The ODST squad "Blue Team" was escorting a UNSC convoy through the Tsavo Badlands when they were ambushed by Covenant forces. Luckily Black Theorem and Blue, from the Forge Hub Photographers, were able to capture this battle. In memory of those who fought during this battle: TOY Recon EpicFishFingers KG l Assassin Black Remedy SYN Nestik OwnedByT0m MeNaCe x TIGER Smeagleton ABigScaryBear00 TumescentTurtle Spoiler This was originally supposed to be one single screenshot that I had envisioned a while back. However, everything did not go as planned. It was hard to get enough people for the original screenshot and it was even harder to control the ones that were already in the party. When it came time to finally take the screenshot, a lot of the timing was off and it was hard to get angles and such. Instead of taking the original screenshot, me and Thereom just took a whole bunch of screenshots and made this a "screenshot session." Although these may not be the best, I still wanted to share them with you guys. Special thanks to everyone who helped.
Wow. Very unique shots. Last one is the best. I've never seen staged and action shots combined so well! 5/5 for all.
Even though you stated that it didn't go as planned I still think you guys got a good set of screenshots. Unfortunately I wasn't available but I'll make sure I will be next time if we ever do it again. Great Set of screenshots guys!
Wow they all look great and cinematic, trusst me I know i just saw Terminator Salvation a few hours ago. They look more like action then staged though since it looks like this was a real game
Since when can ODST pick up missle pods? Most of these are really nice, I like the 9th and the last one. It really looks like the hornet is about to crash land, I love the explosions in the 9th one, looks like an air strike.
Thanks guys. The last one I found by accident. and rifte, these are Spartans wearing ODST heads. EDIT: Owait, if you meant "can ODSTs pick up missile pods?" then..... no. :]
Yeah, many people would just not listen to you guys' directions. But I think that we got a good bunch of screenshots, I hope in being a part of many more of these, very productive. Overall, I like them all. The second to last and last ones are my favorite. I was in the scorpion btw :happy:.
Menace, you are definitely on me and Theorem's list for people to include in future projects, seeing as you were one of the few who listened and sat still throughout the entire process. Credit for the last two goes to Theorem. The Hornet shot was really a hidden gem amongst this whole session and I'm really glad he found it. Hopefully we can do more of these, along with other FH Photographers, in the future.
Hey guys, if you'd like I'd love to be involved in a screenshot game! Send me a message on Xbox Live sometime if you want me to come! I'm online quite a bit!! =)
Well, these are sexy. No joke, they all look good. The whole set looks like an ODST advertisement (A good advertisement)
why is there a rogue guy in this lol pretty nice tho 4.5/5 overall, last and fourth and fifth were the best.
He's too cool to be an ODST. The 4th and 5th were mine. As you can see, me and Theorem have similar yet different styles. Any ideas for a new staged set of screenshots? I'm open to all ideas, no matter how far out or difficult they may be.
Chrstphr, if you mean the warthog and hornet one, it's on my share, slot 15. Others from here are there too.
This is a nice set! I love the sense of teamwork and connection. I'd love to join in on any future projects.