YouTube - Funniest sexual abuse ad EVER I actually found that EXTREMELY disturbing, as opposed to the title, "Funniest sexual abuse ad EVER." What about you? (Although I must admit some parts were funny; just the way the kid phrased it...) Watch the whole video.
not funny at all. WTF. I cant see anything in there except the "HE touched my *****" part in there that would make only retards laugh. lololololol he said something that is not highly accepted by the society lololololol fail
I loled at the last part -.- I actually found it pretty strange this video, it was either designed for little children to know whats happening if this was happening to them or it was a pisstake, I found it pretty funny when he threw the paint over him and the little kid were like, he touched my *****!
That is pretty sad accually, i meen, imagin if it was you? how would you feel if you were raped by an old man in his workshop.
Well being raped by an old man would be really creepy, and that's just weird, I don't really find it funny, more sad that this actually kinda happens.
I lol'd at the comment the video is ****ing disturbing...although i can see why people would find it funny.
For the question you asked.. I didn't find it very funny, up untill the kid said "and then he touched my *****" and his expression.
And then... Mr. Macky touched my pe... *****. LOL. Sad and funny, and the last part of the comment, "Dont be so touchy, people" Made me lol even moar.