SURVIVAL!- New Infection GameType Preview!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasmy, May 25, 2009.

  1. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    Hearts beating, walking across the cold ground to the safe area. You pick up your weapons of choice and lay down a couple of trip mines. You find your spot with you and your team. After a minute that felt like an eternity, you hear their screeches and roars. You turn around to see the Horde running out at your with nothing in their minds but ripping you all to pieces. You blow a couple off with a shotgun. You stop for a second as you here a small growl. And at that moment when you decide to turn around, a Hunter jumps on you with tremendous force, blow after blow he lays on you. Finally, one of the others knocks him off and blows him to bits with a shotgun blast. As he is grinning at your astonished face, a long tongue grabs him and pulls him into a dark corner. You turn around it to see a smoker mauling your friend. Your instincts kick in and you take a quick shot and put it into the Smoker's head. A minute has gone by, you are starting to run low on ammo, every body's tired and worn. You then hear a moaning sound, your thinking this cannot be good. Just then, hot, smelly vile is poured on you by the Boomer. It runs off as all of the Horde is alerted by it's stench. You and your team get completely destroyed. You all laugh as you re-enter the pre-game lobby. Talking about the last game, this is SURVIVAL!

    I bet you guys loved that long story huh? No.. You can't really puke, and you don't have a 100ft long tongue. But this is something that you will enjoy.

    I was getting off of L4D's Survival Mode one day in April. And it came to me just like that. Why not remake the L4D Survival mode and put it into Halo 3? So I did just that. I took myself into Forge and designed a broken down Cabin. This is the first level of SURVIVAL!


    You are the only 4 left. When you start out as a Survivor, you will be out and away from the main point of the map. But don't worry, you will have precisely 60 seconds to get moving and set up before they come. After 45 seconds have gone by, it will get darker and lights will turn on, warning of near Infected. Get moving to the Cabin. Once you get to the Cabin scout out EVERY room in there to look for useful weapons, preferably Shotguns and Spikers. There are 4 trip mines, 1 for each Survivor. Lay them down in a perimeter that surrounds where you will be camping at. When the infected walk over it's all over for them! Find some molotovs(FireBombs) and use them to your advantage. Team work is the key for the Survivors. Always watch each others backs and find a spot to where there is only one or two ways an Infected can get to you. This will ensure a longer survival time. Conserve ammunition. If you run out you will have to go and search for more ammo. Which usually ends up with the Survivors being slaughtered and mauled by Infected Hands.


    You are hungry for Human Flesh, ready to get what you want at ANY cost. Being the infected is very fun and exciting in SURVIVAL! Infected stop at nothing to destroy the Survivors and have a little fun while doing so. When you start as an Infected, you will be up on a floor in the sky bubble. You will wait there for a minute to let the Survivors set up and prepare for your attacks. After one minute has gone by, bridges will spawn and take you to the "Tele-Floor". The Tele-Floor consists of 5 different Teleporters allowing Infected to come from different points in the map. Humans have alot of health, but their shields can't recharge. It will take around 20-27 hits from an Infected to kill one survivor. But if you work together, it can be done very quickly and it also depends on the difficulty your playing. There are many holes in the roof that can help suprise attacks and to get a quick kill by hitting from behind. There is more than JUST the common Infected..


    Partly camoed, black, higher jumper, more damage and more health. The Hunter is truly a boss zombie to be reckoned with. Hunters have the ability to leap great distances and to spots where no other infected player may venture to. A hunters main job is to spit up a team and hit from behind. Being partially camoed and black armor colored helps you blend in with your environment, making you one of the most deadliest Infected to be messed with. A hunters weakness is when the humans are in a tight, roofed spot. The only way to get them would be to go in like a common infected, which usually ends up being destroyed by the Survivors Shotgun shells.


    All those Malbaros really did hurt you in the long run huh? The smoker is the only Special Infected that has the ability to hit from a good range, making the Smoker probably the most annoying one of the bunch. Smoker will have a Sentinel Beam(Tongue). Smokers will most likely get on the rooftop and hit you through the holes. It is best to keep you hidden from it to avoid a slow but painful death. Smokers have the Health of a common infected, that is why you should never rush into the survivors unless every other Infected is jumping them. Smokers and Hunters work great together, get them to devise a plan to destory the Survivors.


