This is as simple as it gets, well unless you don't have a camera. Simply post pictures or a picture of your room/gaming setup, whether it be both or either or. There was once a thread of this kind a long time ago with the same intentions, yet I'm sure there's a plethora of people who have never witnessed this thread, along with the fact that thread was last posted on over a year ago, so I took the honors of creating a new one, so we can all see how each others rooms and setups look like. Please limit the comments in this thread about other people's rooms/gaming setup's unless you already have posted yours. Now below are some pictures of my room, the pictures are updated from what they were in the original post. Tv/Entertainment Center Drums/Guitar/Stereo Bed Computer/Electronic drums
Here is my gaming room, I am getting one of my TV's upgraded to a 50" soon enough. (No that's not me ) Got some posters on mah wall. Got two of these, they got pretty sexy built in speakers.
Wow agamer your room is empty, and you haz a computer in your room! no fair. ill post what use to be mine tomorow wow grif yours is awesome how old are you guys? if your kids you must be spoiled...i wish i was
I'll post my 53' and shitty Insignia in a minute. EDIT: 53' television that my brother was playing L4D on and yes, that IS my pink controller. This Insignia is horrible.. Lags and turns off every 10 minutes. That iTouch probably is faster. :[
Let's see, I'm turning 16 this Saturday, for any of you who are wondering why my bed is so high, I'm approximately 6'5, and my room is about the size of a two car garage, if not bigger.
Overview of the TV and where I keep the systems... the PS2 is gone now, but I'm too lazy to take another pic
Yessir, I do. Been getting into painting lately but I mostly do charcoal pencil. I just got a painting back from our school's Art Fest so I can post it if you want.
So I may ring up my hoes. Whilst my tiger punching pen stares them down. He's the true pimp in this situation.