The End is Near 12.21.12

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Asthetik, Apr 30, 2009.



  1. This is Bull

    53 vote(s)
  2. Im Not Convinced

    6 vote(s)
  3. This is Interesting

    12 vote(s)
  4. OMG totall believer

    7 vote(s)
  1. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    If many people commit suicide believing this too be true, I'd laugh at them.
  2. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    In soviet world, 12/21/12 ends on you!
  3. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    In Soviet Russia, people say, "Out of Soviet Russia, ".
  4. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    I agree people worry to much about it who knows it could be tomorrow but is it maybe no-one knows so why waste time of your life worrying about the end of the world and do something with it like who knows kill a cow, or something and by my beliefs Jesus will come again and have people that lived good lives on is right and people that lived bad lives will be placed on is left, people who lived good lives will go to heaven and people who lived bad lives will go to hell. That is why its called "judgement day".
  5. XxHG Br K1ngxX

    XxHG Br K1ngxX Ancient
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    DUUDE, I wantz ta be an act0r.

    On a serious note. I don't understand how thousands of years ago, a groupd of people making a calendar could tell us the end of the world. If a Christian looks at this, the only one that knows the end of the world is God, if scientists look at this, well they are stupid seeing as the fact that noone knows!

    Not any human can tell the exact date of the "End of the World" so how could a group? They can't, I really hate myths, with a passion that is.
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    On 2012 the Earth will be in exact alignment with the sun and the center of the milky way, ironic... No... The Mayans knew about this, this event only happens every 25800 years... Just watch the video... Something will happen, and It does not seem like it will be a minor event.
  7. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    watch the video. about one minute in it says that the mayan calender thing had seperate rings to predict solar/lunar eclpses etc. it says it predicted the coming of "white skinned bearded gods". you're telling me that a few spinning rocks with faces on them could tell them beardy blokes with pointy sticks were coming? i honestly can't believe they would add an extra ring, just incase some goatee'd gods came along to kill them.

    and aslo the people in the video ar all like "i'm some guy with 5 minutes of training in this particular area and based on a documentary i just watched i think the inside of teh world is gonna flip upside town and be all like "boom!" and teh asplosions even!!!!1!!"
  8. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Don't be ignorant, those are scientists, something is going to happen. Weather it's a natural event or a God-Like event, I believe something will change, weather it be big or small.
  9. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    It's been established that just because someone is a scientist doesn't mean every word they say is true. He watched the video. He's not ignorant, and your stifling his opinion.
  10. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    I say screw scientists and their "scientology" only God knows whats going to happen not us humans because scientists think they know everything and the Mayan you guys are talking about an ancient tribe that were probably way out of their heads and making crap up but who knows.... NOT US! damn scientist blasphemers.
  11. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Because savage, indigenous people that would offer human hearts to gods and junkies know more than we do today. Bullshit. Prophecies can be bet and twisted so that they come true. If the Mayans are correct about the alignment, that's all that will happened. It has happened 160,000 times before.
  12. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Just because someone is a scientist does not mean they are in any way affiliated with the church of scientology.
    Unless by scientology you meant "things having to do with science"
  13. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    So... That does not mean something did not happen. It could be that the earth simply stops rotating for 5 days or maybe the earth tilts sideways... Science is backing this up...
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Tbh being an actual scientist and being affiliated with Scientology are mutually exclusive, but I get your point. I hope your last point isn't correct though, people confusing Scientology and actual science is lolably sadface.
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Did you watch the video? The last time the poles switched was MILLIONS of years ago. The last alignment was 25800 years ago. I fail to see a connection.
  16. cortinator

    cortinator Ancient
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    And if they were to be able to predict the "end of the world", why couldn't they predict their own collapse?
  17. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    I know that and yes things that have to do with science and why complain about the end of the world I believe that on the last day Jesus will return to Earth and judge us all on the way we lived life. So if you lived a bad life of crime or something like that you have less of a chance to go to heaven but if you live a good life like helping people, giving money to the poor, etc, etc you will have more of a chance to go to heaven and people who say that God could be the Devil, and the Devil could be God, no thats wrong.
  18. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    First, Use Spellcheck. I can't take you seriously when you spell worse than
    an 8 year old.

    Second, I didn't watch your videos as I've seen enough 2012 videos
    already and I don't want to waste another 5 Hours.

    Third, I believe in 2012 but not what everyone thinks is going to happen.
    I believe that something is going to happen but I seriously doubt the world
    is going to explode or flood or something like that ... Zombies???
    I believe the world will change possibly for the worst or the better.

    There are a lot of theories, if they can be called that, on 2012 most
    involving Doomsday and I don't believe any of them. Recently I did hear an
    interesting one, as some of you may know the Sun has Solar Flares and
    they can disrupt Satellite Signals for short periods of time. Well in 2012 the
    Sun reaches its Solar Maximus, when it is Brightest and Closest to the
    Earth and its Solar Flares may have the Power to Disable or Destroy
    Satellites world wide rendering communication and internet useless.

    Flawed and found on the Space Channel but it is still cool.
  19. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Because the end of the world can be predicted... If you see an asteroid heading towards Earth 50 light years away that's already a prediction that could happen. But it's impossible to tell when you are going to collapse unless you can see the future which is impossible.
  20. V

    V Ancient
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    So you're saying the Mayans knew about some asteroid then? Some ungodly distance away? That's what you'd have to be implying for this argument to be valid here. And how could this not hold true for the collapse of a society? For example, say some society elects a poor leader. People have their doubts and some predict that it won't last. Poor decisions are made, conspiracy arises, and the whole situation falls to mass chaos. The results are a society destroyed; predictions were right. Let's get real now the Mayans were smart; however, they are not THAT smart. We are assuming at this point that the Mayans made a multi-thousand year long hypothesis that still magically holds true today, and will stay true 'til the day it happens. For your point on asteroids, yes we can see an asteroid many light years away and predict its trajectory based on many factors as well as past experiences. But these are still predictions, most of which can be proven false in just days of careful study. And above that, there are plenty of other variables that can throw off the trajectory of said asteroid, thus rendering said predictions false. My point is this, there are far too many variables in the uncontrolled enviornment of this world to make a successful prediction that would hold true for thousands of years.
    #80 V, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009

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