Okay, i have the iPod Touch 2G 16gb. My OS on my computer is Vista Home Premium. How would i go about jailbreaking my itouch?
very carefully...no just do a google search and it should tell you. although i wouldn't recommned it because you'll void any warranty you've put on it (includes the automatic 1 year warranty)
Go to google and look up Quickfreedom. Easy user-friendly way to jailbreak 2g ipod touch. Im not sure but I think there are some different steps you have to do to jailbreak with vista. I have windows on the computer I used to jailbreak my ipod touch.
I jailbroke mine, but when I try to add apps from the net (as in drag them from my app bar in itunes to my ipod) it wont let me then when I sync it to transfer them over that way, it says my ipod is not verified.. any ideas?
jailbreaking doesn't break your warranty, unless you're an idiot and go into the Apple Store and tell them your name, address, and home phone number then show them your jailbroken touch. If you restore, they'll never know. Sarge, Connect your iPod then click on it's icon in the list. Go to the Apps tab Check Sync Applications, selected applications: then click the ones you want and click on apply/sync. If that doesn't work, try switching back to the other option and trying it, then try the same thing again. If that doesn't work, restore is always an option, make sure you don't go from a back-up, because some jailbroken things will stay on, such as numeric battery. Really, any help can be found on ipodtouchfans.com, but make sure your questions aren't stupid otherwise they will get ridiculed. As for cracked (free) apps or ROMs, PM me (shhh)
Does anyone know an app like this for nokia n95 (s60v3) other than rompatcher/secman because ive been looking for a jailbreakesque app for n95 ;p
Well for those just telling him to google it thats not exactly as helpfull as possible. You could google it for him. Google the word Quickpwn. Honestly the chances of a waranty ever being needed are very slim and there are several ways to reset it and apple has absolutely no way of knowing if you ever jailbroke it or not. As for SargentSarcasm. I would guess you most likely got the wrong version of a jailbreak program. I would simply restore it and try again. It worked for my friend who's problem sounds exactly the same.
I used both QuickPWN and Redstorm they resulted in the same problem. QuickPWN even stopped at a certain step... really I think its a problem with itunes or something, because before I couldnt add legit apps either before doing something, which I forgot how to do.
Did you tell iTunes to not recognize you itouch so it won't connect to your itoch durring the jailbreak process.
Jailbreaking is basically removing inhibitors placed by itunes on an itouch/iphone that prevent it from downloading applications and other files not authorized by itunes and made available on itunes. Basicaly it stops you frome getting awsome free apps, music, movies, backgrounds and themes that were created by organizations that want to give their apps away for free and not have to pay apple to do it.