Sandbox MLG River V.3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by lieutenantnasty, May 26, 2009.

  1. lieutenantnasty

    lieutenantnasty Ancient
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    MLG River is a fast paced map.Great for TS,CTF,and KOTH.River has a symmetrical layout.There are two bases across from each other.There are fore bridges that cross the map all parallel to each other,two for each base.There is a tower in the middle that has fore ways to get on the top,you can jump from the high bridges or take a lift from the low bridges.In the middle of the tower is a custom witch can only be reached by the high bridges.KOTH is probably one of the best gametypes to play.I placed a hill on each base and one at the bottom in the middle.I made the hill in the middle small because of all the cover.I wanted players to be forced out of the hill to take cover.When forging this stage for mlg I had the map in mind not just the weapons.River forces players to keep moving,to stay on ther guard,and work with there team.Dont knock on it till you try it. Recommended players is 6 or more.

    BR x 10
    Carbine x 4
    PP x 2
    Sniper x 2
    Mauler x 2
    Rocket x 1
    Sticky x 4
    Frag x 4
    Custom x 1

    red corner
    rad base
    low bridge and high bridge red side
    download at : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 lieutenantnasty, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  2. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good although could you maybe make a larger description so we know what we are downloading and how it plays. Also im pretty sure you took those pics off of your tv when you can just take them in game and then embed them onto your post. I will find a tutorial for you after im done typeing this post. Also youve put like every power weapon on one map. You might want to tone that down a bit since you dont want one team getting overpowered. But the map itself looks good and well forged.

    -ok heres the link for embedding pics into your post. good luck and may the force be with you.
    #2 Duckman620, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  3. sonofnight94

    sonofnight94 Ancient
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    I only see two maybe three power weapons on the map, according to the list.... I dont see how three is the equivalent to all...........

    In regards to the map, I dont really see anything overly great about the map. It's not a bad map, by any means. It just doesn't have anything that screams 'Play me, I'm fun!'

  4. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    No offense, but why'd you tak pictures with a camera? Disconnected from Live or something? Anyway, your shots are too close up, and I can't see much. Therefor, I cannot give you the best review I can. Anyway, from what I CAN tell from the overview, the map looks just a little too open on the lower area. Maybe add some more cover. I also suggest you remove 1 PP and 1 Mauler each, so there aren't too many power weapons. Nice job on the layout, though.
  5. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    People on Forgehub need to realise that although a review like that is semi-lengthly, it's still considered spam/ a bad review because you're trying to review the map solely on screenshots. Take the time to download or at least look at the map in game before you post something like this next time.

    Now I personally thought the map looked fined when I viewed it. I have some concerns with it though, mainly the neatness of the object placement. Much of the placement makes the map rough or uneven, and some parts of the walking surface cause the player to shift up or down. I also believe that some additional cover should be added to the main floor level, because if I'm trying to escape a BR I won't be able to in this map without reaching some difficulty.
    #5 Master Debayter, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  6. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    did you not notice this is an mlg map. Therefore having two snipers, two maulers, custom powerup, and a rocket launcher is considered having every power weapon on the map.
  7. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Did you not notice that MLG the pit is the same? It's still in the rules. It's not bad as long it still plays well, and obviously they wouldn't be on the map if it wasn't what he wanted.

    I'd like to see a few more pictures and your is a bit blurry. I'll try to get some feedback on the map bud.
  8. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well this isnt the pit this map is a lot more open and so it might not be to good to have two snipers and rather just have a neutral sniper somewhere in the center of the map. And i would download to see if it plays well but i dont have my xbox right now so im just giving him feedback from what i can see. So im just trying to help the guy out from the knowledge i have. And is it really nessacary to mock me, grow up.

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