    Big Boy aren't you? Those Moon Pies did some serious damage on you. The boomer has a really quick but deadly job in SURVIVAL! The boomer is equipped with a Flare(Vile). When the Boomer sees a potential victim(s), it will unleash the Flare that will blind the Survivors. That is the others' chance to rush in a pull a quick slaughter off. The Boomer is incredibly weak and should be careful when walking around survivors. Boomers can only puke once, so make it count! Just like the Smokers, if you can, get on the RoofTop and Puke on them from above.


    A special infected that I designed myself. The shielder is the best chance a zombie being shot at has to survive. The shielders job is to help allied Infected in protection. If the Shielder senses that the others are in trouble, the Shielder will throw down it's shield to protect other Infected. Also making the humans miss a couple of shots and waste ammo. Another great thing to do is to throw down a shield over the Survivors. Making them come out, or just giving your faction a chance to set up an attack.

    That wraps it up for now. Content will be updated when ever new things come in. Everybody spread the word! SURVIVAL! has already gotten some great reviews from a couple of Top Hubbers here. SURVIVAL! is not released yet, the date for release is June 8th. Cabin Fever, the first level, will not be the only one...Hint...

    DLC packs will be released for SURVIVAL! Including things from new weapons, levels, and event to new Special Infected!


    Watch one of the smaller testing matches here: YouTube - Halo 3 Sandbox Forged Map- SURVIVAL! :viral:


    ~reserved for future content!~

    Reserved for future things
    #1 Plasmy, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  2. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    The video looked very well forged, I think I can see some interlocking but I am not possitive... On the parts with the double walls going up at an angle I would interlock a small wedge into it so that it is easier to walk up, I know it is a small thing but say a hunter is going to run away from a human to come back later then they could die from that small thing. For the shielders, one thing you might consider is to give them a deployable cover. The reason for this is because the place that you and your friend camped at, a zombie could put a bubble shield in that general area and that would be game over, with the deployable cover it gives the humans more of a chance.
  3. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    Good idea for the Shielder. Next testing session I will take that into consideration
  4. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    alright cool, if you could, invite me to the testing session? Just give me like a day in advance or even just a few hours in advance. I don't have a mic but I can just listen through the tv. Another thing that you could do, is give like 2 regens in an open area for a med pack, just make sure it is risk=reward kind of thing if that makes sense. My GT is Kilamanjara14 in case you do consider inviting me.

    EDIT: Btw, I am making this one town map which might be good for this gametype. You would have to do all the spawn stuff and what not but it is looking pretty good so far. It has a warehouse, office complex, small neighborhood, and I am going to create a gas station, possibly a parking garage, and a broken down watch tower if I still have enough items.
    #4 kilamanjara14izback, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  5. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    I think if you added in regens to where the humans spawn (for medpacks), and if you gave the shielder a deployable cover it would work. But what about the tank? You should add that in. Give him a overshield and a gravity hammer.
  6. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    The Tank will probably be in a Future Level. I did not want 5 different boss infected at one time. Because in the game there are 2 hunters and 2 smokers.
  7. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    When is your next testing session gonna be?
  8. Ghost717

    Ghost717 Ancient
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    you should post this idea in the L4D Remakes thread it will be very helpful in deciding an official gametype for L4D. It would be cool if you could contribute to it. heres a link : L4D
  9. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You blow them off with your shotgun? Sounds more like a porno to me. Jks aside, ive been waiting for somone to make survival and the map looks good from the screenshots!
  10. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    hahaha, ewww... but yeah, shotguns do some dirty work.

    Thanks for the good comment, there will be future levels for this game.
  11. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    I really would like to like give you the map and host abilities of my map I am making and let you set up all the zombie stuff. I would probably make a L4D type and then a regular zombie type for those who don't like the whole L4D thing.
  12. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    I will have to take that into consideration. This finally got put onto the Surival Remake thread. Finally it will get more attention
  13. LOS Shadow

    LOS Shadow Ancient
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    love to help test

    sks shadow sks
  14. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks shadow

    The map release date is July 7, 2009!

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