Team Slayer

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XxHG Br K1ngxX, May 27, 2009.

  1. XxHG Br K1ngxX

    XxHG Br K1ngxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I need three people who can help me get to a 47-49, or maybe a 50, by tomorrow night. I have a lot of exp, yes, but I know someone can get their 50 with a lot of EXP, it'll just take a crap load of wins, and I want a team who could possibly help me get a crap load of wins.

    So if you wouldn't mind playing with me, just send me a friend request on FGU Reaper CO, or send me a message, or reply, or something, I don't know, seriously, if ya wanna help, thanks, if not... ok? Thanks anyways.

    Edit: My team slayer is currently a 45 btw:p (With 1 win as a 45)

    Also Edit: I am going out for a little while, if you want to play, just send a friend request to me and I'll get back with you when I get back in.
    #1 XxHG Br K1ngxX, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  2. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Not only will posting here not get you any helpers/recruits, it creates another unnecessary thread on the board. If you need help reaching a 50 in team slayer, i suggest you either a-get some friends to help or b-post somewhere that is designed for recruiting etc. ive seen these threads before and they dont usually get replies. sorry if i was too harsh.
  3. XxHG Br K1ngxX

    XxHG Br K1ngxX Ancient
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    A. Don't you think I have tried to get Help from my friends.
    B. Isn't Halo Discussion normally "Halo Discussion".

    Which to be quite frank, the "recruiting new people" kind of made you sound like you didn't know what you are talking about.

    I asked for help on HALO, which is, indeed, Halo Discussion worthy.

    Now seriously, I don't know why you had to post that, but that wasn't really what I was looking for towards the ... "Oh I could help" kind of answer, that was more towards the "Shut up and quit posting here" kind of answer, which is, in fact, harsh...
  4. natu

    natu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll try to help you out.

    Gt: his br skills
  5. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not attacking you, so try to avoid flaming me. This board is for Halo discussion, i.e. talking about the game, not asking for help. You would probably find a larger number of people to play with if you actually posted on a forum intended for finding people to play with, like, say, the Classifieds forum: http://

    You should find the help you need without having an offtopic thread full of posts telling you to go to the right forum.

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