Ruins- A Simple map made for a simple reason, having fun. The secret i have included is hidden and i think you might like it. *Please note for anyone who does not yet know, I realized the map is not modded, the towers are blocked. I have completed the editing on this and it is now complete. Enjoy. Weapons- *BR *Brute Shot *Missile Pod *Sniper *Needler *Shotgun *Flamethrower *Beam Rifle *Mauler *Spartan laser *Plasma Rifle Vehicles- *Mongoose *Warthog *Banshee *Wraith *Scorpion *Ghost *Chopper *Prowler Pictures- 1 2 3 1-Red Base & Spawn 2-Battle Ground & Bases 1 + 2 (Middle) 3-Blue Base (Front) 4-Blue Base (Back) Download
Your post is not up to standards. At least one embedded picture must be include in your post. I suggest checking the rules before you post next time. You've also posted a map containing modded content, which is also strictly against the rules and will result in an infraction. Ok, nevermind that part, and I'm glad to see you get your pictures up.
Pictures I'm sorry, even if you apologize for having no pictures, you must still add at least three or this thread will be locked in 24 Hours. Welcome to Forgehub. To see how to get pictures, click on the link in the second spoiler in my sig.
Modded Content is forbidden on ForgeHub. Learn the rules before posting such a map/screen shot/gametype. Requesting Lock* edit; now blocking the towers is a lot different than modding the map. this is acceptable, next time just say so cause by not adding pics already nobody can see what you have done.
welcome to forgehub dude, you need screenshots or youre gonna get locked a good place to get them is also, every fifth sandbox map is named ruins, if you wanna get noticed, get original
I see you are new here.I also see you have not been reading any of the forum fules.Your post is not up to standards.Please embed you pictures and do not post modded content.As stated before.Modded content will result in an infraction.
thank you everyone for the tips. sorry not reading rules. this is only one map and i knew the mod that was on it. can i remove this thread or no?
I'm sure a few people already asked for it to get locked. Just next time, read the guide on how to post a map.
Welcome to forgehub, I understand that you didn't read the rules, cuz I definitely didn't read them when I was new, but you should. But can I just ask out of curiosity, how is it modded??
OK could the author specify how this map is so called "modded" this involves you running the map through a program to alter the maps main desighn. If you as stated above just blocked off towers thats is not modded. As long as you did everythin in forge mode your fine. Also please stop telling him to embed screenshots its already been said several times and if this is a modded map it is going to get locked either way. If your map is modded might want to check first then you should PM a moderator in or someone with blue text name and ask them to lock your own they may let this slide if you apologise and turn yourself in, so to speak. Also this doesnt help the newcommer what so ever. You cant give a map a 1/5 for accidentaly saying it was modded. Also how is insulting someone going to fix anything. Your aproach to this problem was inapropriate.
A little about me okay apparently this isnt modded so here is the story. i downloaded this map and considering the towers didnt work, i thought they were modded (it was a canvas map). thank you for clearing up the situation there is another map i have it will be here soon. thank you
please remove the "modded" part, as you didnt mod this. The towers were blocked off fairly. also, i removed the link initially, because you stated that its modded. To keep this thread active, please add pictures and re-add the link. Otherwise it'll get locked and/or deleted.