don't have any friends online so I haven't been able to test the gameplay. I've tested the spawns and they all work perfectly. So if anyone wants to test it with me right now, join my game. My GT is southpaw0004. I want to get a couple slayer games in and a capture the flag game. Weapons list: BR x6 Shotgun x1 Mauler x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Power Drain x1 Bubble Shield x1 Download:
action shots it would give me a better feel for the map ,but from the pics it looks good but kind of plain just looking at it though
u could have some more/better weapons on it rather than just a shotgun basically but the map i think looks fun for 3v3 slayer or ball
If I put rockets or a sniper on a map this size it would basically turn into spawn killing. The shotgun doesn't allow that. And like it said in the description its made for team doubles
Well, it certainly looks amazing. However, the gameplay may not work as expected. Firstly, the shotgun doesn't seem to have a purpose. The map seems centered around BR fights and long range combat, not CQB fighting. I have taken into account the fact it is a 2v2 map, that's why I'm saying it seems spread out nicely. But the rest of the map seems quite nice, the different terrains provide a unique experience, and the corners keep you looking at your radar, expecting an attack. Nice job, man. I don't mind the look of it. 7/10. Keep on Forging!