Hi, i am Boorom, this is my last name and this is what most people call me.I came here because a friend begged and begged and begged me to join *cough*SmartAle13*cough*. i am 13, curse my september birthday. i am in the 8th grade, and i like Football, i dont play in a leugue but i love to play it with friends (GO PHILIDELPHIA EAGLES!) i live in New York. i hope to make many friends even though i am mainly on halo3mythbusters. i will probably not post a picture of myself until a later date so right now youll have to be happy with my text. I hope to have a great time, Boorom.
Hello, and welcome to the forums. Be sure to read the rules, and obey them. Trust me, they make your stay here more delightful. Hope to see you around some time.